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Chapter Five Writing Ethically. Your Professional Obligations To yourself To your discipline and profession To your academic institution To your employer.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter Five Writing Ethically. Your Professional Obligations To yourself To your discipline and profession To your academic institution To your employer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter Five Writing Ethically

2 Your Professional Obligations To yourself To your discipline and profession To your academic institution To your employer To your colleagues To the public

3 Unethical Communication Practices Plagiarism and theft of intellectual property Deliberately imprecise or ambiguous language Manipulation of numerical information Use of misleading illustrations Promotion of prejudice

4 A Behavior Is Ethical if... It would be a good universal behavior (Kant) It creates the greatest good for the greatest number of people (Utilitarians) It freely sacrifices one’s own self-centeredness on behalf of others (Ellis)

5 Ethical or Not? Using information from but not giving credit to a research paper because it hasn’t been “officially” published. Borrowing your roommate’s old tech writing report and using it as an exact template for your assignment. Rounding up your grade point average to the nearest tenth of a point on your resume.

6 Ethical or Not? Attending an expensive chemistry tutoring session because you know that the tutor has copies of the tests. Warning your friend about some tricky final exam questions after you take the exam at an earlier time.

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