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Israelology The Missing link in Systematic Theology.

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1 Israelology The Missing link in Systematic Theology

2 Dispensationalism: System of theology based on a literal interpretation of the bible that views the world as a household run by God dispensing its affairs according to His will, in various stages of revelation in the process of time. These various stages mark off the distinguishably different economies; these economies are the dispensations, which are usually seven.

3 Therefore a dispensation is from two points of view God’s and man’s God’s viewpoint it is a Revelation, Evaluation, Determination Man’s viewpoint it is a Faithfulness, Accountability, Responsibility

4 Dispensations of God have both Primary and Secondary characteristics Primary are two Rule of God (Authority) Responsibility of the subjects of God (Submission) Secondary are three Test, Evaluation success or Failure Determination reward or judgment

5 The Tenants Dispensationalism The consistent distinction between Israel and the Church The consistent usage of a literal hermeneutic The ultimate purposes of God are Doxological (His Glory)

6 The Salvation of Dispensationalism The requirement for salvation in every age is by Grace through faith The object of faith in every age is God The content of faith changes in the various dispensations The basis of faith in every age is the sacrifice of Christ

7 The Eschatology of Dispensationalism Premillennial Literal Hermeneutic Israel is Israel The Church is the church The Rapture of the Church A literal Kingdom age on earth with a very strong Jewish emphasis

8 The Israelology of Dispensationalism

9 The Israelology of Dispensationalism Israel PastIsrael PresentIsrael future

10 Israel Past 1. Israel the Chosen People

11 Israel Past 1. Israel the Chosen People With the call of Abraham the Jews became God’s chosen people, this is referred to as National Election.

12 Israel Past 1. Israel the Chosen People With the call of Abraham the Jews became God’s chosen people, this is referred to as National Election. 2. Unconditional Covenants

13 Israel Past 1. Israel the Chosen People With the call of Abraham the Jews became God’s chosen people, this is referred to as National Election. 2. Unconditional Covenants a. Abrahamic Covenant

14 Israel Past 1. Israel the Chosen People With the call of Abraham the Jews became God’s chosen people, this is referred to as National Election. 2. Unconditional Covenants a. Abrahamic Covenant b. Palestinian Covenant

15 Israel Past 1. Israel the Chosen People With the call of Abraham the Jews became God’s chosen people, this is referred to as National Election. 2. Unconditional Covenants a. Abrahamic Covenant b. Palestinian Covenant c. Davidic Covenant

16 Israel Past 1. Israel the Chosen People With the call of Abraham the Jews became God’s chosen people, this is referred to as National Election. 2. Unconditional Covenants a. Abrahamic Covenant b. Palestinian Covenant c. Davidic Covenant d. New Covenant

17 Israel Past 1. Israel the Chosen People With the call of Abraham the Jews became God’s chosen people, this is referred to as National Election. 2. Unconditional Covenants a. Abrahamic Covenant b. Palestinian Covenant c. Davidic Covenant d. New Covenant e. Summary God made seven eternal promises to Israel

18 Israel Past 1. Israel the Chosen People With the call of Abraham the Jews became God’s chosen people, this is referred to as National Election. 2. Unconditional Covenants a. Abrahamic Covenant b. Palestinian Covenant c. Davidic Covenant d. New Covenant e. Summary God made seven eternal promises to Israel Eternal Nation

19 Israel Past 1. Israel the Chosen People With the call of Abraham the Jews became God’s chosen people, this is referred to as National Election. 2. Unconditional Covenants a. Abrahamic Covenant b. Palestinian Covenant c. Davidic Covenant d. New Covenant e. Summary God made seven eternal promises to Israel Eternal Nation Eternal Land

20 Israel Past 1. Israel the Chosen People With the call of Abraham the Jews became God’s chosen people, this is referred to as National Election. 2. Unconditional Covenants a. Abrahamic Covenant b. Palestinian Covenant c. Davidic Covenant d. New Covenant e. Summary God made seven eternal promises to Israel Eternal Nation Eternal Land Eternal King

21 Israel Past 1. Israel the Chosen People With the call of Abraham the Jews became God’s chosen people, this is referred to as National Election. 2. Unconditional Covenants a. Abrahamic Covenant b. Palestinian Covenant c. Davidic Covenant d. New Covenant e. Summary God made seven eternal promises to Israel Eternal Nation Eternal Land Eternal King Eternal Throne

