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Summit Radio Maintenance and IF Motor Testing By: Blake Stene Akamai Internship W.M. Keck Observatory Mentor: Jason Chin Home Institution: Hawai’i Community.

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Presentation on theme: "Summit Radio Maintenance and IF Motor Testing By: Blake Stene Akamai Internship W.M. Keck Observatory Mentor: Jason Chin Home Institution: Hawai’i Community."— Presentation transcript:

1 Summit Radio Maintenance and IF Motor Testing By: Blake Stene Akamai Internship W.M. Keck Observatory Mentor: Jason Chin Home Institution: Hawai’i Community College

2 Projects  Radio Repair and Maintenance  Testing IF Motors  Collecting RMS Data on IF Motors Photo Taken From:

3 How Did I Get Things Done?  Planning  Setting Goals  Execute the Plan  Collecting Data  Getting Results

4 Mauna Kea  W.M. Keck Observatory is at 13,600 Feet in Elevation  Radios were checked at the summit in the clean room  Radios are important Safety feature for all personnel  Radios are used at the summit for communication between summit personnel Photo Courtesy: Michael Cooney

5 Repairing and Maintaining Radios  Motorola HT750 and SP50  I used an analyzer to check radios  (CTCSS) Continuous Tone Coded Sub-audible Squelch or (PL) Private Line. (I used my scanner for this)  Microphone Sensitivity  Received Signal  Power Output (Watts)  Updated the Database Photos Taken From:



8 Status  52 Radios Checked  43 Radios Working Fine  9 Radios Out of Service (Need Servicing)  3 New (HT750) Radios are Missing  8 Old (SP50) Radios are Missing

9 Some of the Problems  Dirty Speakers (Metal Shavings)  Clean Radio (Oil Incident)  Solder Cracks  Power Output (Watts)  Missing Channel Knob  Low TX & RX Audio (TX Audio 0.3µV Normal) (TX Audio 0.3µV Normal)

10 Things I Learned  Analyzer  Power (Watts)  RX and TX Sensitivity  Sensitivity of Microphone  CTCSS or PL  Solder Cracks  Database  Graphs Photos Courtesy: Michael Cooney

11 Actuator 850 Motors  I used the Pewin 32 program  Actuators are used to adjust for the error in mirrors  I collected data on each motor to document the limits  I changed the software limits so that I could hit the position limits  I checked the software and position limits + and –  I recorded the data on Excel  2 broken motors will be sent in for repair Photo Courtesy: Michael Cooney

12 RMS Data

13 Mahalo  Mentor: Jason Chin  Eric Appleby  Sarah Anderson  Ed Wetherell  Malika Moutawakkil Bell  W.M. Keck Observatory  Hawai’i Community College  This project is supported by the National Science Foundation Science and Technology Center for Adaptive Optics, managed by the University of California at Santa Cruz under cooperative agreement No. AST – 9876783.

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