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SELECT COMMITTEE ON MENTAL HEALTH AND ADDICTIONS (2009-2010) By Elaine Campbell and Carrie Hull Legislative Research Service Legislative Assembly of Ontario.

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Presentation on theme: "SELECT COMMITTEE ON MENTAL HEALTH AND ADDICTIONS (2009-2010) By Elaine Campbell and Carrie Hull Legislative Research Service Legislative Assembly of Ontario."— Presentation transcript:

1 SELECT COMMITTEE ON MENTAL HEALTH AND ADDICTIONS (2009-2010) By Elaine Campbell and Carrie Hull Legislative Research Service Legislative Assembly of Ontario

2 TOPICS Context The Committee Challenges What worked well What didn’t work so well Lessons

3 CONTEXT National spotlight on mental health Kirby Report: Out of the Shadows at Last Ontario developments

4 THE SELECT COMMITTEE Select Committees in Ontario Committee members Mandate

5 Public Hearings

6 First Nations Visits Sandy Lake First Nation Oneida Nation of the Thames Six Nations of the Grand River Alderville First Nation Hiawatha First Nation Curve Lake First Nation Weeneebayko Health Ahtuskaywin Weeneebayko Area Health Authority James Bay General Hospital at Weeneebayko General Hospital in Moose Factory. Nodin Child and Family Intervention Services, a branch of the Sioux Lookout First Nations Health Authority, in Sioux Lookout Alderville First Nation Hiawatha First Nation Curve Lake First Nation Oneida Nation of the Thames Six Nations of the Grand River Moose Factory Sioux Lookout Sandy Lake First Nation


8 CHALLENGES: Earning Trust

9 CHALLENGES: Sensitive Topic

10 WHAT WORKED WELL Meeting with Chair Calendar Draft Tables of Contents

11 WHAT DIDN’T WORK SO WELL Wiki Brainstorming session

12 LESSONS Communicate, in person if possible Work closely with Committee Clerk and Chair Be direct about your ability to assist

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