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Research Group of Plant & Vegetation Ecology Department of Biology, University of Antwerpen Some 20 people (16 scientists and 4 technical staff) Plant.

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Presentation on theme: "Research Group of Plant & Vegetation Ecology Department of Biology, University of Antwerpen Some 20 people (16 scientists and 4 technical staff) Plant."— Presentation transcript:

1 Research Group of Plant & Vegetation Ecology Department of Biology, University of Antwerpen Some 20 people (16 scientists and 4 technical staff) Plant - vegetation - ecosystem - landscape Present and mainly future climate conditions

2 Research Group PLECO, UA (ctd.) Experience with EC projects (Ecocraft, Euroflux & CarboEuroflux, Popface, Mefyque, ……) Experience with modelling (poplar, Scots pine, process-based, mechanistic, Mefyque) Some experience with data bases (Ecocraft & Euroflux)

3 University of Antwerpen UIA Prof. R. Ceulemans and Dr. G. Deckmyn Objectives / Deliverables –Creation and maintenance of a database –Further development of a mechanistic model and inclusion of ozone effects

4 Database Access database (Microsoft) List of data and data sets available: YOU Templates to include data: us Data to be delivered by you in Excel spreadsheets according to template Both raw data and averages + STD !?

5 Database Parameter values which have been derived from data according to an agreed set of equations or protocols. Meta-data about the experiments and about the parameter values. Implemented in Microsoft Access 97 or Access 2000. One of these programs is required, but proficiency in Access is not required.

6 Database Include date, time (when relevant), frequency of measurements, position in crown, age of leaf or tree, ozone treatment, ….. Units (SI !) and predefined Include all your parameters and variables ? Or only those needed in the modelling exercise ?


8 Database (ctd.) Climatological variables and ozone All parameters and variables ? What with parameters/variables necessary for the modelling, but not measured ? Strict rules and policies Availability ? Restrictions of data ? Who will put on the www ? Coordinator page.html

9 Modelling Whole-tree and stand level modelling Including ozone effects on various or all processes Scaling and integration

10 University of Antwerpen UIA Prof. R. Ceulemans and Dr. G. Deckmyn The model –Mechanistic –Forest scale, different species, including management, competition, wood quality –Modular: photosynthesis (Farquhar) light (new code) climate (weather generator or data) soil (Thornley) water (ETP) allocation (new code) management (to be done) –Current state: nearly running, no ozone effects

11 University of Antwerpen UIA Prof. R. Ceulemans and Dr. G. Deckmyn

12 Strong points of the model –allocation includes wood development –interaction between trees –data base for input values: soils, climate and species –mechanistic but reasonable number of parameters

13 University of Antwerpen UIA Prof. R. Ceulemans and Dr. G. Deckmyn Allocation module –Functional balance = relationship between leaf area, sapwood area and fine root biomass –Refinement of the functional balance: in stead of sapwood area use actual vessel/pipe data: flow depends on radius and number of active vessels in the sapwood –Detailed phasing of the alocation procedures allows differentiation between early wood and latewood –Pipe/vessel functionality is lost as a function of random embolition as well as death of associated leaves/needles –as a result, water movement through the tree is described in function of stomatal conductance, width and number of pipes in branches and stem and soil water potential.

14 University of Antwerpen UIA Prof. R. Ceulemans and Dr. G. Deckmyn Allocation module –Depending on the growing phase (trigerred by tree development, temperature and soil water potential) trees allocate carbon –Phase 1: refill existing crown, formation of new pipes (stemwidth) –Phase 2: new height and crown with associated leaves, branches, roots and stemwidth –phase 3: latewood, cessation of height growth and start of storage of C for spring regrowth –Phase 4: autumn leaf fall, depends on functionality of the leaves

15 University of Antwerpen UIA Prof. R. Ceulemans and Dr. G. Deckmyn Knot free Fallen branches Live branches

16 University of Antwerpen UIA Prof. R. Ceulemans and Dr. G. Deckmyn latewood earlywood heartwood

17 University of Antwerpen UIA Prof. R. Ceulemans and Dr. G. Deckmyn Necessary changes and additions General model –Debugging and validation of new code (allocation and light) –include management: thinning, rotation period,… –improve interface input/output –validate for European forests –validate weather generator outside UK

18 University of Antwerpen UIA Prof. R. Ceulemans and Dr. G. Deckmyn Necessary Changes and additions Ozone effects –Include ozone input, possibly through weather module, including shade versus sunlit crown –Improve stomatal modelling: currently Ball-Berry, needs more detailed mechanistic modelling based on recent papers and new data –Include mycorrhizae –Include effects on photosynthesis –Include effects on allocation –Include effects on phasing

19 University of Antwerpen UIA Prof. R. Ceulemans and Dr. G. Deckmyn Necessary Input –New data and publications on: stomatal effects Vc max, J max Rhizomes allocation: R/S, SLA, LAR Stemwood??? Biomass Soil processes respiration

20 University of Antwerpen UIA Prof. R. Ceulemans and Dr. G. Deckmyn Timing Model Improvements and Validation –2003 Ozone effects –2004 Final validation and output –Jan to Octobre 2005

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