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Agency (BU) Query Manager Training State of Indiana Instructor: Lori Shapiro, ENTAP.

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Presentation on theme: "Agency (BU) Query Manager Training State of Indiana Instructor: Lori Shapiro, ENTAP."— Presentation transcript:

1 Agency (BU) Query Manager Training State of Indiana Instructor: Lori Shapiro, ENTAP

2 2 Agenda Welcome Introductions Expectations Query Basics Writing Queries Record Joins Other Query Features

3 3 Expectations Full day of training Class will be focused on teaching the ENCOMPASS system. Understanding the use of the Query Manager tool. –Records (Tables) are discussed. –Course based around how to write queries. We will be using mostly the training database. –Production may also be used.

4 4 Training Materials Training Manual Presentation Exercises Record spreadsheet

5 5 Ground Rules for Training... Please be on time. Put cell phones on vibrate. Forget about the “office.” Stay focused on “Learning the System.” –No replying to emails. Ask questions. Respect others. Limit sidebar conversations.

6 6 What Questions Do You Have???

7 Chapter 1

8 8 Query Basics Query Manager vs. Query Viewer –Query Manager Ability to write and save “Private” queries Ability to modify existing “Public” queries to save as “Private” –Query Viewer Ability to search, run and print queries Folders –When saving queries, folders can be created to help sort queries.

9 9 State Naming Conventions The State of Indiana has designated a “Naming Convention” for all public queries: –SOImodule _Name_for_the_query –i.e. SOIAP008

10 10 Favorites If there is a query that is run frequently, this query can be saved as a Favorite.

11 11 What Questions Do You Have???

12 12 Exercises

13 Chapter 2

14 14 Database Instructions Database –Container for all of the elements Records (tables) –Containers for the data –Used to create and run the queries –The biggest challenge in writing queries is knowing which record to use Fields –Columns in the records Rows –The actual data

15 15 Writing Queries The following are the tabs on the query pages: –Records –Query –Expressions – Advanced topic –Prompts – Chapter 4 –Fields –Criteria –Having – Advanced topic –View SQL –Run

16 16 Records Basic Search page –Use this page to search for the record to be used in creating the query

17 17 Query The query page displays all of the Fields in the record. Use this page to choose which Fields and Criteria are needed for the query.

18 18 Fields Once the Fields have been selected from the Query page, the Fields page will display the chosen ones. This page allows users to modify the Fields: –Reorder/Sort the fields –Edit the Properties of the Fields Change the Heading Add Aggregate functions –Add Criteria

19 19 Fields cont’d…

20 20 Criteria Criteria narrows down the search for data. –For example, running a journal header query By adding a BU or fiscal year, the search through the database is narrowed based upon this criteria

21 21 Criteria cont’d… There are a number of uses for Criteria. –When adding multiple records (joins) criteria is needed to join the records together. – Field criteria –Expressions are used when asking for a specific field equal to, between greater than, etc. –Prompts are used when there are multiple ways to enter the criteria. For example, instead of coding a BU into the query, the prompt will ask for the BU each time the query is run.

22 22 Criteria cont’d… Relating Multiple Criteria –When adding multiple criteria, Query Manager will automatically create an “And” function. The “And” function will use all of the criteria to find the data. –Users have the ability to change to an “Or” function if applicable The “Or” function will look at the two criteria and read it as one or the other not both. Grouping Criteria –Multiple criteria can be grouped together with parentheses –Manages the criteria especially for “Or” functions

23 23 View SQL This page shows the SQL code behind the query.

24 24 Run Query The Run tab will automatically run the query to the window.

25 25 What Questions Do You Have???

26 26 Exercises

27 Chapter 3

28 28 Multi-Record Joins Joins are when more than one record is combined on a query. –Very useful when needing additional Fields or criteria in a query. For example – journal entry query –A query may need the Long description, ledger and source which is on the JRNL_HEADER record. –In addition, the chartfields and monetary amount are needed. These are on the JRNL_LN record –Some records are joined because there may be no link between records that are needed.

29 29 Types of Record Joins Related Records –Records can be automatically joined based on a relationship created in the database. Any Record Joins –When building the query, the system will automatically add the appropriate criteria when joining the records Outer Joins –For records where the database can’t find the appropriate criteria to join, expressions are used to join the records

30 30 What Questions Do You Have???

31 31 Exercises

32 Chapter 4

33 33 Additional Query Functions Prompts –Refines the query. –Instead of coding criteria directly into the query, a Run Time prompt will display when query is run. User will enter criteria directly. Aggregate Functions –Adds mathematical functions into the query such as totaling amount fields

34 34 What Questions Do You Have???

35 35 Exercises

36 36 Post Go Live Support –“Report an Issue” link on the Sign In page –“Report an Issue” link under the ENCOMPASS menu –Call 317-234-HELP to create a helpdesk ticket Encompass Website – –AP Training documents: ENCOMPASS > ENCOMPASS Documents > Training > Query

37 37 Evaluations Course evaluation –Please be honest –We use these evaluations to adjust the class if necessary

38 38 What Questions Do You Have???

39 39

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