22 Israel Past 1. Israel the Chosen People With the call of Abraham the Jews became God’s chosen people, this is referred to as National Election. 2. Unconditional Covenants a. Abrahamic Covenant b. Palestinian Covenant c. Davidic Covenant d. New Covenant e. Summary God made seven eternal promises to Israel Eternal Nation Eternal Land Eternal King Eternal Throne Eternal Kingdom

23 Israel Past 1. Israel the Chosen People With the call of Abraham the Jews became God’s chosen people, this is referred to as National Election. 2. Unconditional Covenants a. Abrahamic Covenant b. Palestinian Covenant c. Davidic Covenant d. New Covenant e. Summary God made seven eternal promises to Israel Eternal Nation Eternal Land Eternal King Eternal Throne Eternal Kingdom Eternal New Covenant

24 Israel Past 1. Israel the Chosen People With the call of Abraham the Jews became God’s chosen people, this is referred to as National Election. 2. Unconditional Covenants a. Abrahamic Covenant b. Palestinian Covenant c. Davidic Covenant d. New Covenant e. Summary God made seven eternal promises to Israel Eternal Nation Eternal Land Eternal King Eternal Throne Eternal Kingdom Eternal New Covenant Abiding Blessings(I will be their God and they will be My people )

25 Israel Present 1. The Kingdom of God

26 Israel Present 1. The Kingdom of God God’s rule, several different facets, Millennial Kingdom, Kingdom of God, Kingdom of Heaven The church is a part of God’s total Kingdom program

27 Israel Present 1. The Kingdom of God God’s rule, several different facets, Millennial Kingdom, Kingdom of God, Kingdom of Heaven The church is a part of God’s total Kingdom program 2. The Unconditional Covenants and Israel’s present Status

28 Israel Present 1. The Kingdom of God God’s rule, several different facets, Millennial Kingdom, Kingdom of God, Kingdom of Heaven The church is a part of God’s total Kingdom program 2. The Unconditional Covenants and Israel’s present Status Israel is Judicially blinded and in dispersion

29 Israel Present 1. The Kingdom of God God’s rule, several different facets, Millennial Kingdom, Kingdom of God, Kingdom of Heaven The church is a part of God’s total Kingdom program 2. The Unconditional Covenants and Israel’s present Status Israel is Judicially blinded and in dispersion Israel not enjoying the covenants now in abeyance (temporally set aside)

30 Israel Present 1. The Kingdom of God God’s rule, several different facets, Millennial Kingdom, Kingdom of God, Kingdom of Heaven The church is a part of God’s total Kingdom program 2. The Unconditional Covenants and Israel’s present Status Israel is Judicially blinded and in dispersion Israel not enjoying the covenants now in abeyance (temporally set aside) 3. Israel and the Church

31 Israel Present 1. The Kingdom of God God’s rule, several different facets, Millennial Kingdom, Kingdom of God, Kingdom of Heaven The church is a part of God’s total Kingdom program 2. The Unconditional Covenants and Israel’s present Status Israel is Judicially blinded and in dispersion Israel not enjoying the covenants now in abeyance (temporally set aside) 3. Israel and the Church The Church is not the new Israel

32 Israel Present 1. The Kingdom of God God’s rule, several different facets, Millennial Kingdom, Kingdom of God, Kingdom of Heaven The church is a part of God’s total Kingdom program 2. The Unconditional Covenants and Israel’s present Status Israel is Judicially blinded and in dispersion Israel not enjoying the covenants now in abeyance (temporally set aside) 3. Israel and the Church The Church is not the new Israel The Church was nonexistent in the OT

33 Israel Present 1. The Kingdom of God God’s rule, several different facets, Millennial Kingdom, Kingdom of God, Kingdom of Heaven The church is a part of God’s total Kingdom program 2. The Unconditional Covenants and Israel’s present Status Israel is Judicially blinded and in dispersion Israel not enjoying the covenants now in abeyance (temporally set aside) 3. Israel and the Church The Church is not the new Israel The Church was nonexistent in the OT The Church began in Acts 2 on the Day of Pentecost

