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Welcome to the Library! We are so excited to work with you today! Please have something to write with, pick up the handouts on the shelves. Be ready when.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the Library! We are so excited to work with you today! Please have something to write with, pick up the handouts on the shelves. Be ready when."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the Library! We are so excited to work with you today! Please have something to write with, pick up the handouts on the shelves. Be ready when Mrs. Wenk raises her Quiet, Please sign

2 Homework O In the Cold War packets … O Read and complete the questions for pages A and B. O You may answer directly in the packets. O Yes, it is worth a grade!!

3 Agenda O 1. Welcome O 2. Expectations O 3. Frame the learning O 4. Background on project, the President of Iran O 5. Your task and categories to research O 6. Mrs. Gosson : OPAC,print reference items along with books, how to document for your Bibliography

4 Frame the Learning O On your post it note, please write down your answer to the following: O How do you know you have found a good course for your research project? O Why do you need more than one source for your research project? O Place your post it, when ready, in the spot it belongs.

5 Please take a moment and… O Scan and flip through the Historical Research Packet. O What are some observations you can make about this project just by looking in it? O Re-read specifically the news article about the President of Iran

6 READ O With the work that you do over the next three days, you need to READ. O No one is going to do this work for you. O We are here to support your work with research. O Be Present, Be engaged, Be involved

7 Evidence to collect around these topics OLaws/ Life in Germany for Jewish Germans ( Anti – Semitic laws of 1933-39) ( Life under Nazi Occupation) OKristallanact ( Night of the broken glass) OConcentration Camps/ Slave labor camps/Death Camps OChildren Hidden or Rescued because of the Holocaust OResistance movements OGhetto Life: Warsaw, Lodz, Vilna OHitler Youth OVictims or Survivors of the Holocaust OHolocaust Heroes: Shindler, Wallenberg, Miep Gies OLiberation: Allied forces and the liberation of the concentration camps at the end of the war

8 Task O By the end of today : O You need to commit to a topic or topics to prove about the Holocaust. O You will need to turn in a completed sheet that lists (2) print resources and your notes from each source. O Your notes are the evidence that you will need to have to use to prove your topic of the Holocaust.

9 Mrs. Gosson, OPAC, Print Reference items and you! O For today only you will be just using the printed book or reference items. O NO computer – except to research where to find your print materials O Please give Mrs. Gosson your attention as she shares important information on finding print materials for your research.

10 Closure O What are you most excited about with this Historical research Project? O What are you most scared about with this Historical research project?

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