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Welcome to Primary 1 with the Primary 1 Team. Our Team Mrs Wilkinson Mrs Smith Mrs Wilson Mrs Allan Ms Van Kampen Mrs Feeley Primary 1, room 2 Primary.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Primary 1 with the Primary 1 Team. Our Team Mrs Wilkinson Mrs Smith Mrs Wilson Mrs Allan Ms Van Kampen Mrs Feeley Primary 1, room 2 Primary."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Primary 1 with the Primary 1 Team

2 Our Team Mrs Wilkinson Mrs Smith Mrs Wilson Mrs Allan Ms Van Kampen Mrs Feeley Primary 1, room 2 Primary 1/2, room 1 Support for Learning Assistants

3 Staffing Visiting Specialists P.E. – Mrs Lindsay – please encourage your child to dress independently. Music – Mrs Yeoman Science – Mrs Macfarlane In class support Mrs Wilson Mrs Allan Ms Van Kampen Mrs Feeley Support staff are also out in the playground

4 Our Day Organisation A.L.Z./Reading Mental Maths /Odds and Evens Active maths Active language – phonics, reading Handwriting Have-a-go writing Story telling Topic work In amongst this we have: Science – Mrs Macfarlane Music – Mrs Yeoman Gym – Mrs lindsay ICT Drama Circle Time

5 Organisation Self registration From Me to You Snack Crayons and pencils ready Water bottles

6 Money and Lunch Always hand in any money in a marked envelope Money for bistro should come in a labelled purse/wallet For the first term please write on the From Me to You each day what your child is doing for lunch – this can be a stressful time for your child

7 Other Information Any issues will be dealt with immediately Appointments can be made before school - 8.50am A quick chat at the gate at home time can often be enough to resolve any issues If your child needs help we will meet with you prior to parents night Parents night is a nice time to come and view your child’s classroom and work and the opportunity to have a chat with the teacher – not a time to worry! Also, please remember to label all your child’s belongings.

8 Active Learning Zone Learning which engages and challenges children’s thinking using real-life and imaginary situations. It takes full advantage of the opportunities for learning presented by: spontaneous play planned, purposeful play investigating and exploring events and life experiences focused learning and teaching "I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand." -- Confucius

9 First 30 – 45mins: Active Learning Zone– children have free choice as to the activities they participate in. These may be structured or unstructured At present the majority of activities are less structured but will develop more structure as the year progresses i.e. Free play in water will develop into activities related to volume

10 Reading Use of three integrated strategies 1.Phonics - Bug Club 2.High frequency words 3.Reading book skills On this basis reading grows

11 1. Bug Club (phonics) Each letter is taught in a very active way using a variety of approaches As we move along we learn that two letters together can make a sound When we have learnt 7 or 8 letters we start putting these together and blending cat pat sat

12 We learn that there are vowels and that vowels have two sounds. Using all this information we very quickly learn to decode words Every night as part of our reading homework you will have the opportunity to practise this with your child using the sound board Parents can choose to buy a magnetic pack similar to the ones used in class if they wish. An information sheet will come home when it is time to start this

13 2. High Frequency Words We have compiled a set of 40 words that your child needs to know to progress with his/her reading and writing skills You will be given 2/3 words each week to learn You will find these words in the reading diary At present we are learning the common reading book words – Kipper, Biff and Chip

14 3. Reading Book Skills It must be fun! Discuss the story with your child First night – read the book to your child Second night - read together Third night – your child reads it If your child wishes to read it every night then this is fine.

15 It is vital that you carry out all three aspects of the reading to support your child Approximately 2 books a week

16 Mental Maths/ Odd and Evens Work on numbers 0 – 10 using: number fans whiteboards and pens number line interactive whiteboard interactive games Odd and Evens (visualisation of number)

17 The Curriculum for Excellence A framework for change Builds on existing good practice Not a single document – allows for flexibility An ongoing process of review and change ‘I can’ statements – children’s achievements recorded in their learning journey.

18 Curriculum for Excellence The curriculum areas are: Languages Mathematics Health and Wellbeing Expressive arts Social studies Technologies Sciences Religious and moral education

19 Thank you for coming!

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