34 Israel Present 1. The Kingdom of God God’s rule, several different facets, Millennial Kingdom, Kingdom of God, Kingdom of Heaven The church is a part of God’s total Kingdom program 2. The Unconditional Covenants and Israel’s present Status Israel is Judicially blinded and in dispersion Israel not enjoying the covenants now in abeyance (temporally set aside) 3. Israel and the Church The Church is not the new Israel The Church was nonexistent in the OT The Church began in Acts 2 on the Day of Pentecost The Church now is both Jews and gentiles who believe

35 Israel Present 1. The Kingdom of God God’s rule, several different facets, Millennial Kingdom, Kingdom of God, Kingdom of Heaven The church is a part of God’s total Kingdom program 2. The Unconditional Covenants and Israel’s present Status Israel is Judicially blinded and in dispersion Israel not enjoying the covenants now in abeyance (temporally set aside) 3. Israel and the Church The Church is not the new Israel The Church was nonexistent in the OT The Church began in Acts 2 on the Day of Pentecost The Church now is both Jews and gentiles who believe Two Israel’s physical and Spiritual (believing Jews)

36 Israel Present 1. The Kingdom of God God’s rule, several different facets, Millennial Kingdom, Kingdom of God, Kingdom of Heaven The church is a part of God’s total Kingdom program 2. The Unconditional Covenants and Israel’s present Status Israel is Judicially blinded and in dispersion Israel not enjoying the covenants now in abeyance (temporally set aside) 3. Israel and the Church The Church is not the new Israel The Church was nonexistent in the OT The Church began in Acts 2 on the Day of Pentecost The Church now is both Jews and gentiles who believe Two Israel’s physical and Spiritual (believing Jews) Three types of contrasts

37 Israel Present 1. The Kingdom of God God’s rule, several different facets, Millennial Kingdom, Kingdom of God, Kingdom of Heaven The church is a part of God’s total Kingdom program 2. The Unconditional Covenants and Israel’s present Status Israel is Judicially blinded and in dispersion Israel not enjoying the covenants now in abeyance (temporally set aside) 3. Israel and the Church The Church is not the new Israel The Church was nonexistent in the OT The Church began in Acts 2 on the Day of Pentecost The Church now is both Jews and gentiles who believe Two Israel’s physical and Spiritual (believing Jews) Three types of contrasts Israel and the Gentiles

38 Israel Present 1. The Kingdom of God God’s rule, several different facets, Millennial Kingdom, Kingdom of God, Kingdom of Heaven The church is a part of God’s total Kingdom program 2. The Unconditional Covenants and Israel’s present Status Israel is Judicially blinded and in dispersion Israel not enjoying the covenants now in abeyance (temporally set aside) 3. Israel and the Church The Church is not the new Israel The Church was nonexistent in the OT The Church began in Acts 2 on the Day of Pentecost The Church now is both Jews and gentiles who believe Two Israel’s physical and Spiritual (believing Jews) Three types of contrasts Israel and the Gentiles Israel and the Church

39 Israel Present 1. The Kingdom of God God’s rule, several different facets, Millennial Kingdom, Kingdom of God, Kingdom of Heaven The church is a part of God’s total Kingdom program 2. The Unconditional Covenants and Israel’s present Status Israel is Judicially blinded and in dispersion Israel not enjoying the covenants now in abeyance (temporally set aside) 3. Israel and the Church The Church is not the new Israel The Church was nonexistent in the OT The Church began in Acts 2 on the Day of Pentecost The Church now is both Jews and gentiles who believe Two Israel’s physical and Spiritual (believing Jews) Three types of contrasts Israel and the Gentiles Israel and the Church Jewish Believers and Gentile Believers

40 Israel Present 1. The Kingdom of God God’s rule, several different facets, 2. The Unconditional Covenants and Israel’s present Status 3. Israel and the Church 4. The Law of Moses and the Law of Christ

41 Israel Present 1. The Kingdom of God God’s rule, several different facets, 2. The Unconditional Covenants and Israel’s present Status 3. Israel and the Church 4. The Law of Moses and the Law of Christ Law of Moses in it’s entirety is not in effect

