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CivicsCivics Daily Lessons. While you were gone Civics - Make-up Assignments Dec. 12 While you were gone Civics - Make-up Assignments Mr. Cook/Mrs. Colvin.

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Presentation on theme: "CivicsCivics Daily Lessons. While you were gone Civics - Make-up Assignments Dec. 12 While you were gone Civics - Make-up Assignments Mr. Cook/Mrs. Colvin."— Presentation transcript:

1 CivicsCivics Daily Lessons

2 While you were gone Civics - Make-up Assignments Dec. 12 While you were gone Civics - Make-up Assignments Mr. Cook/Mrs. Colvin Room 214 Student-_____________ Date Absent- Dec. 12 Date Due-______ Please attach your make-up work to this sheet when you hand it in! Homework: Chapter 10 Test- Dec. 14Chapter 10 Test- Dec. 14 Semester Vocabulary Quiz #3- Monday Dec. 17 (Chapters 6, 7, +8) In Class Work: Ch. 10 –Timed Reading Worksheet- 10.4 –Go over 10.4 Homework –10.4 Coop- on back of homework –School House Rock - Electoral College- Examination: Date and Period you will take the exam -______ Signature:____________

3 Day #77 Homework due today-Homework due today- –None Activities-Activities- –Semester Vocabulary –Reading Quiz- 10.4 –Go over 10.4 Homework –10.4 Coop- on back of homework –School House Rock - Electoral College- Ch. 9

4 Homework for 10.4 1a. Define Popular vote- Elector Electoral College- Electoral Votes- 1b. Explain How does the electoral college elect the president? 2a. Define Platform- Plank- 2b. Analyze What is the main purpose of the national nominating convention?

5 Homework for 10.4 Explain the process of nominating a candidate 2nd 1st 3rd 4th

6 Unit IV- The Citizen in Government Chapter 10- Electing Leaders Homework- Section 4- Nominating and Electing Leaders pg. 263-265 II. Define the following Terms a. popular vote- b. elector- c. electoral college- d. platform- e. plank- Voters Elect Electors Electors Elect the President The Nomination Process

7 Homework10.4

8 Homework10.4

9 Coop10.4

10 Coop10.4

11 Coop10.4

12 School House Rocks Electoral College bin/search/linfo.cgi?id=8315 bin/search/linfo.cgi?id=8315 3:14

13 CIVICS / FIRST SEMESTER TEST CONCEPT REVIEW GUIDE 5-6 The Presidency [160] The president must a native-borne U.S. citizen; at least 35 years of age; 3.have been a resident of the United States for at least 14 years Commander in Chief [chief executive] [164] The president is the head or commander in chief, of the U.S. armed forces; has the final say in planning how a war is to be fought

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