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Electricity and you Recall that nerves carry electrical nerve impulses

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Presentation on theme: "Electricity and you Recall that nerves carry electrical nerve impulses"— Presentation transcript:

1 Electricity and you Recall that nerves carry electrical nerve impulses
What happens to our bodies when we get an electric shock How can we use electric shocks.

2 Our brains and nerves conduct electrical signals through nerves.
Electricity and you Our brains and nerves conduct electrical signals through nerves. video

3 Electricity and you Heart muscles are controlled by electrical impulses so that they pump blood at the correct time. If these signals do not reach all parts of the heart Dr’s can fit a pacemaker

4 Electricity and you Heart muscles are controlled by electrical impulses so that they pump blood at the correct time. If a heart stops beating or is beating irregularly sometimes it can be made to start again by passing electricity through it.

5 Electric shocks can. Look at page 145 table D.
Electricity and you Electric shocks can. Look at page 145 table D.

6 Electricity and you A shock from a 12V circuit and a 220V mains
Voltage is _______________ 1. Your body has a high resistance (higher resistance than a light bulb) so you rarely feel anything if you touch a 12V circuit in a school experiment. Voltage = current resistance 2. As voltage increases so does current. 3. So a 220V electric shock from the mains circuit will cause damage.

7 Are you telling the truth?
Electricity and you Why no wet hands ? The resistance of your skin is lower with wet hands, this would let a higher circuit flow through you. Are you telling the truth?

8 Revision before the task
Learn key words Draw circuit diagrams-look over summary sheets Look at evaluating models.

9 c any sensible answer, such as: it does not model resistance/there is no ‘wire’ for the children to move through/the children do not have to return to the banana stall


11 Series circuits – 2 bulbs
Series circuit – 2 bulbs Series circuits – 2 bulbs

12 Parallel Circuit Parallel Circuit

13 Set up the two circuits shown:
10:35 A. B. 1. In which circuit are the bulbs the brightest? In circuit A the bulbs are the brightest. 2. What happens if you unscrew one bulb in Circuit A? The other bulb stays lit. 3. What do we call circuit A? Parallel Circuit 4. What happens if you unscrew a bulb in circuit B? The other bulb goes out. 5. What do we call circuit B? Series Circuit 13

14 Model circuits


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