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Algorithms, Models and Metrics for the Design of Workholding Using Part Concavities K. Gopalakrishnan, Ken Goldberg, IEOR, U.C. Berkeley.

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Presentation on theme: "Algorithms, Models and Metrics for the Design of Workholding Using Part Concavities K. Gopalakrishnan, Ken Goldberg, IEOR, U.C. Berkeley."— Presentation transcript:

1 Algorithms, Models and Metrics for the Design of Workholding Using Part Concavities K. Gopalakrishnan, Ken Goldberg, IEOR, U.C. Berkeley.

2 Review Unilateral Fixtures - Experiments Deformation Space Optimal Deform Closure Grasps Assembly Line Simulation Conclusion Outline

3 Bulky Complex Multilateral Dedicated, Expensive Long Lead time Designed by human intuition Conventional Fixtures

4 Modular Fixturing Existence and algorithm: Brost and Goldberg, 1996.

5 C-Space and Form Closure y x  /3 (5,4) y x q 4 5  /3 (5,4,- p/3) C-Space (Configuration Space): Describes position and orientation. Each degree of freedom of a part is a C-space axis. Form Closure occurs when all adjacent configurations represent collisions.

6 2D v-grips Expanding. Contracting.

7 N-2-1 approach Cai et al, 1996. Decoupling beam elements Shiu et al, 1997. Manipulation of sheet metal part Kavraki et al, 1998. Deformable parts

8 3D vg-grips Use plane-cone contacts: –Jaws with conical grooves: Edge contacts. –Support Jaws with Surface Contacts.

9 Examples

10 Review Unilateral Fixtures - Experiments Deformation Space Optimal Deform Closure Grasps Assembly Line Simulation Conclusion Outline

11 Quality Metric Sensitivity of orientation to infinitesimal jaw relaxation. Maximum of R x, R y, R z. R y, R z : Approximated to v-grip. R x : Derived from grip of jaws by part. Jaw Part

12 Apparatus: Schematic Baseplate Track Slider Pitch- Screw Dial Gauge Mirror

13 Experimental Apparatus A1 A2 A3

14 Orientation error (degrees) Jaw separation (inches) Experiment Results

15 Ford D219 Door model ++

16 A4C A1C A2C A3R A5R A6C A7C A8R A9R B1C B2C B3C B4R B5R D219 Door: Contact set

17 Review Unilateral Fixtures - Experiments Deformation Space Optimal Deform Closure Grasps Assembly Line Simulation Conclusion Outline

18 Lack of definition of fixtures/grasps for deformable parts. Generalization of C-Space. Based on FEM model. D-Space

19 Topology violating configuration Undeformed partAllowed deformation Topology Preservation Example for for system of parts

20 D-free: Examples Slice with 1-4 fixed Part and mesh 1 23 5 4 x y Slice with 1,2,4,5 fixed x 3 y 3

21 For FEM with linear elasticity and linear interpolation, P.E. = (1/2) X T K X D-Space and Potential Energy qAqA qBqB UTUT Increase in potential energy U A needed to release part. Deform Closure if U A > 0.

22 Frame invariance. Form-closure  Deform-closure of equivalent deformable part. Results

23 Numerical Example 1 2 3 4 3 4 1 2 4 2 3 1 1 4 3 2 4 Joules547 Joules

24 D-Obstacle symmetry - Prismatic extrusion of identical shape along multiple axes. - Point obstacles are identical but displaced. Symmetry of Topology preserving space (D T ). - Superset: Non-degenerate meshes. Symmetry in D-Space

25 Review Unilateral Fixtures - Experiments Deformation Space Optimal Deform Closure Grasps Assembly Line Simulation Conclusion Outline

26 Given: Deformable polygonal part. FEM model. Pair of contact nodes. Determine: Optimal jaw separation. Optimal? Problem Description M E n0n0 n1n1 

27 Consider: - Threshold P.E. U A. - Additional P.E. needed for plastic deformation U L. Q = min { U A, U L } Quality metric n0n0 n1n1 LL

28 Assume sufficiently dense mesh. Points of interest: contact at mesh nodes. Construct a graph: Each graph vertex = 1 pair of perimeter mesh nodes. O(p 2 ) graph vertices. Contact Graph

29 Traversal with minimum increase in energy. FEM solution with two mesh nodes fixed. nini njnj Deformation at Points of Interest

