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Scenario Location  Steven Parras and Mercedes Alvarado are planning to open up a family friendly paintball field and mini water park complex in El Paso,

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Presentation on theme: "Scenario Location  Steven Parras and Mercedes Alvarado are planning to open up a family friendly paintball field and mini water park complex in El Paso,"— Presentation transcript:


2 Scenario Location  Steven Parras and Mercedes Alvarado are planning to open up a family friendly paintball field and mini water park complex in El Paso, Texas  Horizon, Texas out skirts of El Paso  The property will cover 10 acres that will be divided in between a warehouse, outdoor paintball field, and mini water park.


4  Paintball Field $10,000 for paintball gear $4000 for inflatable paintball bunkers Can open in 1 month  Water Park $20,000 for water park installations. Open in one year $10000 for advertisement $6000 miscellaneous (picnic areas, nets, signs, and canopy’s)

5  Snack and Gear Store  1.All day pass to play $10  2.All day pass +rent a gun/mask/protection $15  3.All day pass +full gear rentals $22  4.Paint ammo 500 round bags $11  5.Paint ammo 2000 round boxes $25  6. Paint canister refills 1 dollar  Group packages available

6 Coming soon Combo $15 day pass for paint ball and water park access for all ages.

7  Construction of the Water complex will be approximately 6 months.  Construction for the paintball field can be completed in one month.  The paintball field will be open before the waterpark.

8 Situation Problem  Frank and Francisca believe that creating a flyer and making 3,000 copies and handing them out at the Sunland Park and Cielo vista malls would be sufficient.  David and Steven want to air the commercial on local and national television stations. They want the commercial to be one minute in length  Now the questions are How Mercedes compromise between the chosen methods of advertising and the two business partners’ methods of advertising in a way that does entirely discredit or disregard Mercedes Ideas or their partners’ ideas for advertising?

9  How is Mercedes going to compromise between the chosen methods of advertising and the two business partners’ methods of advertising in a way that does not entirely discredit or disregard Mercedes or their partners’ ideas for advertising?  How much should their ideas or methods of advertising your business weigh in your final decision?  how much do you plan to spend?

10  Television  Radio We are planning to use 102.1fm, 89.5fm, 94.7fm and 107.3Fm  Newspaper  Prices  about 8,000 dollars per 30 second commercial  60 radios commercial would cost 45 dollars for the am drivers midday and pm drivers.  cost $16.00 dollars for a column inch of black and white advertising space, for 71,000 readers we would pay $135 dollars.

11  Two and a half months into the operation in our business, a customer is injured on the property. The injured is a nineteen year old male who does not appear to have a medical history of any kind.  The nineteen year old man has suffered a broken right forearm. During a Paintball session.

12  The injury happened outside of the warehouse in at the end of a mock paintball game  The injury did not happen near the mini- water park section and no one witnessed the injury.  Elsa our employee was the one that report the accident as soon as it happened but Elsa did not witness the injury either

13  We have cameras in the mini-water park section, parking lot, and some cameras in the paintball section that way we can check the cameras when an accident happens  All the staff member have been trained with medical and legal preparation in case someone get injured in our property  First aid kits are readily available around the facilities  We have disclaimer that all players must sign that states M+S Oasis is not responsible for paintball related injuries.  All Players play at their own discretion.  Areas under construction are blocked off

14 In order to prevent a lawsuit and maintain a positive business image we agreed to pay for the mans ambulance ride to the hospital and give him special discounts on all gear.

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