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Breeds of Sheep Medium Wool Type. A small review… As you will recall, yesterday we talked about what? Breeds of sheep of the Fine wool Type. Classification.

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Presentation on theme: "Breeds of Sheep Medium Wool Type. A small review… As you will recall, yesterday we talked about what? Breeds of sheep of the Fine wool Type. Classification."— Presentation transcript:

1 Breeds of Sheep Medium Wool Type

2 A small review… As you will recall, yesterday we talked about what? Breeds of sheep of the Fine wool Type. Classification of sheep: “Ewe Breeds” “Ram Breeds” “Dual Purpose” Fine wool type, medium wool type, crossbred wool type, hair type, and other Measurement systems of wool: Bradford Numerical Count System, and the Micron System.

3 Today, What will we learn? Today we will be discussing Medium- Wool type. Some breeds, we will just get an overview, and some we will take an in-depth look at. At the end, there will be a short daily quiz, with some questions over these breeds, and some identification.

4 Cheviot Originated in Cheviot Hills between England and Scotland. Came to the US in 1838. Now infused with Merino, Ryeland, and Southdown blood Most distinctive breed in appearance.

5 Cheviot Characteristics Stylish head, carried high, erect ears, and a rapid stride. Head and legs do not have wool, but do have white hair. This wool free face, keeps them from wool blindness. Nose, feet, and lips, are black in color. Generally polled. Lambing percentage of 125.

6 Dorset (Polled and Horned) From England, Dorset County. First came to the US in 1885. Face, ears, and legs are white in color, and practically free from wool. Medium sized sheep. One of the ‘lighter shearing breeds’. Dorsets will breed out of season, and this makes the ewes prolific, 150% lamb crop.

7 Finnsheep Originally from Finland. Imported to the US in 1968. Short tail, short ears, head and legs are free of wool, but white in color. Typically polled. Ewes lamb 2.5 labs per lambing. Reach sexual maturity early.

8 Hampshire Originated in England. Imported prior to 1860 Both males and females (rams and ewes) are polled. Rams sometimes have scurs. Among the largest of Medium-Wool Breeds.

9 Characteristics of Hampshires Distinctive appearance. Bold head and prominent ears Face, ears, and legs, are rich deep brown, approaching black. The ears, face, and legs, below the knees are predominately free from wool. When you are selecting a Hampshire, it is based on production, then appearance. Ewes are prolific with good mothering quality.

10 Montadale Developed by E.H. Mattingly of St. Louis Missouri. Columbia ewe X Cheviot ram. Characteristics: White in color. Head and legs, free from wool. Black nose and hoofs, black spots in ears, and both sexes are polled. Selection is based on prolifacy, lamb weights, and wool weight.

11 Oxford Originated from Oxford County, England. Imported to the United States in 1846. Characteristics Top knot, and head and ears are small relative to the rest of the body. Face, ears and legs vary in color from gray to brown. Ewes are prolific, with a150 lamb crop.

12 What’s with all of these sheep? What breeds have we reviewed today? What characteristics do Medium Wool sheep have? What Medium wool bred, that we have discussed today, have you heard of? Why do you think this to be true, and these breeds to be more prominent, in such things as the show ring.

13 Application We will be reading the descriptions of sheep, that we have discussed today, or yesterday. According to the description, please name the breed that the description is talking about.

14 Who am I? (The not so Baaaad Quiz)

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