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DEVELOPMENT Process of improving the material conditions of people through diffusion of knowledge and technology.

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Presentation on theme: "DEVELOPMENT Process of improving the material conditions of people through diffusion of knowledge and technology."— Presentation transcript:

1 DEVELOPMENT Process of improving the material conditions of people through diffusion of knowledge and technology.

2 BIPOLAR WORLD MDC & LDC More developed country   Least developed country Clustered into spaces Developing/ Emerging countries: made some progress and expected to continue.

3 Why Does Development Vary Among Countries?

4 Objective Economic indicators of development
Social indicators of development Demographic indicators of development

5 Why Does Development Vary Among Countries?
(HDI) Human Development Index: recognizes countries economic, social, and demographic development. (GDP) Gross Domestic Product: is the value of the total output of goods and services produced in a country in a year. GDP Per Capita: divided by total country population. Qatar 88,000, US 45,000, Congo 312 45,000

6 Economic Indicators of Development:

7 Types of Jobs SECTORS 1) Primary/ agriculture 2) Secondary/ manufacturing 3) Tertiary/ services Other economic indicators 1) types of jobs 2) worker productivity 3) availability of consumer goods MDC/ LDC reflect different sector %. PRIMARY: directly extracts raw materials like mining, fishing, forestry SECONDARY: transform/ assemble to products TERTIERY: law, banking, retail, edu, gov

8 Productivity Is the value of a particular product compared to the amount of labor needed MDC more productive than LDC Value added: gross value of the product minus the costs of raw materials and energy. WHY? US/5000 compared to India/ 100

9 Consumer Goods Transportation/ communication: vital to economic growth. LDC: mostly found in overcrowded urban sprawl MDC/ 1000: 1) phones 800 2) cars 400 3) Internet 400 LDC/ 1000: 1) phones 200 2) cars 20 3) Internet 100 Trains, Cars, telephones, computers… most prevalent in MDC

10 Social Indicators of Development
MDC: wealth is invested in schools, hospitals, welfare. (more quantity & better quality) Education: 1) teacher/student ratio MDC <20 LDC >30 2) literacy: MDC 98% LDC <60% LDC: requires reading/ writing in another language. EDU: MDC <20 (98%) LDC>30 (<60%)

11 Health & Welfare MDC: receive more calories, proteins, more % of GDP on healthcare. MDC: Public Assistance: sick, elderly, poor, disabled, orphaned, veterans, widows, unemployed, single parents. LDC: Public Assistance: gov. limited, non-profit, prayer. HEALTHCARE: MDC 70/30% ratio LDC >505 USA 45/55%

12 Demographic Indicators of Development
Life expectancy: difference is 10+ yr mortality: MDC <1% LDC <6%. Natural Increase Rate: MDC .2% LDC 1.5% Crude Birth Rate: LDC 23/1000 MDC 12/1000

13 Where Are MDCs and LDCs Distributed?


15 9 MAJOR REGIONS NA, EU, LA, EA, SWA & North Africa, SEA, CA, sub-Sahara Africa + Russia, Japan, Oceania

16 N. America HDI .95 High GDP/ Literacy, Low Edu/ life expectancy
Past: major manufacturer but loss jobs to Japan, Europe, and China. Leader in tertiary-sector Leading consumer, entertainment, mass media, sports, recreation, defense, food exporter

17 Europe HDI .93 Largest & richest market. 15 of the highest 19 HDI
High-value goods and services (banking/ luxury motor vehicles) World Recession has created revealed major problems in the EU

18 Russia: HDI .73 1991: Transformed from a centrally planned communist economy to a market economy Economy drastically declined. Gangsters became wealthy Resurgence with oil production but global recession reverts growth.

19 JAPAN: HDI .96 Extremely unfavorable ratio of population to resources.
Advantage: 1) work ethic 2) lower cost products 3) high quality products 4) research & development 2. Willing to work long hours for low wages attracted foreign business 3. sell same product that others 3) focus on electronics, automobiles,

20 Oceania: HDI .90 Australia & New Zealand
Marginal: 1) small population 2) peripheral location Mining, food exports Iron ore, lead manganese, nickel, titanium, zinc

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