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1 In the name of Allah, the most Compassionate,The most merciful.

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Presentation on theme: "1 In the name of Allah, the most Compassionate,The most merciful."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 In the name of Allah, the most Compassionate,The most merciful

2 2 CBL&Feedback Giving An Action Plan for CBL&Feedback Training Course: for Clinical Lecturers of KMU Prepared by: Asst. Prof. Dr. Saliha Nabizada ENT Specialist and Lecturer,ENT Department Maiwand Teaching Hospital of KMU

3 3

4 4 Cont … Role of instructor as facilitator Learners striving to resolve question with no single right answer

5 5

6 6 CBL process:

7 7

8 8 Why giving feedback? Feedback is an essential activity for helping trainees reach their maximum potential at their particular stage of training. It is an activity often omitted or done badly, but it is a skill that can be learned. Trainees may be unaware they are making mistakes or performing poorly (No one ever told me that my endoscopy reports were considered to be inadequate)

9 9 Cont … Feedback given badly can ruin a trainee ’ s confidence (That was awful you didn't listen) Giving constructive and frequent feedback is good for morals. Develops student competence and motivates the student.

10 10 Feedback giving

11 11 KMU in a glance

12 12 CBL and Feedback for better students development and training good doctors

13 13 Teaching room in MTH

14 14 Overview: Background Since 1933 KMU underwent significant changes in every aspect Past 30 yrs war has badly damaged KMU infrastructure and human resources Now JICA assistance has brought tremendous changes in the development of already persisting teaching staffs. 34 KMU lecturers acquired new teaching skills in Japan. Ex-trainees committed to implement what they have learned.

15 15 Current situation in KMU CBL is not practiced as a generally accepted teaching method in clinical departments of KMU teaching hospitals No clear understanding of CBL by untrained lecturers so the lack of interest and commitment in applying it Great gap of KSA of how to give constructive feedback is felt causing lack of development & motivation of students and trainees.

16 16 Cont … There is a general need for better CBL teaching and KSA of how to give effective feedback in KMU For better professionalism and value of KMU lecturers as an aim, and motivation and active participation of students better services for patients as a whole; to fill the gap we have Goals&Obj as below:

17 17 Goals: In the end of this training session participants should be able to acquire the necessary KSA employing CBL and giving feedback for better motivation of students and trainee doctors and for the improvement of health situation in Afghanistan through professional medical services.

18 18 Objectives: 1. The participants should be able to understand general ideas of CBL and feedback. 2. The participants to experience questioning in CBL. 3. The participants can be able to use constructive feedback in one to one teaching to develop attitudes and skills of students

19 19 Cont … Obj 4. To describe when and where CBL is delivered 5. The participants should be able to acquire good interpersonal and group communication skills through applying CBL and effective feedback. 6. The participants will experience how to give feedback

20 20 Target Group: Totally 80 clinical lecturers of KMU divided to 4 courses of 20 members of KMU clinical lecturers. Target beneficiaries: KMU clinical lecturers as direct beneficiaries and KMU students and postgraduate trainee doctors as indirect beneficiaries and patients as receiver of their health services the final beneficiary.

21 21 Time length of the training course: Training program is one day session for 3.5 hours. The trainings are organised in every 1.5 months distance for a total of 80 KMU clinical lecturers of different clinical departments.

22 22 Educational strategy: Discussion in pairs (10) minutes: What are characteristics of effective feedback? (at least 5 characteristics) than compare with powerpoint in 3 slides Group discussion (30) minutes: Write down CBL process: 20 participants divided in 3 groups then compiling as one large group. The result be presented by presenter (compare with PowerPoint)

23 23 Cont.. Powerpoint lecture of 1 hour in 35 slides about CBL importance in clinical teaching and definition of feedback and its importance in student motivation. Practicing giving and receiving feedback in role plays.20 participants divided to 7 groups consisting of 3 participants (1 acting as trainer, 1 as trainee, 1 observer)

24 24 Cont … 1 playing positive or negative role according to the already prepared given scenario and one observer evaluates, in 8 minutes time each role play. Total assigned time is 60 minutes for 7 role plays according to the scenarios

25 25 Implementation: S.noTraining course Trainee lecturers Venue of training 1 st training course 1 st Feb 2008 20Maiwand Teaching Hospital 2 course 15 th Mar 2008 20Aliabad teaching Hospital 3 rd training course 1 st Apr 2008 20Maiwand TH 4 th training course 15 th May 2008 20Aliabad TH Total6 months80

26 26 Selection of Participants by HEAD Depts.: Trai nin g cou rse EN T GSAb S TSOp h Pa ed Pa ed S Re cS De rm Ur o Im ed Ct h En do Ne ur o S Ne ur o Or th o To tal 1 st. TC 23222322220 2 nd.TC 333233320 3 rd. tc 232223222 20 4 th. tc 333233320 Tot al 464446444666466680

27 27 Program activities & schedules: ActivityWhenFacilitatorHow 1Opening ceremony9.00-9.10 amSenior admin.staff of KMU speech 2Characteristics of effective feedback 9.10-9.30Dr.BarnayarPair discussion 3How do you do CBL?9.30-10.00Dr.NabizadaGroup discussion 4Importance of CBL and feedback in student development 10.00-11.00Dr.NabizadaPowerPoint lecture 5Practicing giving&receiving feedback 11.00-12.00Dr.Nabizada7.Role play according to the scenarios 6Tea break& conclusion12.00-12.30all

28 28 Preparation Check list: ActivityResponsibleBudgetRemarks 1 Theme & Logo preparationEDC staff 20$ 2 Preparation of teaching printed material as lectures & scenarios Dr. Nabizada & EDC office 0 Internal resources 3 Preparation of venue with 25 chairs in confrence room Hospital admin staff 4 Tea, cups & thermose and 2kg cookies EDC logistics 3$ 5 Powerpoint, computer flash, screen, camera EDC office 0 6 Flip chart 20 sheets for group discussion EDC logistics 0 Internal resources 7 MarkersEDc logistics 0 Internal resources 8 4X4 size white paper 2 for each attendant EDC logistic 0 Internal resources 9 Gas stoveEDC logistics 20$ 10 Total budget 43$

29 29 Assessment of the program : By asking questions in the beginning, middle &end of program by facilitator Giving feedback in role-plays Self assessment by observers Peer evaluation

30 30 Probable Constraints: Lack of Electricity Very cold weather causing transportation problems for some participants Lack of full cooperation of the teaching hospitals for accessibility of training space and introducing trainee doctors

31 31 Precaution for constraints: In case of probable constraints of space accessibility the program can be implemented in KMU conference room The time being flexible till better climate change For Lack of electricity provision of E- Generator

32 32 Thank you for your attention.

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