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Image Which adjectives best describe you? Adventurous, charming, confident, dominant, energetic, exciting, impulsive, interesting, loyal, quiet, selfish,

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Presentation on theme: "Image Which adjectives best describe you? Adventurous, charming, confident, dominant, energetic, exciting, impulsive, interesting, loyal, quiet, selfish,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Image Which adjectives best describe you? Adventurous, charming, confident, dominant, energetic, exciting, impulsive, interesting, loyal, quiet, selfish, serious, shy, unfriendly, unsociable

2 How do friends see you?

3 When do you feel best?  a) In the morning  b) In the afternoon  c) Late at night

4 You usually walk…  a) fast with long steps.  b) fast with short steps.  c) slowly with your head up  d) very slowly

5 When you talk to people you …  a) stand with your arms folded.  b) have one or both hands on your hips.  c) have both your hands behind your back. d) touch or push the person you are talking to. e) play with your ear or touch your chin.

6 When you relax you sit with..  a) your knees bent and your legs side by side. b) your legs crossed. c) your legs straight out in front of you. d) one foot under you.

7 Which of these colours do you like the most?  a) red f) white.  b) black g) brown  c) yellow  d) green  e) dark blue

8 In bed you lie…  a) on your back  b) on your stomach.  c) on your side.  d) with your head on one arm.  e) with your head under the covers.

9 How to score  1. a 2 b 4 c 6  2. a 6 b 4 c 3 d 2  3. a 4 b 5 c 3 d 7 e 6  4. a 4 b 6 c 2 d 1  5. a 6 b 7 c 5 d 4 e 3 f 2 g 1  6. a 7 b 6 c 4 d 2 e 1

10 What your score means  36 or more: People think you are confident, but also selfish and dominant. They admire you but they don’t enjoy your company

11 21- 35: People think you are exciting, impulsive, adventu- rous. They love being in your company.

12 16-20:People think you are energetic and charming. You are always interesting

13 11 – 15: People think you are unfriendly, but really you are just shy. You don’t make friends easily, but you are very loyal.

14 10 – less: People think you are serious and unsociable They think you are quiet and you prefer to spend time alone.

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