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Published byClement McKinney Modified over 9 years ago
1 Minding the Gap Between Slicing and Refactoring (or “Fine Slicing: A new slicing technique to yield slices whose complements are slices too”) Ran Ettinger, IBM Haifa Research Lab CREST Open Workshop, King’s College, London 28 April 2010 Joint work with Aharon Abadi and Yishai Feldman
2 The gap is in the complement Both techniques care for syntax and semantics preservation, but –Syntactically… Slicing is about program decomposition Refactoring is about program recomposition –Semantically… Slicing preserves a subset of the original behavior Refactoring is expected to preserve the full behavior (or functionality) Is the meaning of “extract” the same?
3 Slice-Extraction Refactoring Make a slice of code reusable –Not merely copying and pasting it –Update the original code too, like in the “Extract Method” refactoring Turn a non-contiguous slice into a contiguous fragment of code, before applying “Extract Method” –Rearrange the rest of the code Prepare parameters Use slice results Hide unwanted side-effects Compute further results –A kind of defragmentation
4 TCP Example Taken from recent work on automatic recovery of state diagrams from procedural code* [Moria Abadi and Yishai Feldman, PLDE10] Recovery algorithm requires all state changes from a given state to occur in a single procedure –Precede recovery with refactoring when this is not the case –Isolate state-changing code in called procedures and move it all to a single procedure * Code example from Comer et al. 2004
5 Is this a correct isolation step? int tcpclosing(Tcb ptcb, Ep pep) {... result = tcbdealloc(ptcb);... } int tcbdealloc(Tcb ptcb) { if (ptcb.tcb_state == TCPS_FREE) return OK; switch (ptcb.tcb_type) { case TCPT_CONNECTION: tcpkilltimers(ptcb); sdelete(ptcb.tcb_ocsem); sdelete(ptcb.tcb_ssema); sdelete(ptcb.tcb_rsema); freemem(ptcb.tcb_sndbuf, ptcb.tcb_sbsize); freemem(ptcb.tcb_rcvbuf, ptcb.tcb_rbsize); if (ptcb.tcb_rsegq >= 0) freeq(ptcb.tcb_rsegq); break; case TCPT_SERVER: pdelete(ptcb.tcb_listenq, 0); break; default: signal(ptcb.tcb_mutex); return SYSERR; } ptcb.tcb_state = TCPS_FREE; sdelete(ptcb.tcb_mutex); return OK; } int tcpclosing(Tcb ptcb, Ep pep) {... if (ptcb.tcb_type == TCPT_CONNECTION || ptcb.tcb_type == TCPT_SERVER)) ptcb.tcb_state = TCPS_FREE; result = tcbdealloc(ptcb);... } int tcbdealloc(Tcb ptcb) { if (ptcb.tcb_state == TCPS_FREE) return OK; switch (ptcb.tcb_type) { case TCPT_CONNECTION: tcpkilltimers(ptcb); sdelete(ptcb.tcb_ocsem); sdelete(ptcb.tcb_ssema); sdelete(ptcb.tcb_rsema); freemem(ptcb.tcb_sndbuf, ptcb.tcb_sbsize); freemem(ptcb.tcb_rcvbuf, ptcb.tcb_rbsize); if (ptcb.tcb_rsegq >= 0) freeq(ptcb.tcb_rsegq); break; case TCPT_SERVER: pdelete(ptcb.tcb_listenq, 0); break; default: signal(ptcb.tcb_mutex); return SYSERR; } sdelete(ptcb.tcb_mutex); return OK; }
6 A new slicing technique to assist in automated extraction Informally, a traditional (backward) slice of a given program with respect to selected “interesting” variables is a subprogram that computes the same values as the original program for the selected variables Accordingly, a (backward) fine slice of a given program with respect to selected “interesting” variables and other “oracle” variables is a subprogram that computes the same values as the original program for the selected variables, given values for the oracle variables
7 Fine Slicing A generalization of traditional program slicing Fine slices can be precisely bounded –Slicing criteria include set of data and control dependences to ignore Fine slices are executable and extractable Oracle-based semantics for fine slices Algorithm for computing data-structure representing the oracle Forward fine slices are executable –Might be larger than traditional forward slices
