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Plenary VI Sodium: Actions and Insights from National Forum Members and Stakeholders American Heart Association - Emily.

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Presentation on theme: "Plenary VI Sodium: Actions and Insights from National Forum Members and Stakeholders American Heart Association - Emily."— Presentation transcript:

1 @NatForumHDSP Plenary VI Sodium: Actions and Insights from National Forum Members and Stakeholders American Heart Association - Emily Ann Miller, MPH, RD, National Program Lead, Sodium Reduction Initiative

2 American Heart Association Sodium Reduction Initiative National Forum for Heart Disease & Stroke Prevention Annual Meeting October 9, 2013 Emily Ann Miller, MPH, RD National Program Lead, AHA Sodium Reduction Initiative 1

3 AHA’s Strategic Impact Goal By 2020, to improve the cardiovascular health of all Americans by 20% while reducing deaths from cardiovascular diseases and stroke by 20%. Within the 2020 Impact Goal, there is a Healthy Diet Score metric Sodium is one of five primary components of the Healthy Diet Score metric AHA recommends that all Americans should consume less than 1,500 mg of sodium daily Our goal is for Americans to purchase and consume foods lower in sodium. 2

4 Why Focus on Sodium? Direct impact on health Health disparities Healthcare costs and need for medication Choice in the food supply 3

5 Consumer Research Quantitative o Baseline survey (Fall 2012), to be repeated annually o Additional survey research as needed (e.g., July 2013) Qualitative o Focus groups (April 2012) Strategic Priority: Increase Consumer Demand 4

6 The Salty Six Explains top food sources of dietary sodium and encourages consumers to find lower-sodium versions of these foods 5

7 The Sodium Swap Challenge Encourages consumers to be aware of their sodium intakes and take a 3-week pledge in which they swap lower- sodium versions or alternatives to two Salty Six items per week when having a meal 6

8 7 New infographic dispels seven sodium myths

9 Sodium-Related Consumer Publications

10 June 19-20, Arlington, VA Key stakeholders and thought leaders in sodium reduction – approximately 130 attendees 25+ speakers followed by facilitated working group (breakout) sessions Discussion areas: science, consumers, industry, new technologies, health policy Exploration of opportunities for future collaboration 9

11 Conference Feedback “This conference was so helpful and informative.” “FASCINATING. I had no idea there was so much to sodium. I am excited to share what I've learned with my colleagues.” “Outstanding content…A truly impressive representation of industry, academic, government leaders in the same room at the same time.” “I learned a lot from this conference about the technical aspect of reducing sodium as well as the efforts that have been made.” 10

12 Themes from Conference Breakout Sessions Complexity – Sodium reduction involves much more than just taking out the salt Commitment – It will be a long term effort; some progress has been made but there is much more work ahead; lowering sodium in the food supply is critical Collaboration – It is imperative to have simultaneous, multi-sector efforts

13 On the Horizon FDA’s voluntary sodium targets for sodium reduction in the food supply New AHA public sodium website National Eating Healthy Day – November 6, 2013 AHA Sodium Response Network and online community 12

14 Thank you! 13

15 @NatForumHDSP Plenary VI Sodium: Actions and Insights from National Forum Members and Stakeholders Q and A

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