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Office of Criminal Justice Services- Traffic Safety (OCJS-TS) FFY 2012 Pre-Activity Meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "Office of Criminal Justice Services- Traffic Safety (OCJS-TS) FFY 2012 Pre-Activity Meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Office of Criminal Justice Services- Traffic Safety (OCJS-TS) FFY 2012 Pre-Activity Meeting

2 Regional Assignments ● Northwest Region - Planner Jackie Stephenson Frank Arvay LEL ● Central Region - Planner Jackie Stephenson Mike Brining LEL ● Southwest Region – Planner Rhonda Meggitt Chris Robertson LEL ● Southeast Region – Planner Rhonda Meggitt Mike Brining LEL ● Northeast Region – Planner Anne Stewart Stallings Rick Beverley LEL

3 Pre-Activity Form ● Participant: Agency Name ● Date: 10/3/2011 ● Location: County where you are located ● Meeting Held At: OCJS-TS – Columbus ● Attendees: Names ● Agency Fiscal Representative Signature ● Agency Representative Signature

4 Activity Dates ● Beginning Date - Grant period will commence after the required pre-activity meeting. ● Ending Date - All activity must be completed by September 30, 2012.

5 PDF ● All grantees needs to generate a Full PDF of their grant outlining goal, baselines, scope of work, evaluation and budget.

6 National Mobilizations ● Click it Or Ticket May 21, 2012 to June 3, 2012 ● Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over August 17, 2012 to September 3, 2012

7 Mobilization Reporting ● Reporting activity during the mobilizations is required and must be met by the established deadlines. ● Failure to report could result in the grantee being placed on “Grantee on Notice” status.

8 Request for Purchase Form ●Although an item is in the approved budget of your agency’s grant, APPROVAL PRIOR TO PURCHASE is still required by OCJS-TS.


10 Allowable and Unallowable Costs ● In each specific section of the application packet, allowable and unallowable costs are defined. ● Submit a Request to Purchase Form BEFORE YOU PURCHASE!!!

11 Examples of Allowable Costs ● Personnel/ Coordination Expenses (salaries and wages) ● The grantee needs to maintain a coordinator throughout the grant. ● Contractual Services ● Contracts need to be submitted by the 1 st claim.

12 Examples of Allowable Costs ●Public Information and Education ●Meetings ●Follow what is in your work plan.

13 Examples of Allowable Costs with Conditions ● Equipment ● Supplies and Materials ● Training

14 Examples of Allowable Costs with Conditions ● Travel ● Keep your receipts ● You must have charges itemized ● You will only be reimbursed for food if it is not provided at conference ● Special diets and specials needs have to be handled in advance with the conference ● Follow your agency’s Travel Policy



17 Examples of Unallowable Costs ● Entertainment ● Alcoholic Beverages ● Facilities and Construction ● Office Furnishings and Fixtures ● Lobbying ● Advertising/ Public Communications ● Central Service Charges

18 Reimbursement Claims HVEO/OVI Task Force ● Claims must be submitted at least quarterly. ● All new agencies need to do monthly claims. ● Enter specific dates on claim, not a date range. ● Halloween ● 10/28/11 to 10/29/11 (correct) ● 10/01/11 to 10/31/11 (incorrect)




22 Reimbursement Claims ● Claims can include previous activity but cannot go beyond the current claim period. ● If no activity, do a zero claim and zero progress report.

23 Reimbursement Claims ●Name your activity on the claim. ●Follow the dates on your work plan. If dates aren’t followed a revision is required. ●Provide itemized receipts when necessary.

24 Reimbursement Claims ● Make sure the rates used in calculating reimbursement claims are the amounts approved for your grant. ● Must include check or warrant numbers with your claim. Direct Deposit (DD) or Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) are acceptable for electronic deposits. ● Invoices must be attached on all purchases. Quotes, Statements or Purchase Orders are not acceptable.

25 Reimbursement Claims ●Spell out all activities on the Personnel Activity Report – no abbreviations. ●Provide itemized receipts. ●Make sure when you travel you follow your agency’s Travel Policy.

26 Reimbursement Claims ● Claims reimbursement can be received through: Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) 1-877-644-6771

27 Law Enforcement and OVI Task Forces Vehicular Pursuit Policy ● NHTSA and OCJS-TS encourages law enforcement agencies to follow guidelines established by IACP for Vehicular Pursuits in the Manual of Police Traffic Services.