42 Israel Present 1. The Kingdom of God God’s rule, several different facets, 2. The Unconditional Covenants and Israel’s present Status 3. Israel and the Church 4. The Law of Moses and the Law of Christ Law of Moses in it’s entirety is not in effect Law of Christ is what is in effect today

43 Israel Present 1. The Kingdom of God God’s rule, several different facets, 2. The Unconditional Covenants and Israel’s present Status 3. Israel and the Church 4. The Law of Moses and the Law of Christ Law of Moses in it’s entirety is not in effect Law of Christ is what is in effect today 5. Israel Today

44 Israel Present 1. The Kingdom of God God’s rule, several different facets, 2. The Unconditional Covenants and Israel’s present Status 3. Israel and the Church 4. The Law of Moses and the Law of Christ Law of Moses in it’s entirety is not in effect Law of Christ is what is in effect today 5. Israel Today Israel is both biblically and theologically significant

45 Israel Present 1. The Kingdom of God God’s rule, several different facets, 2. The Unconditional Covenants and Israel’s present Status 3. Israel and the Church 4. The Law of Moses and the Law of Christ Law of Moses in it’s entirety is not in effect Law of Christ is what is in effect today 5. Israel Today Israel is both biblically and theologically significant Israel is a fulfillment of bible prophecy

46 Israel Present 1. The Kingdom of God God’s rule, several different facets, 2. The Unconditional Covenants and Israel’s present Status 3. Israel and the Church 4. The Law of Moses and the Law of Christ Law of Moses in it’s entirety is not in effect Law of Christ is what is in effect today 5. Israel Today Israel is both biblically and theologically significant Israel is a fulfillment of bible prophecy Dispensationalists are pro Zionism

47 Israel Present 1. The Kingdom of God God’s rule, several different facets, 2. The Unconditional Covenants and Israel’s present Status 3. Israel and the Church 4. The Law of Moses and the Law of Christ Law of Moses in it’s entirety is not in effect Law of Christ is what is in effect today 5. Israel Today Israel is both biblically and theologically significant Israel is a fulfillment of bible prophecy Dispensationalists are pro Zionism 6. Romans 9:1-11:24 and the Olive tree

48 Israel Present 1. The Kingdom of God God’s rule, several different facets, 2. The Unconditional Covenants and Israel’s present Status 3. Israel and the Church 4. The Law of Moses and the Law of Christ Law of Moses in it’s entirety is not in effect Law of Christ is what is in effect today 5. Israel Today Israel is both biblically and theologically significant Israel is a fulfillment of bible prophecy Dispensationalists are pro Zionism 6. Romans 9:1-11:24 and the Olive tree A distinction is made between believing Jews and Unbelieving

49 Israel Present 1. The Kingdom of God God’s rule, several different facets, 2. The Unconditional Covenants and Israel’s present Status 3. Israel and the Church 4. The Law of Moses and the Law of Christ Law of Moses in it’s entirety is not in effect Law of Christ is what is in effect today 5. Israel Today Israel is both biblically and theologically significant Israel is a fulfillment of bible prophecy Dispensationalists are pro Zionism 6. Romans 9:1-11:24 and the Olive tree A distinction is made between believing Jews and Unbelieving The Olive is not Israel or the Church but the place of spiritual blessing

50 Israel Future

51 Israel Future The Unconditional Covenants

52 Israel Future The Unconditional Covenants Made with Israel and they have not been fulfilled in the past so they must be fulfilled in the future

53 Israel Future The Unconditional Covenants Made with Israel and they have not been fulfilled in the past so they must be fulfilled in the future The Rapture and the tribulation

54 Israel Future The Unconditional Covenants Made with Israel and they have not been fulfilled in the past so they must be fulfilled in the future The Rapture and the tribulation Majority are Pretrib rapture

55 Israel Future The Unconditional Covenants Made with Israel and they have not been fulfilled in the past so they must be fulfilled in the future The Rapture and the tribulation Majority are Pretrib rapture The 144,000 literal Jews and the Remnant of Israel

56 Israel Future The Unconditional Covenants Made with Israel and they have not been fulfilled in the past so they must be fulfilled in the future The Rapture and the tribulation Majority are Pretrib rapture The 144,000 literal Jews and the Remnant of Israel The Woman of revelation 12 (Israel)