8 Extract Computation A new refactoring Extracts a fine slice into contiguous code Computes the co-slice Computation can then be extracted into a separate method using Extract Method Passes necessary “oracle” variables between slice and co-slice Generates new containers if series of values need to be passed
9 A Case Study in Enterprise Refactoring [WRT08-09] Converted a Java Servlet to use the MVC pattern, using a series of small refactoring steps* Inadequate automation for most steps Most significant deficit in Extract Method (a)Extract multiple fragments (b)Extract a partial fragment (c)Extract loop with partial body (d)Extract code with conditional exits All 4 cases involve the extraction of fine slices * Based on: Alex Chaffee, “Refactoring to Model-View-Controller” (
10 (a) Extract multiple fragments User user = getCurrentUser(request); if (user == null) { response.sendRedirect(LOGIN_PAGE_URL); return; } response.setContentType("text/html"); disableCache(response); String albumName = request.getParameter("album"); PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
11 (b) Extract a partial fragment out.println(DOCTYPE_HTML); out.println(" "); out.println(" Error "); out.println(" "); out.print(" "); out.print("Could not load album '" + albumName + "'"); out.println(" ");
12 out.println(" "); int start = page * 20; int end = start + 20; end = Math.min(end, album.getPictures().size()); for (int i = start; i < end; i++) { Picture picture = album.getPicture(i); printPicture(out, picture); } out.println(" "); (c) Extract loop with partial body 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
13 2 3 4 5 *** 6 7 *** 9 1 6 8 10 int start = page * 20; int end = start + 20; end = Math.min(end, album.getPictures().size()); Queue pictures = new LinkedList (); for (int i = start; i < end; i++) { Picture picture = album.getPicture(i); pictures.add(picture); } out.println(" "); for (int i = start; i < end; i++) printPicture(out, pictures.remove()); out.println(" ");
14 (d) Extract code with conditional exits if (album == null) { new ErrorPage("Could not load album '" + album.getName() + "'").printMessage(out); return; } //...
15 if (invalidAlbum(album, out)) return; } //... boolean invalidAlbum(Album album, PrintWriter out) { boolean invalid = album == null; if (invalid) { new ErrorPage("Could not load album '" + album.getName() + "'").printMessage(out); } return invalid; }
16 ++ out.println(" "); int start = page * 20; int end = start + 20; end = Math.min(end, album.getPictures().size()); for (int i = start; i < end; i++) { Picture picture = album.getPicture(i); printPicture(out, picture); } out.println(" "); entry println out * album getPictures size page min + out start end TF < getPicture i out end printPicture out println i " 20 " exit p1p1 p1p1 p2p2 p2p2 Token Semantics
17 ++ out.println(" "); int start = page * 20; int end = start + 20; end = Math.min(end, album.getPictures().size()); for (int i = start; i < end; i++) { Picture picture = album.getPicture(i); printPicture(out, picture); } out.println(" "); entry println out * album getPictures size page min + out start end TF < getPicture i out end printPicture out println i " 20 " exit printPicture Fine Slicing
18 ++ out.println(" "); for (int i = start; i < end; i++) { printPicture(out, picture); } out.println(" "); entry println out TF < i end printPicture out println i " exit printPicture start picture The Fine Slice out
19 ++ out.println(" "); int start = page * 20; int end = start + 20; end = Math.min(end, album.getPictures().size()); for (int i = start; i < end; i++) { Picture picture = album.getPicture(i); printPicture(out, picture); } out.println(" "); entry println out * album getPictures size page min + out start end TF < getPicture i out end printPicture out println i " 20 " exit printPicture Co-Slicing