28 Terms and Conditions

29 Limitations ● Funding of this agreement is dependent upon the availability of federal funds as appropriated and obligated by the US Department of Transportation for FFY 2012. ● Should any change in federal funding adversely affect the OCJS-TS’s ability to implement an approved agreement, the OCJS-TS reserves the right to revise or terminate any approved grant in writing.

30 Press Release ● Each grantee is required to submit to their local media a press release announcing the grant award, including amount and purpose of award.

31 Grant Revisions ● Any changes, additions, or deletions to this agreement must be submitted online and approved by the OCJS-TS prior to implementing proposed changes.

32 Grant Revisions ●You cannot submit a claim if you have a revision in process. ●If you have a claim in process and you submit a revision – THE REVISION WILL BE REJECTED. ●The last day to submit a revision is September 1, 2012.

33 Personnel Activity Reports ● These reports must document date worked, actual activity performed and the number of hours per day to be charged to this agreement. ● This written document is to be signed by the individual and their immediate supervisor.

34 Grant User’s Account Password Security ●For security purposes, each person using the GRANTS system must have a separate user name and password. Each account must have its own email account. Sub- grantee agency personnel must not share passwords.

35 Personnel Activity Reports ●Make sure the dates on the Personnel Activity Report matches the dates on your mileage logs. ●No Abbreviations. ●Follow your work plan. ●Write legible.

36 Sub-Contracts ● Sub-contracts are required with any $5,000 or more combined purchases with any one vendor. ● Such contracts and procurements must include “Special Provisions” as provided by the OCJS-TS. ● All sub-contracts must be submitted and approved prior to execution.

37 Supplies, Materials, Incentives, Promotional Items, Educational Materials ● All supplies, materials, incentives, promotional items and educational materials must be used for approved traffic safety activities throughout its useful life. ● Before purchasing any supplies, materials, incentives, promotional items and educational materials, the grantee must submit a request to purchase form for approval to the OCJS-TS.

38 Supplies, Materials, Incentives, Promotional Items, Educational Materials ● All materials shall include federal sponsorship credit and /or disclaimer clauses as directed by the OCJS-TS. The credit line shall state: Funded by U.S. DOT/NHTSA and ODPS/OCJS-TS. ● All public service announcements funded with federal funds, in whole or in part, must be closed captioned for the hearing impaired.

39 Travel ● Any travel must be pre-approved by the OCJS-TS prior to the trip or event.

40 Training ● The cost of training personnel for highway safety purposes may be funded when the training supports both the goals and scope of work of the approved grant program and the goals of the ODPS/OCJS-TS. All education/training must be pre-approved.

41 Restraint Usage Survey (only Safe Communities and Law Enforcement Grants) ● June Survey – 06/01 thru 06/30 (Due 7/16) ● September Survey – 09/08 thru 09/30 (Due 10/15)

42 Restraint Usage Survey (only Safe Communities and Law Enforcement Grants) ●If your county doesn’t have a Safe Communities program, then the Sheriff’s Office is responsible for completing three seat belt survey sites in June and in September. ●Please contact your planner for the seat belt survey sites.

43 Seat Belt Surveys Address Dr. Seufert Miami University Applied Research Center 2 South Main Street Middletown, OH 45044

44 Final Report and Final Claim ● A final comprehensive annual project activity report must be submitted to the OCJS-TS by November 1. ● If final claim and annual report are not received by November 1, their will be a 10% penalty deduction to the final reimbursement claim. ● If final claim and annual report are received after November 15, the final claim will not be reimbursed.

45 Records Retention ● All records relating to project activity must be maintained for at least three years following the final reimbursement payment.

46 Termination of Agreement ● Either the OCJS-TS or the grantee may terminate this agreement by giving the other party 30 days written notice.

47 Special Conditions OVI Task Forces

48 Site Selection ● Justification for sites selected for enforcement activities must be documented and maintained as a part of the grantee’s file for this agreement.

49 Special Condition High Visibility Enforcement Overtime

50 Training Certification ● Alcohol–Related Traffic Enforcement – Arresting Officers ONLY: Standard Field Sobriety Testing (SFST). ● Speed Management-related Traffic Enforcement– Electronic Speed Measuring Device Training (ESMD).

51 Training Ohio Peace Officers Training Academy Dave Peters (614) 466-7771 Ohio State Highway Patrol Sgt. Ray Joseph (614) 466-4896

52 COMPLETE PRE-ACTIVITY FORM and hand to your planner.

53 Thank You for Your Participation!

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