57 Israel Future The Unconditional Covenants Made with Israel and they have not been fulfilled in the past so they must be fulfilled in the future The Rapture and the tribulation Majority are Pretrib rapture The 144,000 literal Jews and the Remnant of Israel The Woman of revelation 12 (Israel) Romans 11:25-27, the second coming, and the National Salvation of Israel

58 Israel Future The Unconditional Covenants Made with Israel and they have not been fulfilled in the past so they must be fulfilled in the future The Rapture and the tribulation Majority are Pretrib rapture The 144,000 literal Jews and the Remnant of Israel The Woman of revelation 12 (Israel) Romans 11:25-27, the second coming, and the National Salvation of Israel Literal interpretation all Israel will be saved (mass majority)

59 Israel Future The Unconditional Covenants Made with Israel and they have not been fulfilled in the past so they must be fulfilled in the future The Rapture and the tribulation Majority are Pretrib rapture The 144,000 literal Jews and the Remnant of Israel The Woman of revelation 12 (Israel) Romans 11:25-27, the second coming, and the National Salvation of Israel Literal interpretation all Israel will be saved (mass majority) National Salvation of Israel is connected with the 2nd coming

60 Israel Future The Unconditional Covenants Made with Israel and they have not been fulfilled in the past so they must be fulfilled in the future The Rapture and the tribulation Majority are Pretrib rapture The 144,000 literal Jews and the Remnant of Israel The Woman of revelation 12 (Israel) Romans 11:25-27, the second coming, and the National Salvation of Israel Literal interpretation all Israel will be saved (mass majority) National Salvation of Israel is connected with the 2nd coming The Messianic Kingdom and Israel’s Regathering and Final Restoration

61 Israel Future The Unconditional Covenants Made with Israel and they have not been fulfilled in the past so they must be fulfilled in the future The Rapture and the tribulation Majority are Pretrib rapture The 144,000 literal Jews and the Remnant of Israel The Woman of revelation 12 (Israel) Romans 11:25-27, the second coming, and the National Salvation of Israel Literal interpretation all Israel will be saved (mass majority) National Salvation of Israel is connected with the 2nd coming The Messianic Kingdom and Israel’s Regathering and Final Restoration All to be literally fulfilled

62 Israel Future The Unconditional Covenants Made with Israel and they have not been fulfilled in the past so they must be fulfilled in the future The Rapture and the tribulation Majority are Pretrib rapture The 144,000 literal Jews and the Remnant of Israel The Woman of revelation 12 (Israel) Romans 11:25-27, the second coming, and the National Salvation of Israel Literal interpretation all Israel will be saved (mass majority) National Salvation of Israel is connected with the 2nd coming The Messianic Kingdom and Israel’s Regathering and Final Restoration All to be literally fulfilled Literal Messianic Age

63 Israel Future The Unconditional Covenants Made with Israel and they have not been fulfilled in the past so they must be fulfilled in the future The Rapture and the tribulation Majority are Pretrib rapture The 144,000 literal Jews and the Remnant of Israel The Woman of revelation 12 (Israel) Romans 11:25-27, the second coming, and the National Salvation of Israel Literal interpretation all Israel will be saved (mass majority) National Salvation of Israel is connected with the 2nd coming The Messianic Kingdom and Israel’s Regathering and Final Restoration All to be literally fulfilled Literal Messianic Age Literal gathering of god’s chosen people

64 Israel Future The Unconditional Covenants Made with Israel and they have not been fulfilled in the past so they must be fulfilled in the future The Rapture and the tribulation Majority are Pretrib rapture The 144,000 literal Jews and the Remnant of Israel The Woman of revelation 12 (Israel) Romans 11:25-27, the second coming, and the National Salvation of Israel Literal interpretation all Israel will be saved (mass majority) National Salvation of Israel is connected with the 2nd coming The Messianic Kingdom and Israel’s Regathering and Final Restoration All to be literally fulfilled Literal Messianic Age Literal gathering of god’s chosen people Literal restoration of the Nation (House) of Israel

65 Literal interpretation of the scripture’s which allows for a consistent distinction between Israel and the Church. Dispensationalism has no Systematic Israelology but simply integrates their Israelology into their Ecclesiology and Eschatology.

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