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Student names removed for anonymity.  There will be greater species richness at the longitudes closer to the coast line.  There will be more species.

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Presentation on theme: "Student names removed for anonymity.  There will be greater species richness at the longitudes closer to the coast line.  There will be more species."— Presentation transcript:

1 Student names removed for anonymity

2  There will be greater species richness at the longitudes closer to the coast line.  There will be more species of birds where there is a greater proportion of forest land-cover.

3  The latitude points were kept at +-5˚ of 40˚N to limit the effect of latitudinal factors.  The longitudes ranged from -105.72 and -74.06 to show the inland and costal effects on species richness.

4 SitePointStateLatitudeLongitudeSurveys per YearYears SurveyedBird Species NE Iowa16-AIowa43.455-91.3496225 Ozark-St. Francis Nat. ForestAArkansas35.817-93.073535.6 KY Fish and WildlifePSF-17Kentucky37.098-87.66811 11.8 Missouri Private Lands Restoration SiteDrake 1Missouri36.671-91.823933 Horicon NWR10Wisconsin43.616-88.6733315 Big Oak NWKBBS-DIndiana 38.988-85.453 1112 Big Oak NWKBBSA12Indiana 38.903-85.425 778 Big Oak NWKBBSA17Indiana 38.936-85.43 779 Big Oak NWKBBSCO6Indiana 38.869-85.442 6714 Big Oak NWKBBSD13Indiana 39.038-85.424 678 Edwin B. Forsythe NWR 73New Jersey 40.039-74.0889106.2 Edwin B. Forsythe NWR 75New Jersey 40.042-74.061581455.6 Erie NWRGLSL20 Pennsylvania 41.571-79.976 23 613.5 Ohio River Islands NWRORIN50 West Virgina 39.886-80.79 5 57.6 Ohio River Islands NWRORIN46 West Virgina 39.89-80.795 5 58.2 Upper Mississippi River201-1 Iowa 43.64-91.58 229.5 Fergus Falls WMDaga-2 Minnesota 46.28-96.24 116 Squaw CreekWet Prarie 01 Kansas 37.25-95.77 948.5 Neal Smith NWR 1Iowa 41.6-93.38 7 3.5 Hamden Slough NWR 1Minnesota 46.89-95.9511 8 4.25 Rocky Mt. National Park 101Colorado 40.35-105.6698 Rocky Mt. National Park 220Colorado 40.362-105.8996 Rocky Mt. National Park 1201Colorado 40.218-105.5372911 Rocky Mt. National Park 601Colorado 40.404-105.721996 Rocky Mt. National Park 4211Colorado 40.427-105.5885

5 ForestNon-Forested WetlandAgriculturalResidential 1.000.00 1.000.00 0.990.00 0.44 0.000.560.00 0.9500.050 0.9800.01 0.9300.070 0.9900.010 0.9700.030 0.96000.03 0.560.040.360.06 0.390.1300.48 0.490.40.12 0.9300.040.03 0 0.970 00.020.680.3 0.290.470.240 0.700.090 0.100.820.03 0.800.20

6 Forest3Non-Forested Wetland4Agricultural5Residential6 0.660.000.310.03 0.990.000.010.00 0.380.020.520.08 0.440.000.550.01 0.700.270.02 0.8700.120.015 0.8600.120.02 0.7300.250.02 0.930.010.050.01 0.2100.150.65 0.09 0.950.390.47 0.510.050.30.14 0.630.10.070.21 0.630.10.070.21 0.3900.570.03 00.050.930.01 0.110.320.50.08 0.0100.950.04 0.680.020.260.04 0.550.010.070.01 0.8600.120.01 0.4900.260.03 0.7200.270




10  Species richness of avian species decreases as distance from the coast increases.  For both local and regional scales, species richness increases with larger proportion forest land use.

11  Date used=10/10/10 (MRLC)  Date used=10/10/10 (Bird Count)

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