20 ++ out.println(" "); int start = page * 20; int end = start + 20; end = Math.min(end, album.getPictures().size()); for (int i = start; i < end; i++) { Picture picture = album.getPicture(i); } entry * album getPictures size min + start end TF < getPicture i end out i 20 exit start picture The Co-Slice page
21 ++ entry * album getPictures size page min + start end TF < getPicture i end out i 20 exit start picture ++ entry println out TF < end out println i " exit printPicture start picture Fine slice Co-slice out
22 ++ println < remove printPicture println ++ out.println(" "); int start = page * 20; int end = start + 20; end = Math.min(end, album.getPictures().size()); Queue pictures = new LinkedList (); for (int i = start; i < end; i++) { Picture picture = album.getPicture(i); pictures.add(picture); printPicture(out,pictures.remove()); } out.println(" "); entry println out * album getPictures size page min + out start end TF < getPicture i out end printPicture out println i " 20 " exit new remove add picture pictures picture pictures Adding a Container pictures
23 ++ println < remove printPicture println ++ void display(PrintStream out, int start, int end, Queue pictures){ out.println(" "); for (int i = start; i < end; i++) { printPicture(out, pictures.remove()); } out.println(" "); } entry println out start TF < out end printPicture out println i " exit pictures remove entry i out The Fine Slice pictures picture
24 ++ println < remove printPicture println ++ entry println out * album getPictures size page min + out start end TF < getPicture i out end printPicture out println i " 20 " exit new remove add out.println(" "); int start = page * 20; int end = start + 20; end = Math.min(end, album.getPictures().size()); Queue pictures = new LinkedList (); for (int i = start; i < end; i++) { Picture picture = album.getPicture(i); pictures.add(picture); printPicture(out,pictures.remove()); } out.println(" "); Program with Container pictures picture
25 ++ < int start = page * 20; int end = start + 20; end = Math.min(end, album.getPictures().size()); Queue pictures = new LinkedList (); for (int i = start; i < end; i++) { Picture picture = album.getPicture(i); pictures.add(picture); } display(out,start,end, pictures); entry * album getPictures size page min + out start end TF < getPicture i end i 20 exit new pictures add display pictures start out The Co-Slice pictures picture i
26 int tcbdealloc(Tcb ptcb) { if (ptcb.tcb_state == TCPS_FREE) return OK; switch (ptcb.tcb_type) { case TCPT_CONNECTION: tcpkilltimers(ptcb); sdelete(ptcb.tcb_ocsem); sdelete(ptcb.tcb_ssema); sdelete(ptcb.tcb_rsema); freemem(ptcb.tcb_sndbuf, ptcb.tcb_sbsize); freemem(ptcb.tcb_rcvbuf, ptcb.tcb_rbsize); if (ptcb.tcb_rsegq >= 0) freeq(ptcb.tcb_rsegq); break; case TCPT_SERVER: pdelete(ptcb.tcb_listenq, 0); break; default: signal(ptcb.tcb_mutex); return SYSERR; } ptcb.tcb_state = TCPS_FREE; sdelete(ptcb.tcb_mutex); return OK; } Revisiting the TCP Example
27 Slicing Unstructured Code [FSE09] p q A plan-based slicing algorithm in two main stages –Compute initial slice by following all control and data dependences –Complete the slice by identifying required control structure Lemma: “Let P be a surface plan, and let Q be a slice computed from P. If (p,q) is a control edge in Q, then every path from p to the exit in the source program P passes through q without passing through any other port of Q before it.” Theorem: “It is always possible to add to the slice a control path consisting of branches from the original program for every control edge in the plan. Regardless of which paths are chosen, two points in the resulting slice have a control path between them iff they are connected by a control path in the original program that does not go through any other point in the slice.” –Proof for flat languages, with conditional and unconditional branch statements Precisely identifies the possible sets of branches (gotos, jumps) that may be added to the slice Any path in the original program can be chosen Optimizations can be performed
