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We think some sins are in the past Worship of Baal, Molech, Milcom Wizards, Warlocks, Witches, Sorcerers.

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Presentation on theme: "We think some sins are in the past Worship of Baal, Molech, Milcom Wizards, Warlocks, Witches, Sorcerers."— Presentation transcript:


2 We think some sins are in the past Worship of Baal, Molech, Milcom Wizards, Warlocks, Witches, Sorcerers

3 Man & the devil have not changed Same desires Same weaknesses Same temptations


5 Idolatry: compound word “an image, likeness…real or imaginary… heathen god…false god” “service rendered for hire; then any service…” *Sources Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament, Thayer Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words, Vine

6 Sorcery “a. the use or administering of drugs b. poisoning c. sorcery, magical arts…” *Sources Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament, Thayer Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words, Vine

7 Sorcery “…signified the use of medicine, drugs, spells “…generally accompanied by incantations and appeals to occult powers, with the provision of various charms, amulets… to impress the applicant with the mysterious resources and powers of the sorcerer.” *Sources Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament, Thayer Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words, Vine

8 Idolatry & Sorcery are sins of religion, Mt. 22:37

9 Old Testament: Idolatry Household gods, Gen. 31:19; 35:2 Images, calf, Ex. 20:3, 4; 32:4 Ashtoreth, Molech, etc., 1 Kgs. 11:5-7 Calves, 1 Kgs. 12:28 Baal, 1 Kgs. 16:30-33 Dagon, 1 Sam. 5:2-5 *Sources The Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible, Tenney

10 New Testament: Idolatry Zeus & Hermes, Acts 14:8-18 Multiple, Acts 17:16-29 Diana, Acts 19:23-28 *Sources The Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible, Tenney

11 Old Testament: Sorcery Pharaoh’s magicians, Gen. 41:8 Pharaoh’s magicians, Ex. 7:8-13; 8:18, 19 Desert, Deut. 18:9-12 Saul, 1 Sam. 28:7-14 Manasseh, 2 Kgs. 21:6

12 New Testament: Sorcery False christs, Mk. 13:22 Simon, Acts 8:9-13 Elymas, Acts 13:6-12 Itinerant Jews, Acts 19:13-16

13 Idolatry Man -Pope -Pastors -Preachers

14 Idolatry Material creation -Animals -Earth -Possessions

15 Idolatry Self -Sex -Abortion -Recreation

16 Sorcery Mystical powers -Fortune tellers -“Faith” healers -“Mother” Teresa

17 Sorcery Illegal drugs -Marijuana -Cocaine -Heroin

18 Sorcery Legal drugs -Alcohol -Prescriptions – abuse -Over-the-counter – abuse

19 Sorcery Other -Sniffing gasoline fumes -Huffing aerosols -Choking

20 We think some sins are in the past Worship of Baal, Molech, Milcom Wizards, Warlocks, Witches, Sorcerers

21 Man & the devil have not changed Same desires Same weaknesses Same temptations

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