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Session #26: How Community Hospitals Thrive with Analytics

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1 Session #26: How Community Hospitals Thrive with Analytics
Greg Stock Chief Executive Officer, Thibodaux Regional Medical Center Gene Thomas Vice President and Chief Information Officer, Memorial Hospital Gulfport Facilitator: John Wadsworth Vice President, Technical Operations, Health Catalyst Jeffrey Vespa, MD Vice President, Quality and Medical Director, North Memorial Hospital Systems Triple Aim: better health, lower costs, better experience IOM: Safety, effectiveness, efficiency, patient-centered care, timeliness, equitable Pre-Session Poll Question Not started, contemplating < 1 year 1-2 years 3-4 years 5+ years My healthcare organization has been leveraging an EDW with analytics for:

2 Poll Question #2 How would you describe your organization’s staffing commitment to business intelligence and analytics? No commitment. Do we really need staff? Just starting - recruiting Understaffed Adequately staffed Optimally staffed Follow up group participation 1Would you like to participate in a follow up group on this topic that would meet 2-3 times next year to share progress, challenges and best practices? (Yes, No)

3 EDW Staffing Justification
The data architect/analyst skill set is a rare asset in today’s job market. Consequently, their salary requirements are high. As a community hospital executive, how do you justify the salary base for these individuals? Greg Stock Dr. Vespa Gene Thomas Follow up group participation 1Would you like to participate in a follow up group on this topic that would meet 2-3 times next year to share progress, challenges and best practices? (Yes, No)

4 Maximizing EDW Staffing
As your organization has come to value the technical prowess of your EDW team, what staffing/operational changes have you implemented to maximize the value of the team to the organization? Dr. Vespa Gene Thomas Greg Stock Follow up group participation 1Would you like to participate in a follow up group on this topic that would meet 2-3 times next year to share progress, challenges and best practices? (Yes, No)

5 Poll Question #3 How strong is your level of physician engagement with analytics and process improvement? No engagement Exploring partnerships – educating staff Minimal – 1-2 supportive divisions Moderate – 4-6 sustained engagements Strong – ubiquitous support Follow up group participation 1Would you like to participate in a follow up group on this topic that would meet 2-3 times next year to share progress, challenges and best practices? (Yes, No)

6 Physician Engagement Each of you has stated that physician engagement is crucial to the success of sustained process improvement. Could you share one way your organization has achieved physician engagement? Gene Thomas Greg Stock Dr. Vespa Follow up group participation 1Would you like to participate in a follow up group on this topic that would meet 2-3 times next year to share progress, challenges and best practices? (Yes, No)

7 Success Stories with Analytics
Building an EDW is a Herculean effort for a community hospital. Budgets are tight and project staffing is lean. Despite those constraints, each of your hospital systems has achieved meaningful and quantifiable outcomes. Please share with the audience one example of process improvement from your EDW. Greg Stock Dr. Vespa Gene Thomas Follow up group participation 1Would you like to participate in a follow up group on this topic that would meet 2-3 times next year to share progress, challenges and best practices? (Yes, No)

8 If you had a do-over… Many in the audience today are contemplating an EDW investment. Each of you know such a commitment may feel daunting. If you were to pause for a moment to consider what you have learned from your EDW experience, what cautionary advice would you offer to those who are just embarking on their analytic journey? Dr. Vespa Gene Thomas Greg Stock Follow up group participation 1Would you like to participate in a follow up group on this topic that would meet 2-3 times next year to share progress, challenges and best practices? (Yes, No)

9 Lessons Learned - Gulfport
With an EDW, we have increased revenues, reduced spending, and avoided penalties. Having the EDW hosted freed-up seasoned, technical resources to drive analytics. Now they manage information, not patches/upgrades. Invest in people and technology. Buy the right tools for staff. Invest in their proficiency of the tools. Analytics from the EDW improve ROI from the EMR investment. Follow up group participation 1Would you like to participate in a follow up group on this topic that would meet 2-3 times next year to share progress, challenges and best practices? (Yes, No)

10 Lessons Learned – Thibodaux
Choose your process improvement leaders wisely. They must be comfortable having honest, straight-up conversations. It’s raw. Support process improvement leaders with executive sponsorship. Use data for accountability of care and cost. Trusted data is the key for resistance management. Pay your clinical leadership for time away from clinic as they lead and support process improvement initiatives. Community hospitals can thrive in today’s market with focus, organization, discipline, and good data. Follow up group participation 1Would you like to participate in a follow up group on this topic that would meet 2-3 times next year to share progress, challenges and best practices? (Yes, No)

11 Lessons Learned – North Memorial
Quantifiable results within the triple aim generate additional momentum for process improvement work. 2. C-level sponsorship crucial for physician engagement MD for clinical integration role key to outcomes success. Project management should be removed from tech resources and put onto shoulders of data manager. Optimal staffing for sustained improvement is a cross-disciplinary team (technical, operational, financial and/or clinical). Follow up group participation 1Would you like to participate in a follow up group on this topic that would meet 2-3 times next year to share progress, challenges and best practices? (Yes, No)

12 Analytic Insights Questions & Answers A

13 Choose one thing… Write down one thing will you do differently after hearing this presentation Follow up group participation 1Would you like to participate in a follow up group on this topic that would meet 2-3 times next year to share progress, challenges and best practices? (Yes, No)

14 Thank You Follow up group participation
1Would you like to participate in a follow up group on this topic that would meet 2-3 times next year to share progress, challenges and best practices? (Yes, No)

15 Session Feedback Survey
On a scale of 1-5, how satisfied were you overall with this session? Not at all satisfied Somewhat satisfied Moderately satisfied Very satisfied Extremely satisfied Follow up group participation 1Would you like to participate in a follow up group on this topic that would meet 2-3 times next year to share progress, challenges and best practices? (Yes, No) What feedback or suggestions do you have?

16 Upcoming Sessions Breakout Sessions – Wave 5 (2:20 PM – 3:05 PM)
Panel – Data Governance in Healthcare How One ACO Is Using Analytics to Position Itself for Population Health Management and Shared Savings James J. Dearing, DO, FACOFP, FAAFP, Vice President, Chief Medical Officer, Honor Health Panel – Best Practices in Achieving Physician Engagement Panel – Precision Medicine and Embracing Variability Improving Analytics and Processes to Ease Hospital Crowding Wes Elfman, Visualization Developer, Clinical and Business Analytics, Stanford Health Care Terrill Wolf, Manager, Data Architecture, Clinical and Business Analytics, Stanford Health Care Location Grand Salon Imperial Ballroom A Imperial Ballroom B Follow up group participation 1Would you like to participate in a follow up group on this topic that would meet 2-3 times next year to share progress, challenges and best practices? (Yes, No) Murano Venezia

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