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Federal Aviation Administration May 10-11, 2012 AST / COMSTAC Issue Coordination COMSTAC Meetings Dr. George Nield Associate Administrator FAA Office of.

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Presentation on theme: "Federal Aviation Administration May 10-11, 2012 AST / COMSTAC Issue Coordination COMSTAC Meetings Dr. George Nield Associate Administrator FAA Office of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Federal Aviation Administration May 10-11, 2012 AST / COMSTAC Issue Coordination COMSTAC Meetings Dr. George Nield Associate Administrator FAA Office of Commercial Space Transportation

2 Office of Commercial Space Transportation Federal Aviation Administration 1 A New Direction, A Growing Relationship Relationship – Continuous Ongoing AST/COMSTAC dialogue (vs. twice yearly focus) Appropriate teams in AST and COMSTAC cooperating Portfolio – Balanced Crucial issues addressed in context Priorities clarified and justified Results – Tangible Activities linked to important goals and concrete results Recommendations with visibility and impact

3 Office of Commercial Space Transportation Federal Aviation Administration 2 Several Teams Addressing Issues COMSTAC Working GroupsAST Divisions Operations Space Transportation Development Systems Licensing & Evaluation Business & Legal Regulations & Analysis Export Control Safety Inspection Other AST Units Field Offices Strategic Planning Chief Engineer External Relations Sr. Attorney (FAA Chief Counsel Ofc.)

4 Office of Commercial Space Transportation Federal Aviation Administration 3 AST TOP 5 ISSUES 1. On-Orbit Authority* 2. Human Spaceflight Support* 3. Spaceport Licensing 4. Lessons Learned Database 5. COMSTAC Work Planning * High Priorities

5 Office of Commercial Space Transportation Federal Aviation Administration 4 1. On-Orbit Authority for AST AST Goal: Maintain physical & legal/regulatory space environment conducive to business growth (i.e., orbital debris mitigation strategy and clarity in USG roles in licensing process) and ensuring that international action supports U.S. industry needs. Comments: A high AST priority: AST requests that COMSTAC draft a Recommendation on how the US Government should address on-orbit authority.

6 Office of Commercial Space Transportation Federal Aviation Administration 5 2. Human Spaceflight Support AST Goal: Identify industry consensus on best practices to improve quality Comments: AST requests that COMSTAC – decide how to integrate industry views, and provide feedback on AST’s approach to occupant safety.

7 Office of Commercial Space Transportation Federal Aviation Administration 6 3. Spaceport Licensing AST Goal: Encourage development of spaceports to enhance launch operations Comments: AST requests dialogue with COMSTAC – on the Operations Working Grp. draft survey report, and on licensing issues in general, including STIM processes and formulas.

8 Office of Commercial Space Transportation Federal Aviation Administration 7 4. Lessons Learned Database AST Goal: Facilitate industry quality & safety improvement Comments: AST requests that COMSTAC help resolve intellectual property concerns limiting industry input to database.

9 Office of Commercial Space Transportation Federal Aviation Administration 8 5. COMSTAC Work Planning AST Goal: Action to address highest priority industry challenges Comments: AST requests COMSTAC feedback on – the new membership selection process, the new issue organization approach, and the new meeting agenda structure.

10 Office of Commercial Space Transportation Federal Aviation Administration 9 Recent Notable COMSTAC Achievements Indemnification COMSTAC Chair’s Congressional testimony & press coverage International COMSTAC representative’s presence at UN COPUOS in Vienna Reports GSO Launch Report – updated methodology Insurance Report – contribution of insurance expertise Export Control Enlisting participation by Members of Congress in meetings

11 Office of Commercial Space Transportation Federal Aviation Administration 10 AST and COMSTAC: Moving Ahead Relationship We will work closely together. Portfolio We will pursue a focused agenda. Results We will make a difference.

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