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2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 1 pt 2pt 3 pt 4pt 5 pt 1pt 2pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4pt 5 pt 1pt 2-1 Forces in the Earth’s Crust 2.3.

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Presentation on theme: "2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 1 pt 2pt 3 pt 4pt 5 pt 1pt 2pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4pt 5 pt 1pt 2-1 Forces in the Earth’s Crust 2.3."— Presentation transcript:

1 2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 1 pt 2pt 3 pt 4pt 5 pt 1pt 2pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4pt 5 pt 1pt 2-1 Forces in the Earth’s Crust 2.3 Monitorint earthquakes 2.4 Earthquake safety 2.4 Earthquake Safety 2.2 Earthquakes & Seismic Waves

2 Stress that pushes a mass of rock in two opposite directions is called

3 shearing.

4 Because stress is a force, it ______ energy to rock.

5 adds

6 The squeezing together of rocks by stress is called ______.

7 compression

8 What stress is shown in C?

9 Tension

10 What stress is shown in D?

11 Shearing

12 Stress that pushes a mass of rock in two opposite directions is called

13 Shearing.

14 Because stress is a force it what does it do the energy of rock?

15 Adds energy.

16 In a normal fault, the part of the fault that lies below the other part is called the ?

17 footwall.

18 What type of stress force produces Reverse faults?

19 compression.

20 The land between two normal faults that moves up is called?

21 Fault-block mountain

22 A device that uses wire stretched across a fault to measure horizontal movement of the ground is called ?

23 Creep meter.

24 A device that monitors both vertical and horizontal ground movement?

25 GPS satellite system

26 What happens when friction between the opposite side of a fault is high?

27 Which type of fault-monitoring device is most like a carpenter’s level??

28 Tiltmeter.

29 Geologists cannot yet predict earthquakes because?

30 they can’t be sure when and where stress will be release along a fault.

31 Laser-ranging devices can detect even tiny movements of the crust along a ___?

32 fault

33 With the range of data available, geologists ___ predict exactly where and when earthquakes will occur.

34 cannot

35 What can cause damage days or months after a large earthquake?

36 An aftershock.

37 What is a building designed to reduce the amount of energy that reaches the building during an earthquake is called a ?

38 Base-isolated building.

39 If the Coast Guard warns of a giant wave of water approaching the shore as a result of a major earthquake they are warning of?

40 tsunami.

41 The best way to protect yourself in an earthquake is to ?

42 Drop, cover, and hold..

43 The risk of earthquakes is high along the Pacific coast of the United States because ?

44 That’s where the Pacific and North American plates.

45 Most earthquake-related deaths and injuries results from?

46 Damage to buildings or other structures

47 The process in which the violent shaking of an earthquake turns soft soil into liquid mud is known as ?

48 liquefaction.

49 Earthquake damage can be reduced by making buildings more ___________ so that they twist and bend without

50 flexible

51 An earthquake that occurs shortly after a larger earthquake is a(n) ____________________..

52 aftershock

53 Most active fault in the U.S. currently is?

54 San Andreas

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