30 Potential Energy vs.  nini njnj k ij Potential Energy (U) Distance between FEM nodes Undeformed distance Expanding Contracting

31 A B C E F G A B C D E F D G H Contact Graph: Edges Traversal with minimum increase in energy. Adjacent mesh nodes: Non-adjacent mesh nodes: 

32  U ( v(n i, n j ),  ) Peak P.E.: Given release path

33 Peak P.E.: All release paths  U ( v *,  )

34  U ( v o,  ), U ( v*,  ) Threshold P.E.

35  U A (  ), U L (  )  Quality Metric

36 Possibly exponential number of pieces. Sample in intervals of . Error bound on max. Q =  * max {  0 (n i, n j ) * k ij } Numerical Sampling  Q (  )  

37 Calculate U L. To determine U A : Algorithm inspired by Dijkstra’s algorithm for sparse graphs. Fixed  i Insert pic of contact graph drawn on 2D P.E. graph

38  V -  Algorithm for U A (  i )

39  V -  Algorithm for U A (  i )

40 Numerical Example Undeformed  = 10 mm. Optimal   = 5.6 mm.

41 Review Unilateral Fixtures - Experiments Deformation Space Optimal Deform Closure Grasps Assembly Line Simulation Conclusion Outline

42 Review Unilateral Fixtures - Experiments Deformation Space Optimal Deform Closure Grasps Assembly Line Simulation Conclusion Outline

43 2D v-grips. 3D v-grips. 3D vg-grips. Unilateral Fixtures. D-Space and Deform-Closure. Optimal Deform-Closure grasps. Assembly line simulation. Topics completed

44 Publications Computing Deform Closure Grasps K. "Gopal" Gopalakrishnan and Ken Goldberg, submitted to Workshop on Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics (WAFR), Oct. 2004. D-Space and Deform Closure A Framework for Holding Deformable Parts, K. "Gopal" Gopalakrishnan and Ken Goldberg. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, May 2004. Unilateral Fixtures for Sheet Metal Parts with Holes K. "Gopal" Gopalakrishnan, Ken Goldberg, Gary M. Bone, Matthew Zaluzec, Rama Koganti, Rich Pearson, Patricia Deneszczuk, tentatively accepted for IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering. Revised version December 2003. “Unilateral” Fixturing of Sheet Metal Parts Using Modular Jaws with Plane- Cone Contacts K. “Gopal” Gopalakrishnan, Matthew Zaluzec, Rama Koganti, Patricia Deneszczuk and Ken Goldberg, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, September 2003. Gripping Parts at Concave Vertices K. "Gopal" Gopalakrishnan and K. Goldberg, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, May 2002.

45 Optimal node selection. - Given a deformable part and FEM model. - Determine optimal position of a pair of jaws. - Optimal: Minimize deformation-based metric over all FEM nodes. Future work

46 1 “Unilateral” Fixturing of Sheet Metal Parts Using Modular Jaws with Plane-Cone Contacts, K. “Gopal” Gopalakrishnan, Matthew Zaluzec, Rama Koganti, Patricia Deneszczuk and Ken Goldberg, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Sep. 2003. 2 D-Space and Deform Closure: A Framework for Holding Deformable Parts, K. "Gopal" Gopalakrishnan and Ken Goldberg, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), May 2004. 3 Computing Deform Closure Grasps, K. "Gopal" Gopalakrishnan and Ken Goldberg, submitted to Workshop on Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics (WAFR), Oct. 2004. JunJulAugSepOctNovDecJanFebMarAprMay Qualifying Exam Ford Research Laboratory: Designed fixture prototype. D-Space: Finalized definitions and derived initial results. Submitted ICRA '04 paper 2. ICRA '03 paper presented 1. Revised T-ASE paper 3 and performed new experiments. Optimizing deform closure grasps. Optimal node selection for deform-closure. Dissertation workshop. Write Thesis. Submitted WAFR’04 paper Revise WAFR ’04 paper. Ford Research Laboratory: Finish prototype and experiments with new modules and mating parts. D-Space: Formalize basic definitions. Submit ICRA '04 paper. Improve locator optimization algorithm Complete mating parts algorithm. Submit IROS’04 paper Locator strategy for multiple parts. Cutting planes/heuristics for MIP formulation. Proposed timeline (in May ’03) Current Timeline (in March ’04) Assembly line simulation for cost effectiveness. Timeline


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