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Sigmund Freud 1856-1938 Controversial Complex Complete.

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Presentation on theme: "Sigmund Freud 1856-1938 Controversial Complex Complete."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sigmund Freud 1856-1938 Controversial Complex Complete

2 Irrational forces are stronger than rational forces… Human mind is largely unconscious Unconscious is full of conflict

3 How is the unconscious studied? Psychoanalysis Dreams Slip-of-the-tongue Hypnosis Case studies

4 Parts of Personality Id Ego Superego

5 Id Operates on the pleasure principle Unconscious Irrational/Impulsive Aim is get rid of tension/stress/pain Reducing tension …Wish fulfillment (dreams)

6 Ego= Executive Operates on reality principle..(wishes don’t produce food) Takes into account reality (environment) Controls the Id and the Superego If working well= person is well adjusted If gives in to Id= person is maladjusted Defense Mechanisms help the Ego control anxiety

7 Superego=Judge Represents the ideal not what is real Develops in the ego from childhood Enforced through feelings of Pride, Guilt, Inferiority

8 You’re on a hike with a group of friends when…..

9 Defense Mechanisms used to deny or distort reality….They help protect the Ego Denial= Refusing to admit something unpleasant is happening Repression= Blocking a threatening idea, memory or emotion Projection= Your “inner feelings” are pushed onto someone else Regression= Returning to an earlier level of behavior Rationalization= Justifying one’s behavior/failures by putting socially acceptable reasons in place of real reasons Reaction formation= Acting opposite of your true feelings

10 Freud’s Stages of personality development

11 Oral Stage Birth to 1.5 years Pleasure comes from: mouth, sucking, biting, chewing Adult “fixations” Smoking Over eating Alcoholic Nail biting

12 Anal Stage 18 Months to 3 years Attention is on elimination “holding in” or “letting go” leads to gratification Adult “fixations” Messy Irresponsible Wasteful Extravagant Neat freak compulsive

13 Phallic Stage Ages 3 to 6 Pleasure from genitals Oedipus Complex Male children sexually desire their mothers Fear or jealous of same sex parent= castration anxiety Electra Complex Female children sexually desire their fathers Anger at mother=penis envy Not supported by Freud

14 Latency Stage Ages 6 to puberty Sexuality is dormant Children develop social skills

15 Genital Stage Puberty Development of sexual feelings toward others

16 How well do Freud’s ideas hold up today?

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