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Supporting young women to have smokefree pregnancies Jo Pullen Director, Activmob.

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1 Supporting young women to have smokefree pregnancies Jo Pullen Director, Activmob

2 Two projects Name:Baby be smokefree Funder:Department of Health Innovation, Excellence & Strategic Development (IESD) Fund Organisations:Tommy’s, led by Becky Lang TCCC, led by Hilary Wareing Activmob, led by Jo Pullen Aim:To develop an effective stop smoking intervention for young pregnant women (aged < 25 years) based on insights from health professionals and young women on what would engage and retain them through a quit attempt Stage:1.Insight gathering 2.Design and implementation of the intervention 3.analysis

3 Two projects Name:How can we encourage and enable the reduction of smoking during pregnancy in Warwickshire? Funder:Warwickshire County Council, led by Paul Hooper and Sue Wild Organisations:TCCC, led by Hilary Wareing Brilliant Futures, led by Sarah Cork Tommy’s, led by Beckie Lang Aim:Brilliant Futures and the TCCC were commissioned to develop insight driven recommendations to encourage and enable a reduction in smoking in pregnancy in Warwickshire. (Cont/d …

4 Two projects (cont/d …) Name:How can we encourage and enable the reduction of smoking during pregnancy in Warwickshire? Results:A summary of findings from secondary research and the views and recommendations of stakeholders led to target segments being identified and questions being developed for interviews with mothers, expectant mothers, their partners and stakeholders. These primary research findings were then analysed together with the secondary research and informed by behavioural insights and with a stakeholder co-design were then developed into a mix of recommendations to encourage and enable increased motivation to quit, quits and maintenance of smokefree status among pregnant and new mothers.

5 Undertaken in two parts Investigative pilot- hear some headlines today Deep dive study- indepth interviews Findings will be shared at key milestones of project What’s so different about this process? Asset based Inductive Baby Be Smokefree Stage 1: Insight gathering

6 So what are the national figures telling us?

7 Quit rates 47% (12-96%) Lost to follow up 23% (1-64%) Quit rates CO validated at percentage of quits 59% (3-100%) Quit rates CO validated as a percentage of those setting a quit date 27% (1-67% ) Quarter 3, 2014/15

8 Smoking at time of booking Q3 2014/1554200 (SATOD plus 4 week quits) of those Set a quit date24.8% Quit at four weeks11.6% Quit at four weeks CO validated6.8% How many pregnant smokers are we supporting?

9 And what are our pregnant smokers saying?

10 Headlines from the investigative pilot Understanding me- “they haven’t a clue!” Knowledge Confusion and missed opportunities The key themes became apparent early on Featured highly through out all conversations

11 Understanding me, “they haven’t a clue” The context of life is important Stress and anxiety key barrier High aspiration and concern for baby and themselves Assumptions, assumptions ASSUMPTIONS!

12 Knowledge Of the risks Myths and wrong information Long term effects Confusion and missed opportunities Lack of continuity Mixed messages: Missed opportunities

13 This suggests what we are currently doing is not working for all pregnant women.

14 1.Currently gathering more information about what might work and exploring key themes further a)In depth interviews b)Ethnographic studies c)Interviewing key professionals 2.Insights will inform a co-design workshop(s) with key stakeholders 3.Testing shaping and refining of the intervention What next?:

15 Tobacco Control Collaborating CentreTel: 01926 490111 Email: ActivmobTel: 07876 786522 Email: Tommy’sTel: 0207 398 3400 Email: Brilliant FuturesTel: 01273 494 999 Email: Contacts

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