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PNHP Chapter Organizing “The Minnesota Experience” PNHP Annual Meeting 2009 Ann Settgast, MD Co-chair PNHP-MN Susan Hasti, MD Chair MUHCC.

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Presentation on theme: "PNHP Chapter Organizing “The Minnesota Experience” PNHP Annual Meeting 2009 Ann Settgast, MD Co-chair PNHP-MN Susan Hasti, MD Chair MUHCC."— Presentation transcript:

1 PNHP Chapter Organizing “The Minnesota Experience” PNHP Annual Meeting 2009 Ann Settgast, MD Co-chair PNHP-MN Susan Hasti, MD Chair MUHCC

2 Getting started Co-chair concept: highly recommended! Snail mail invite to a first meeting using national PNHP list – sample available

3 How we grew from 20 to 400+… –Initial endeavor: signers on our chapter resolution –On-line signing (puts folks on our email list) –Word of mouth: ie. each member commits to signing on 5 more –Advertisements in local MN physician publications –Tabling at medical conferences –Talks to MD groups (residency noon conferences & Grand Rounds) –In the works: mailing to larger physician groups (all MN psychiatrists?)

4 Chapter Structure Casual membership definition Meetings Using the chapter email list (no more than 2 per month) Speakers’ bureau -Training -Attending each others’ talks Steering committee –~ 10 members –One year commitment –Attend meetings regularly –Be available by email for quick decision-making Offices

5 Media –Chapter introduction letter – sample available –Contact list - assignments –Press releases followed by phone calls (example of Oli’s visit vs MAH event)

6 Sample: Media contact list Jeremy OlsonPioneer Press651-228-5583 jolson@pioneerpress.c omGillian Pat Effenberger Pioneer Press Opinion 651-228-5016 letters@pioneerpress.c omElizabeth Mike BurbachPioneer Press651-228-5544 mburbach@pioneerpre ss.comGillian MinnPost Casey SelixMinnpost612-455-6950 mAnn Alan GomezUSA Today763-677-6193 mElizabeth Brian BakstAP651-222-4821bbakst@ap.orgJim Amy ForlitiAP612-332-2727aforliti@ap.orgElizabeth Martiga LohnAP651-222-4821mlohn@ap.orgJim

7 Establish yourselves as experts Seize opportunities to respond to questions & inaccurate statements using evidence Examples

8 Miscellaneous Tools Tech support –Website –Chapter logo Fundraising –Letter –Sponsors for Oli Fein event Database organized by congressional districts

9 Oli’s Visit Begin far in advance Utilize members with local connections Announcement letters – sample available

10 Schedule for Oli’s visit June 17 – 5:55 pm - Arrive Mpls/St. Paul airport 7pm - Guest speaker at the “Hazardous to your Health: A Series on Equality and Healthcare Access” at St. Kate’s in the Jeanne d'Arc Auditorium. Elizabeth will speak first. June 18 – 10 am – Regions Hospital morning conference (Emergency Medicine + Internal Medicine) 12 noon – University of Minnesota Internal Medicine Grand Rounds 1-2pm – U of M medical student discussion group directly following Grand Rounds 2:30 pm – Meeting with Pioneer Press editorial board (resulted in Op-ed invitation) 5:30 – 6:30 pm - Cocktail hour with PNHP sponsors of the fundraiser 6:30 – 8:30 pm - MUHCC/PNHP fundraiser gala at the University Club in St. Paul June 19 – 8:30am - Meeting with Star Tribune editorial board 10:15: phone interview with Casey Selix from Minnpost 11am: press conference at HCMC 12 noon – Internal Medicine Grand Rounds at Hennepin County Medical Center 2pm – Interview on MPR for “All Things Considered” Casual evening dinner at local restaurant with PNHP chapter members June 20 – Morning: Relax/breakfast 1:05 pm Depart Mpls/St. Paul airport

11 Minnesota Universal Health Care Coalition What is MUHCC? Reaching out to other groups: –a) those already in place (eg: UH-CAN) –b) unions - start with endorsers of HR676 –c) peace/activist groups Public speaking - churches, forums Tabling –a) state/county fairs, events –b) pamphlets, literature, fact sheets, sign-up sheets Web site - electronic outreach

12 How we work together PNHP-MN: main source of speakers and experts Unions Good source of funding for dues and "in kind donations" like copying literature and hand outs “Day on the hill" at the state capitol; can add single payer to their legislative agenda All groups Provide access to their mailing lists Find tabling and speaking opportunities Build crowds for events (eg. hearings on the state bill)

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