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Welcome! Please go get your interactive notebook. Please put your permission slip and $15 on your desk so Ms. Klein can pick it up.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome! Please go get your interactive notebook. Please put your permission slip and $15 on your desk so Ms. Klein can pick it up."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome! Please go get your interactive notebook. Please put your permission slip and $15 on your desk so Ms. Klein can pick it up.

2 Wildlife management

3 What is it?  Wildlife management is the science of  Determining the needs of wildlife  Creating strategies to meet these needs

4 Endangered Species Act  1973  Creates a list of threatened and endangered species  Organisms on the list cannot be harmed and their habitat cannot be disrupted  All species on the list must have a recovery plan

5 Who is in charge of the Endangered Species Act?  US Fish and Wildlife Service  Marine National Fisheries Service

6 Today’s interactive Notebook page: (4 min)  Title: Success Stories  Date: 10/24  Cut out the pictures, glue them in with space to add notes for each.

7 Delisted species – SUCCESS!

8 Texas Success stories!

9 Big horn sheep

10 Big horn reintroduction in Big Bend National Park  Translocation project  Now 7 herds, about the same size population as the late 1800’s

11 Kemp’s Ridley Sea Turtle

12 Captive Breeding program

13 Brown pelican  DDT biomagnified through the population  DDT use banned in 1970’s  Taken off the Endangered Species list a few years ago!

14 That’s great, but what can I do?  Brainstorm!

15 Check for understanding  What is wildlife management?  Name three ways wildlife managers might improve habitat.  How is hunting used in wildlife management?  How are the ESA and CITES different?

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