28 int tcbdealloc(Tcb ptcb) { if (ptcb.tcb_state == TCPS_FREE) return OK; switch (ptcb.tcb_type) { case TCPT_CONNECTION: tcpkilltimers(ptcb); sdelete(ptcb.tcb_ocsem); sdelete(ptcb.tcb_ssema); sdelete(ptcb.tcb_rsema); freemem(ptcb.tcb_sndbuf, ptcb.tcb_sbsize); freemem(ptcb.tcb_rcvbuf, ptcb.tcb_rbsize); if (ptcb.tcb_rsegq >= 0) freeq(ptcb.tcb_rsegq); break; case TCPT_SERVER: pdelete(ptcb.tcb_listenq, 0); break; default: signal(ptcb.tcb_mutex); return SYSERR; } ptcb.tcb_state = TCPS_FREE; sdelete(ptcb.tcb_mutex); return OK; } Control Flow Graph of Initial Slice Exit Entry
29 int tcbdealloc(Tcb ptcb) { if (ptcb.tcb_state == TCPS_FREE) return OK; switch (ptcb.tcb_type) { case TCPT_CONNECTION: tcpkilltimers(ptcb); sdelete(ptcb.tcb_ocsem); sdelete(ptcb.tcb_ssema); sdelete(ptcb.tcb_rsema); freemem(ptcb.tcb_sndbuf, ptcb.tcb_sbsize); freemem(ptcb.tcb_rcvbuf, ptcb.tcb_rbsize); if (ptcb.tcb_rsegq >= 0) freeq(ptcb.tcb_rsegq); break; case TCPT_SERVER: pdelete(ptcb.tcb_listenq, 0); break; default: signal(ptcb.tcb_mutex); return SYSERR; } ptcb.tcb_state = TCPS_FREE; sdelete(ptcb.tcb_mutex); return OK; } Adding relevant branches (a) Exit Entry
30 int tcbdealloc(Tcb ptcb) { if (ptcb.tcb_state == TCPS_FREE) return OK; switch (ptcb.tcb_type) { case TCPT_CONNECTION: tcpkilltimers(ptcb); sdelete(ptcb.tcb_ocsem); sdelete(ptcb.tcb_ssema); sdelete(ptcb.tcb_rsema); freemem(ptcb.tcb_sndbuf, ptcb.tcb_sbsize); freemem(ptcb.tcb_rcvbuf, ptcb.tcb_rbsize); if (ptcb.tcb_rsegq >= 0) freeq(ptcb.tcb_rsegq); break; case TCPT_SERVER: pdelete(ptcb.tcb_listenq, 0); break; default: signal(ptcb.tcb_mutex); return SYSERR; } ptcb.tcb_state = TCPS_FREE; sdelete(ptcb.tcb_mutex); return OK; } Adding relevant branches (b) Exit Entry
31 int tcbdealloc(Tcb ptcb) { if (ptcb.tcb_state == TCPS_FREE) return OK; switch (ptcb.tcb_type) { case TCPT_CONNECTION: tcpkilltimers(ptcb); sdelete(ptcb.tcb_ocsem); sdelete(ptcb.tcb_ssema); sdelete(ptcb.tcb_rsema); freemem(ptcb.tcb_sndbuf, ptcb.tcb_sbsize); freemem(ptcb.tcb_rcvbuf, ptcb.tcb_rbsize); if (ptcb.tcb_rsegq >= 0) freeq(ptcb.tcb_rsegq); break; case TCPT_SERVER: pdelete(ptcb.tcb_listenq, 0); break; default: signal(ptcb.tcb_mutex); return SYSERR; } ptcb.tcb_state = TCPS_FREE; sdelete(ptcb.tcb_mutex); return OK; } Adding relevant branches (c) Exit Entry
32 int tcbdealloc(Tcb ptcb) { if (ptcb.tcb_state == TCPS_FREE) return OK; switch (ptcb.tcb_type) { case TCPT_CONNECTION: tcpkilltimers(ptcb); sdelete(ptcb.tcb_ocsem); sdelete(ptcb.tcb_ssema); sdelete(ptcb.tcb_rsema); freemem(ptcb.tcb_sndbuf, ptcb.tcb_sbsize); freemem(ptcb.tcb_rcvbuf, ptcb.tcb_rbsize); if (ptcb.tcb_rsegq >= 0) freeq(ptcb.tcb_rsegq); break; case TCPT_SERVER: pdelete(ptcb.tcb_listenq, 0); break; default: signal(ptcb.tcb_mutex); return SYSERR; } ptcb.tcb_state = TCPS_FREE; sdelete(ptcb.tcb_mutex); return OK; } Adding relevant branches (d) Exit Entry
33 int tcbdealloc(Tcb ptcb) { if (ptcb.tcb_state == TCPS_FREE) return OK; switch (ptcb.tcb_type) { case TCPT_CONNECTION: tcpkilltimers(ptcb); sdelete(ptcb.tcb_ocsem); sdelete(ptcb.tcb_ssema); sdelete(ptcb.tcb_rsema); freemem(ptcb.tcb_sndbuf, ptcb.tcb_sbsize); freemem(ptcb.tcb_rcvbuf, ptcb.tcb_rbsize); if (ptcb.tcb_rsegq >= 0) freeq(ptcb.tcb_rsegq); break; case TCPT_SERVER: pdelete(ptcb.tcb_listenq, 0); break; default: signal(ptcb.tcb_mutex); return SYSERR; } ptcb.tcb_state = TCPS_FREE; sdelete(ptcb.tcb_mutex); return OK; } Adding relevant branches (e) Exit Entry
