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● 08:30 Loaded by mistake squeeze function to 2 m  Dumped beams ● 10:30-13:00 Test of new algorithm for long. Emittance blow-up to minimize oscillations.

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Presentation on theme: "● 08:30 Loaded by mistake squeeze function to 2 m  Dumped beams ● 10:30-13:00 Test of new algorithm for long. Emittance blow-up to minimize oscillations."— Presentation transcript:

1 ● 08:30 Loaded by mistake squeeze function to 2 m  Dumped beams ● 10:30-13:00 Test of new algorithm for long. Emittance blow-up to minimize oscillations in bunch length observed in the past ● Could only be tested with bunch population of 2 x 10 10 p and no ramp was possible due to lack of time and no beam from SPS ● For the time being reverted to previous algorithm for the night ● 13:00-13:30 Rotated Ring2 by 200 ps w.r.t. Ring 1 based on the observations done by the experiments (displacement of the interaction point by ~3 cm). Thursday 24.6 1 8:30 meeting

2 ● 13:30 Started LBDS verifications at 450 GeV slowed-down by problems with SPS (frequent compensator trips) & TI8 problems (Beam2 not available from 6pm to 8pm): – TCSG/TCDQ settings cross-checked with TCP sigma scan. – Measured gap at TCSG in P6 for different TCP settings. – Check of TCDQ offset. – Moved TCDQ to different positions and cross-checked with an orbit bump the polarity and setting. --> OK. – Check of P6 orbit interlock BPM response. – Moved parallel vertical bump in P6 until BIS state toggles. – Dump with maximum energy offset AND max orbit excursion. Thursday 24.6 2 8:30 meeting

3 ● Still outstanding LBDS tests at 450 GeV: - dump with max energy offset and max orbit excursion with 2e10, taking into account all permutations of energy off-sets and bumps: 8 dumps to be performed. - asynch dumps from extreme orbit positions have to be checked with 1e11: 4 dumps to be performed. But OK to declare stable physics over the night - missing dumps tomorrow! ● 20:30 Problems rearming the LBDS  dump both beams  BLM crate is not sending data. – Trying to reboot the crate cfv-sr5-bpmb1la which was unreachable – The optical link in SR5.L card 5 shows errors with a result of beam dump requests. The redundancy was not able to provide valid data. – The card in question has been exchanged. Thursday 24.6 3 8:30 meeting

4 ● In light of the SPS compensator and TI8 problems we decided at 7pm to change the initial schedule for the day: – Continue with LBDS studies until team has to take off. – Start preparation of physics fill as soon as the SPS is ready again – Postpone the TOTEM setup until Friday when the SPS is again running reliably. ● 22:30: Both beams are again available for the LHC – Start preparations of the the physics fill with 3 bunches a 10 11 per beam – Inject high intensity beams with: – B1 H = 2.3 V= 2.35; B2 H = 3.8 V = 3.8 at 450 GeV – B1 H = 4.6 V = 5.6; B2 H = 7.4 V = 7.5 at 3.50 TeV ● 00:30: Preparing for squeeze after flat top adjustments – 00:50: Starting to squeeze. – 01:30: Collapsing the separation bumps  no apparent losses but Beam 2 lifetime worse than Beam 1 (  > 100 hours   ≈ 50 hours) Thursday 24.6 4 8:30 meeting

5 ● LHCf can not display the ARM 2 status (undefined on their page1) but is OK in reality ● Lumi scans: – 02:00: LHCb requests a lumi scan  Sudden beam loss and lifetime degradation observed during scan. – 02:40: Scan for ATLAS. – 03:30: Scan for CMS  adjustments in vertical plane result in 30% increase. ● 04:00: Both beams dumped (2.5 hours of physics): – Fast horizontal drift seen at the BPM in 4L6. Nothing seen in the adjacent monitors. ● 05:20: Lost RB.A78 after ramp down at 450 GeV: – need access. Thursday 24.6 5 8:30 meeting

6 ● Bunch length during ramp: Thursday 24.6 6 8:30 meeting

7 ● Feedback trims during the squeeze: Friday 24.6 7 8:30 meeting

8 ● Separation bumps before collisions: Friday 24.6 8 8:30 meeting

9 ● Orbit @ IPs after collapsing the separation bumps: Friday 24.6 9 8:30 meeting

10 ● Stable Beams @ 3.5 TeV with 2.5 10 11 per beam in 3 bunches: Friday 24.6 10 8:30 meeting

11 ● Intensity and lifetimes during LHCb Lumi scan: Friday 24.6 11 8:30 meeting

12 ● Plan for the day: – Finish off outstanding LBDS validations. – Test sequence for squeeze and collapsing separation bumps via sequencer with low intensity beams. – TOTEM setup @ 450 GeV in the after noon. – Hump measurements at 450 GeV (if time premits). – Physics fill. Friday 24.6 12 8:30 meeting

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