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Sepoy Rebellion 1857. Edward Vibart, a 19-year-old officer, also recorded his experience: It was literally murder... I have seen many bloody and awful.

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Presentation on theme: "Sepoy Rebellion 1857. Edward Vibart, a 19-year-old officer, also recorded his experience: It was literally murder... I have seen many bloody and awful."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sepoy Rebellion 1857



4 Edward Vibart, a 19-year-old officer, also recorded his experience: It was literally murder... I have seen many bloody and awful sights lately but such a one as I witnessed yesterday I pray I never see again. The women were all spared but their screams on seeing their husbands and sons butchered, were most painful... Heaven knows I feel no pity, but when some old grey bearded man is brought and shot before your very eyes, hard must be that man's heart I think who can look on with indifference...

5 Results of Sepoy Rebellion: Britain will not TRUST the Indians w/ anything Assert greater control and greater limitation of individual rights

6 Prior to Opium War: China was traditionally isolated and resists influence of other cultures. Zhongguo - center of the universe “China is a sea which salts all rivers that run into it”

7 Opium Wars

8 Britain demands tea from China Could not afford to pay for tea in silver Used opium –grown in India – at way to trade for tea – so the British could “grow” as much currency as it needed Britain shipped Opium to Canton – traded Opium to Chinese merchants for silver- Chinese merchants brought the Opium into China - corrupt govt. officials would be bribed to allow the illegal drug trade Britain would then use the silver to buy the tea

9 1838 – China’s emperor sent officials to stop the trade- when these demands were ignored, they set fire to a years supply of opium.

10 Unequal Treaties Hong Kong Extraterritoriality Other western nations –


12 Boxer Rebellion 1900-01 What is it? Who are they? Cause of…? Empress encouraged anti foreign hostilities Attacked foreigners and their property

13 …………..Results……….? ………more unequal treaties…… …….more foreign influence …….

14 Open Door Into China

15 Open Door Policy: Proposed by US in 1899 Asking other Imperial powers to essentially respect each others spheres of influence Why? – US felt they would be shut out of trading in China. ………. In simpleton terms- they were late to the game and they were asking the others to let them play

16 Qing Dynasty Embarassed by Opium War, Boxer Rebellion, and unequal treaties ……….. majority (Han) frustrated by the minority (Manchurians) ruling the govt…….. The people blamed the government for corruption, weakness, and allowing the increased foreign (western) influence in China…………….demand change

17 Revolution 1911 Led by Sun Yat- sen “….we are the poorest and weakest nation in the world and occupy the lowest position in international affairs. Other men are the carving knife and serving dish; we are the fish and the meat.”


19 Revolutionary Goal : 1905 – Sun Yat-sen formed the Guomindang or Nationalist Party -Modernize China 3 Principles of the People 1. Nationalism – define in this context 2. Democracy 3. Livelihood 1908 2yr.old Pu Yi – “The Last Emperor” 1912 – Sun Yat-sen becomes the first president of the new Chinese Republic of the new Chinese Republic

20 Japan ► Japan was mostly “closed” to foreigners during the Tokugawa Shogunate (1600- 1868) ► Banned Japanese from traveling to other countries………Why?

21 Why Japan began trading with the west (U.S) ► Commodore Matthew Perry and the Treaty of Kanagawa 1854 ► How did this affect trade b/w Japan and other western nations? …......

22 Meiji Restoration  ………..if you cant beat ‘em…………..  Efforts to modernize Japan Keep own culture, but practice imperialismKeep own culture, but practice imperialism Turn away from shogunate towards parliamentary govt., install universal education, and industrializeTurn away from shogunate towards parliamentary govt., install universal education, and industrialize ………remember the link between industry and imerialism………..???  Revise “unequal treaties”  Why create overseas empire?..... Need for natural resourcesNeed for natural resources

23 Wars Sino-Japanese War (1894-1895) Russo-Japanese War (1904-05) – control of Korea and Manchuria

24 Southeast Asia  Dutch, British, French, U.S.  Harsh, cruel and careless treatment  Culture system (forced labor) in Indonesia  Spanish American War - leads to first US colonies (Puerto Rico, Guam, Philippines)  S.E. Asia and Pacific Islands offered natural resources and re-supplying stops


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