34 int tcbdealloc(Tcb ptcb) { if (ptcb.tcb_state == TCPS_FREE) return OK; switch (ptcb.tcb_type) { case TCPT_CONNECTION: tcpkilltimers(ptcb); sdelete(ptcb.tcb_ocsem); sdelete(ptcb.tcb_ssema); sdelete(ptcb.tcb_rsema); freemem(ptcb.tcb_sndbuf, ptcb.tcb_sbsize); freemem(ptcb.tcb_rcvbuf, ptcb.tcb_rbsize); if (ptcb.tcb_rsegq >= 0) freeq(ptcb.tcb_rsegq); break; case TCPT_SERVER: pdelete(ptcb.tcb_listenq, 0); break; default: signal(ptcb.tcb_mutex); return SYSERR; } ptcb.tcb_state = TCPS_FREE; sdelete(ptcb.tcb_mutex); return OK; } Complete Slice
35 Isolated State-Changing Code int tcbdealloc(Tcb ptcb) { int old_tcb_state = ptcb.tcb_state; if (ptcb.tcb_state == TCPS_FREE) goto L1; switch (ptcb.tcb_type) { case TCPT_CONNECTION: break; case TCPT_SERVER: break; default: goto L1; } ptcb.tcb_state = TCPS_FREE; L1: int new_tcb_state = ptcb.tcb_state; int result; ptcb.tcb_state = old_tcb_state; if (ptcb.tcb_state == TCPS_FREE) { result = OK; goto L2; } switch (ptcb.tcb_type) { case TCPT_CONNECTION: tcpkilltimers(ptcb); sdelete(ptcb.tcb_ocsem); sdelete(ptcb.tcb_ssema); sdelete(ptcb.tcb_rsema); freemem(ptcb.tcb_sndbuf, ptcb.tcb_sbsize); freemem(ptcb.tcb_rcvbuf, ptcb.tcb_rbsize); if (ptcb.tcb_rsegq >= 0) freeq(ptcb.tcb_rsegq); break; case TCPT_SERVER: pdelete(ptcb.tcb_listenq, 0); break; default: signal(ptcb.tcb_mutex); result = SYSERR; goto L2; } sdelete(ptcb.tcb_mutex); result = OK; L2: ptcb.tcb_state = new_tcb_state; return result; }
36 Related Work (I): (Non-)Executable Slices A wide range of slicing techniques which yield a non-executable* collection of program statements –Traditional backward slicing (e.g., Weiser, ICSE81 or Ottenstein&Ottenstein, PSDE84), when applied to unstructured code Solved by a designated stage in plan-based slicing (Abadi, Ettinger & Feldman, FSE09) –Forward slicing (Horwitz, Reps & Binkley, TOPLAS90) –Barrier slicing (Krinke, SCAM03) –Chopping (Jackson & Rollins, FSE94) and Barrier Chopping (Krinke, SCAM03) –Thin slicing (Sridharan, Fink & Bodik, PLDI07) Hypothesis: All the above can be made executable with an appropriate oracle, by adding the required control structure * An executable slice is a program in itself, one that preserves the original program's behavior with respect to a given slicing criterion
37 Related Work (II): Executable Slices with Reduced Scope or Size Other techniques for limiting the scope of slicing, for getting smaller and more focused slices: –Block-based slicing (Maruyama, SSR01): structured code only, no correctness proof –Co-slicing (my thesis, 2006): limited to slicing from the end and oracle of final values only; proof on toy language –Parametric slicing (Field, Ramalingam & Tip, POPL95): their constrained slices are an executable generalization of static and dynamic slices; like oracle semantics, they formalize programs with holes; however, their hole stand for an expression whose value is irrelevant, while our hole stand for a significant (oracle) value to be sent as a parameter –Some forms of dynamic and forward slicing are executable (Venkatesh, PLDI91; Binkley et al,. SCAM04): forward slices made excessively large through the addition of backward slices
