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Support for the Very Long Term Unemployed Trailblazer Evaluation 10 th July 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Support for the Very Long Term Unemployed Trailblazer Evaluation 10 th July 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Support for the Very Long Term Unemployed Trailblazer Evaluation 10 th July 2013

2 The trailblazer 1.

3 2 The SVLTU Trailblazer Two options tested as post- Work Programme support for very long-term unemployed JSA claimants

4 3 The SVLTU Trials Randomised Control Trial 4 JCP Districts Random allocation Mandatory 6 months

5 Evaluation design 2.

6 5 Evaluation aims To gather robust evidence from relevant informants to contribute to potential decisions about national roll-out by Comparing impacts of OCM, CAP and JCP Offer (control group) Describing ‘what works’ from the staff and claimant perspective Identifying operational challenges and good practice

7 6 Evaluation methods Qualitative process evaluation Interviews with 125 claimants (from the 3 strands) Interviews and mini-group discussions with JCP staff Interviews with CAP providers Interviews with CAP performance/contract managers at DWP/JCP Interviews with CAP placement hosts Telephone survey of 1,565 trailblazer participants Approx 500 in each group (OCM, CAP, and JCP Offer) All four trial JCP districts included

8 Profile of participants and programmes 3.

9 8 Who are the very long-term unemployed? Unweighted bases: 1,539 Note: Per cent

10 9 Features of OCM More intensive version of JCPO Smaller caseloads - more time with claimants Mandatory measures for all OCM participants: Compliance interviews, and Daily / weekly signing Access to ‘Get Britain Working’ measures More adviser discretion over: Which support options to use and when, and Use of conditionality

11 10 Intensity of contact: OCM vs JCPO Unweighted bases: OCM 495; JCPO 529

12 11 Changes since OCM support Unweighted bases: 507

13 12 Features of CAP Referral to external provider Six month work experience placement of 30 hours a week organised by provider Work experience placement of community value Up to 10 hours a week of jobsearch support from provider Full time jobsearch for those not placed

14 13 Claimants’ experience of CAP Unweighted bases: CAP 514 Note: Per cent 13% > 1 placement of which: 90% had 2

15 14 Experience of sanctions Unweighted bases: OCM 503; CAP 512; JCPO 538

16 Impacts of the programme 4.

17 16 Job outcomes Unweighted bases: OCM 485; CAP 488; JCPO 520 Note: Per cent

18 17 Benefit status Unweighted bases survey: OCM 502; CAP 504; JCPO 530 DWP observations: OCM 3,765; CAP 3,868; JCPO 3,697 Note: Per cent

19 18 Helped overcome barriers to work Unweighted bases: OCM 493; CAP placed 322; CAP not placed 174; JCPO 524 Note: Per cent

20 19 Confidence & motivation Smallest unweighted bases: OCM 500; CAP placed 329; CAP not placed 175; JCPO 532 Note: Per cent

21 Lessons learnt 5.

22 21 OCM - Strengths Intensive case management approach Facilitated through more frequent attendance Stronger adviser / customer relationship Advisers had more time with customers A tailored approach to delivering support Flexibility and discretion key to this approach: Over which support options to use and when Over use of mandation and sanctioning

23 22 CAP - Strengths Work experience, lasting 6 months and of community benefit Positive impact on Motivation Employability Wellbeing Also seen to lead to job outcomes particularly where customers matched to placement Less emphasis on jobsearch element Unsuitable for some customers

24 23 What CAP customers gained from their placements Unweighted bases: 251 Note: Per cent

25 24 Implementation lessons OCM Necessity for smaller caseloads ‘Cherry picking’ of best advisers More sharing of good practice CAP Difficulties in setting up placements Challenging funding model

26 Conclusions 6.

27 26 Conclusions No evidence yet of impact on job outcomes Evidence on impact on employability Six months insufficient to address complex barriers? Too soon to translate into jobs? Flexibility to personalise support key Both limited in helping customers with extreme barriers Recommendations: WP leavers to be assessed and categorised into three groups with differing levels of support DWP announced OCM style support for WP returners

28 Thank you If you want further information or would like to contact the authors: Nilufer Rahim, Senior Researcher T. 020 7549 9545 E. Sue Arthur, Research Director T. 020 7549 9564 E. Visit us online, valuation-of-support-for-the-very-long-term- unemployed-trailblazer-rr824

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