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 He changed Germany into a one-party dictatorship.  He abolished all individual freedoms.  The police were very powerful to enforce Nazi policies.

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3  He changed Germany into a one-party dictatorship.  He abolished all individual freedoms.  The police were very powerful to enforce Nazi policies.  Terror was one tool Hitler used to achieve his goals.  Lured by wages and comradeship, thousands of jobless men became Nazi Storm Troopers.  He changed Germany into a one-party dictatorship.  He abolished all individual freedoms.  The police were very powerful to enforce Nazi policies.  Terror was one tool Hitler used to achieve his goals.  Lured by wages and comradeship, thousands of jobless men became Nazi Storm Troopers.




7  The 1933German census in had “race” as a category.  Their clothes and practices made them look different.  Synagogues and temples kept birth, marriage, and death records which the Nazis used to locate Jews.  Some Germans turned on their Jewish neighbors so they could claim rewards.  I.D. cards labeled Jews with a “J”  The 1933German census in had “race” as a category.  Their clothes and practices made them look different.  Synagogues and temples kept birth, marriage, and death records which the Nazis used to locate Jews.  Some Germans turned on their Jewish neighbors so they could claim rewards.  I.D. cards labeled Jews with a “J”



10 In 1933 Jewish businesses and offices throughout Germany were boycotted. The sign states: “Don't buy from Jews!”

11 Jews were forced to wear a yellow Star of David with the word Juden (Jew) and carry identity cards.

12  Jews were moved from their homes into ghettos – small, cramped, walled in parts of a city.  Many families lived in apartments meant for one family.  Structured like small towns, the Jews quickly adapted and created their own communities.  Jews were moved from their homes into ghettos – small, cramped, walled in parts of a city.  Many families lived in apartments meant for one family.  Structured like small towns, the Jews quickly adapted and created their own communities.

13 The Nuremberg Laws proclaimed Jews second- class citizens. They lost their civil rights. A sign posted in front of a fence that reads, "Jews are not wanted here. Jews are our misfortune."

14  1942: Jews were deported to six extermination camps that were established in Poland.  The "Final Solution" consisted of gassings, shootings, random acts of terror, disease, and starvation.  1942: Jews were deported to six extermination camps that were established in Poland.  The "Final Solution" consisted of gassings, shootings, random acts of terror, disease, and starvation.

15  Deportees were told that they were going to be "resettled” in a place where the conditions were better than the ghettos.  When people heard the truth, they believed the information to be false since the rumors were so unbelievable.  Deportees were told that they were going to be "resettled” in a place where the conditions were better than the ghettos.  When people heard the truth, they believed the information to be false since the rumors were so unbelievable.


17  Concentration camps were forced- labor camps where prisoners were literally worked to death.  Crammed into windowless, non- insulated barracks, up to 500 in one building, inmates were jammed against one another.  A bucket was the only form of waste control.  Food was scarce ( watery soup with rotten vegetables, molded bread)  Malnutrition made prisoners easy targets for disease and dehydration.  Concentration camps were forced- labor camps where prisoners were literally worked to death.  Crammed into windowless, non- insulated barracks, up to 500 in one building, inmates were jammed against one another.  A bucket was the only form of waste control.  Food was scarce ( watery soup with rotten vegetables, molded bread)  Malnutrition made prisoners easy targets for disease and dehydration.

18 Former prisoners of the "little camp" in Buchenwald stare out from the wooden bunks in which they slept three to a "bed." Elie Wiesel during the Holocaust – Author/narrator of Night.

19 A Total of 6,000,000 Jews Percentage of Jews Killed in Each Country



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