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Do Now: Earthquake review 1.What is the difference between the epicenter and the focus? Focus is the point of origin underground and epicenter is the point.

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now: Earthquake review 1.What is the difference between the epicenter and the focus? Focus is the point of origin underground and epicenter is the point."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now: Earthquake review 1.What is the difference between the epicenter and the focus? Focus is the point of origin underground and epicenter is the point on the surface directly above the focus. 2.List, describe and DRAW the three main types of stresses. 3.What is a fault? Break in the earth’s surface where movement occurs 4.Which earthquake scale is used to measure the amount of damage done by an earthquake? 5.Which earthquake scale is based of the biggest seismic wave of an earthquake? 6.Which type of seismic wave is the fastest? Compression Shearing Tension Mercalli Scale Richter Primary (P) waves

2 Do Now: Earthquake Review 1.Where and when was the largest earthquake in US history? Alaska, 1964 2.Where and when was the largest earthquake in the world? Chile, 1960 3.What was the largest cause of deaths from the 2004 earthquake in the Indian Ocean? 4.Although the San Andreas Fault is also plate boundary, the stresses applied are from shearing making it also a __________________________ fault. 5.What is an upward fold in rock layers? 6.What type of fault is the result of one rock layer sliding over another at a low angle? 7.Rayleigh waves are an example of _______________ waves. 8.Which type of stress pulls and twists the rocks layer is two opposite direction? Shearing Thrust fault Strike-slip anticline tsunami surface

3 Do Now: Earthquake Review 1.What is the cause of most earthquakes on earth? 2.During the quake in San Francisco in 1906, the major cause of damage was a _______________. 3.Layer of rock wider at the base is called the ______________? 4.Name the fault below as well as the STRESS (red boxes) applied to each: 5.Compare and contrast the recent earthquakes in Haiti and Chile. Be specific. Haiti- only 7.0, destruction cause by poor structures, over crowded and poor community for rescue, as well as occurred in a major city. Chile 8.8, has had earthquake in past and more prepared. Also occurred in farm and smaller towns Normal ThrustStrike-slip Reverse Tension Compression Shearing Compression Tectonic movement fire Footwall

4 Do Now: Quest Review 1.What is Isostasy? The balance in the earth's crust such that the forces tending to elevate landmasses balance the forces tending to depress landmasses. 2.Why is it important and what does it prevent? It keeps the earth’s crust floating even though the crust’s density is constantly changing (erosion, ice ages…) 3.What is a cross-cutting relationship? The principle that the igneous intrusive (solidified magma) is younger than the rock it cuts across. 4.In the image, which layer is younger; A, B, C,D, E? WHY? E- is it cross-cutting through all other layers 5.What type of fault is being displayed? HOW do you know? Normal- FW is going up relative to HW 6.What is the stress acting on this fault? Tension E A B C D

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