38 Related Work (III): Behavior Preserving Procedure Extraction Contiguous code –Bill Opdyke's thesis (UIUC, 92): for C++ –Griswold&Notkin (ToSE93): for Scheme Arbitrary selections of (not necessarily contiguous) statements –Tucking (Lakhotia&Deprez, IST98): the complement is a slice too (from all non-extracted points; no dataflow from the extracted slice to its complement yields over-duplication; strong preconditions (e.g., no global variables involved and no live-on-exit variable defined on both the slice and complement –Semantics-Preserving Procedure Extraction (Komondoor&Horwitz, POPL00): considers all permutations of selected and surrounding statements; no duplication allowed; not practical (exponential time complexity) –Effective Automatic Procedure Extraction (Komondoor&Horwitz, IWPC03): improves on their POPL00 algorithm by being more practical (cubic time and space), allowing some duplication (of conditionals and jumps); might miss some correct permutations though; no duplication of assignments or loops; allows dataflow from complementary to extracted code and from extracted code to (a second portion of) complementary code; supports exiting jumps –Extraction of block-based slices (Maruyama, SSR01): extracts a slice of one variable only; restricted to structured code; no proof given –My thesis (Sliding, 2006): sliding transformation, sequentially composes a slice and its complement, allowing dataflow from the former to the latter; supports loop untangling and duplication of assignments; but restricted to slicing from the end, and only final values from the extracted slice can be reused in the complement; proof for toy language
39 Conclusion Fine slicing is a generalization of program slicing –It can be used to compute meaningful sub-programs For extraction, in automated refactoring tools For program understanding too –Can be used to compute the complementary code required for correct refactoring This work is part of a long-term research project focusing on advanced enterprise refactoring tools, aiming to assist in daily software development on the one hand and in legacy modernization on the other The new Extract Computation refactoring for isolating fine slices is a crucial building block in this endeavor –It will be used to enhance the automation for complex code-motion refactorings in order to support enterprise transformations such as the move to MVC [WRT08-09] –As our prototype matures, it will be possible to evaluate to what extent such enterprise transformations can be automated Present and future work –Interprocedural fine slicing –Support for aliasing –Support interprocedural transformations –Automate a wide range of known refactorings, based on fine slicing and Extract Computation
40 References Abadi, Ettinger, and Feldman, WRT08: Re-approaching the refactoring rubicon. Workshop on Refactoring Tools @ OOPSLA08. Abadi, Ettinger, and Feldman, WRT09: Fine slicing for advanced method extraction. Workshop on Refactoring Tools @ OOPSLA09. Abadi, Ettinger, and Feldman, FSE09: Improving slice accuracy by compression of data and control flow paths. M. Abadi&Feldman, PLDE10: Refactoring in multiple representations: code and statecharts. Field, Ramalingam & Tip, POPL95: Parametric program slicing. Griswold&Notkin, ToSE93: Automated assistance for program restructuring. Horwitz, Reps & Binkley, TOPLAS90: Interprocedural slicing using dependence gaphs. Jackson&Rollins, FSE94: A new model of program dependences for reverse engineering. Komondoor&Horwitz, POPL00: Semantics-preserving procedure extraction. Komondoor and Horwitz, IWPC03: Effective automatic procedure extraction. Krinke, SCAM03: Barrier slicing and chopping. Krinke et al., SCAM04: Formalizing executable dynamic and forward slicing. Lakhotia&Deprez, IST98: Restructuring programs by tucking statements into functions. Maruyama, SSR01: Automated method-extraction refactoring by using block-based slicing My thesis, 2006: Refactoring via program slicing and sliding. Opdyke’s PhD thesis, UIUC92: Refactoring Object-Oriented Frameworks. Sridharan, Fink & Bodik, PLDI07: Thin slicing. Venkatesh, PLDI91: The semantic approach to program slicing. Weiser, ICSE81: Program slicing.
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