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Regional Council Nord Pas de CalaisRegional policies towards young people Jean-François Masselot Assistant to Pierre de Saintignon Council's deputy chairman.

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Presentation on theme: "Regional Council Nord Pas de CalaisRegional policies towards young people Jean-François Masselot Assistant to Pierre de Saintignon Council's deputy chairman."— Presentation transcript:

1 Regional Council Nord Pas de CalaisRegional policies towards young people Jean-François Masselot Assistant to Pierre de Saintignon Council's deputy chairman Economic development Lifelong professional training

2 Regional council policies  Regional economic development plan (SRDE)  Legal basis : Loi de décentralisation (2004) « decentralisation act »  Council federates all regional institutional and social economic partners  Council proposes action plans to partners to promote a business friendly environment (all kind of economic activities : commercial, industrial, craft, third sector...)  Plans for settlement / transfer of companies, financial support (EU compatible), common strategy for innovation, clusters, international promotion...  Annual regional budget : +/- 70 millions €  Annual SRDE budget (all partners) : 550 to 700 millions €

3 Regional council policies  Economic policies towards young people  Part of the regional strategy for entrepreneurship  Specific website for young entrepreneurs  Entrepeneurship at university : « Maison de l'entreprenariat » in Lille, Dunkerque and projects in 3 more cities of the region

4 Regional council policies  International : with Ubifrance  Co-financing of 300 volonteers (in 3 years) for 3 millions € (10 000 € per volonteer in small/medium size regional companies for business missions abroad)  72% of volonteers are hired by the companies at the end of the volonteer mission

5 Regional council policies  Specific action for 50 000 young people (mainly less trained/qualified)  Young people (up to 26 y.o) : 27% of the total regional population  But unemployment rate is higher than the national average  And 110 000 young people leave education/training system every year without any diploma/qualification/job

6 Regional council policies  Tools for 50 000 young people Cooperation with Education Nationale and training centers : action plan against school/training relinquishment (PARTAJ) Direct partnership with companies and business organisations to promote direct access to professional training on premises and access to quality jobs Professional training : better linkage with existing jobs and new jobs development (framework : Regional Plan for the Development of livelong Professional Training, specific governance of all stakeholders under State/Region leadership)

7 Regional council policies  Regional budgets dedicated to professional training :  Regional plan for professional training (mainly towards young unemployed people or temporary workers) : 111 millions € / year + 59 millions € for trainees' remuneration (if all public/private stakeholders unite : +/- 1 billion € / year)  Regional council is also legally in charge of the builing/maintenance of high schools and apprenticeship centers

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