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Jeopardy Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy.

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy."— Presentation transcript:


2 Jeopardy Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

3 $100 Question from Q1 What was the first battle of the Revolution ?

4 $100 Answer from Q1 Lexington

5 $200 Question from Q1 How did women help the war Cause?

6 $200 Answer from Q 1 Managed farms and Acted as spies

7 $300 Question from Q1 Describe Valley Forge

8 $300 Answer from Q1 Harsh winter, no food or shelter, but GW keeps Continental Army together

9 $400 Question from Q1 Which country finally shows up at Yorktown?

10 $400 Answer from Q1 French

11 $500 Question from Q1 What was our first attempt at government and what were the weaknesses?

12 $500 Answer from Q1 Articles of Confederation States too much power Congress could not do anything

13 $100 Question from Quarter 2 Define Constitution

14 $100 Answer from Q2 Basic structure and rules of a government

15 $200 Question from Q2 What did the Great Compromise do?

16 $200 Answer from Q2 Settle dispute over representation Over Big States and Small States

17 $300 Question from Q2 According to the Preamble, where does power originate?

18 $300 Answer from Q2 The People

19 $400 Question from Q2 What is Federalism?

20 $400 Answer from Q2 Sharing of power between State and Federal Government

21 $500 Question from Q2 What are your Bill of Rights? Name some

22 $500 Answer from Q2 Freedom of speech, press, religion Right to Petition the government, and peacefully assemble

23 $100 Question Q3 Who does the Electoral College elect?

24 $100 Answer from Q3 The President

25 $200 Question from Q3 How does the Constitution change with the time?

26 $200 Answer from Q3 Amendments

27 $300 Question from Q3 What problems do we always have with Natives?

28 $300 Answer from Q3 Fighting over Land

29 $400 Question from Q3 What was the Embargo Act?

30 $400 Answer from Q3 Stops all Cargo No Imports or Exports

31 $500 Question from Q3 Who did we fight in the War of 1812

32 $500 Answer from Q3 British and Natives

33 $100 Question from Q4 What was the Monroe Doctrine?

34 $100 Answer from Q4 Stops all colonization of North and South America

35 $200 Question from Q4 What was the Erie Canal?

36 $200 Answer from Q4 Manmade canal that connects NY

37 $300 Question from Q4 What was the Missouri Compromise?

38 $300 Answer from Q4 All New states above the line are free Below the line Slave

39 $400 Question from Q4 What was Manifest Destiny?

40 $400 Answer from Q4 The U.S. Destiny to control all lands From sea to shining sea!!

41 $500 Question from Q4 What was the Louisiana Purchase?

42 $500 Answer from Q4 Large amount of land Purchased from France

43 $100 Question from Everything How did the Texas Annexation lead to War with Mexico?

44 $100 Answer from Everything Polk wants to fulfill Manifest Destiny

45 $200 Question from Everything Why did people flock to California?

46 $200 Answer from Everything Gold

47 $300 Question from Everything What is important about Seneca Falls?

48 $300 Answer from Everything Convention for Women’s Rights

49 $400 Question from Everything What was the Dred Scott decision?

50 $400 Answer from Everything Slaves are property and cannot sue for their freedom Slavery would continue to spread

51 $500 Question from Everything What book exposed the evils of slavery?

52 $500 Answer from Everything Uncle Tom’s Cabin

53 Final Jeopardy Name the first battle of the Civil War and describe the Strengths and weaknesses for each side

54 Final Jeopardy Answer Fort Sumter North- industry, population, trains, food South- heart, familiar land, generals

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