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Jeopardy Hosted By: Señora King Jeopardy Vocabulario CommandsDOP’sING’s Pot Luck Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500.

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy Hosted By: Señora King Jeopardy Vocabulario CommandsDOP’sING’s Pot Luck Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500."— Presentation transcript:


2 Jeopardy Hosted By: Señora King

3 Jeopardy Vocabulario CommandsDOP’sING’s Pot Luck Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

4 $100 Question from Vocabulario La señal de parada in English

5 $100 Answer from Vocabulario Stop sign

6 $200 Question from Vocabulario Driver in Spanish

7 $200 Answer from Vocabulario Conductor/a

8 $300 Question from Vocabulario Stoplight in Spanish

9 $300 Answer from Vocabulario Semáforo

10 $400 Question from Vocabulario Slowly in Spanish

11 $400 Answer from Vocabulario Despacio

12 $500 Question from Vocabulario I turn to the left in Spanish

13 $500 Answer from Vocabulario Doblo a la izquierda

14 $100 Question from Commands How we create a command for a regular verb

15 $100 Answer from Commands Put the verb in the el/ella form

16 $200 Question from Commands Dobla a la derecha y ve derecho in English

17 $200 Answer from Commands Turn to the right and go straight

18 $300 Question from Commands Ten Pon Di in English

19 $300 Answer from Commands Have Put/Place Say/Tell

20 $400 Question from Commands Cross the bridge in Spanish

21 $400 Answer from Commands Cruza el puente

22 $500 Question from Commands Make the bed or leave!

23 $500 Answer from Commands Haz la cama o sal!

24 $100 Question from DOP’s The DOP’s that only refer to people

25 $100 Answer from DOP’s Me, te, nos

26 $200 Question from DOP’s It; masculine singular

27 $200 Answer from DOP’s Lo

28 $300 Question from DOP’s Shorten this sentence: Yo veo la tienda.

29 $300 Answer from DOP’s Yo la veo

30 $400 Question from DOP’s Llevas los materiales a la escuela? Si, ____ llevo

31 $400 Answer from DOP’s Los

32 $500 Question from DOP’s Necesito ayuda…___ ayudas? Si, ____ ayudo.

33 $500 Answer from DOP’s Me, te

34 $100 Question from ING’s The ing ending for er/ir verbs

35 $100 Answer from ING’s iendo

36 $200 Question from ING’s You are swimming

37 $200 Answer from ING’s Estas nadando

38 $300 Question from ING’s We are following the avenue

39 $300 Answer from ING’s Estamos siguiendo la avenida

40 $400 Question from ING’s Paco is reading a book

41 $400 Answer from ING’s Paco esta leyendo un libro

42 $500 Question from ING’s Repeating and sleeping

43 $500 Answer from ING’s Repitiendo / durmiendo

44 $100 Question from Pot Luck Bridge

45 $100 Answer from Pot Luck El puente

46 $200 Question from Pot Luck Straight

47 $200 Answer from Pot Luck Derecho

48 $300 Question from Pot Luck Leave me alone

49 $300 Answer from Pot Luck Dejame en paz

50 $400 Question from Pot Luck Wide and narrow

51 $400 Answer from Pot Luck Ancho/a and estrecho/a

52 $500 Question from Pot Luck There is a statue in the fountain

53 $500 Answer from Pot Luck Hay una estatua en la fuente

54 Final Jeopardy What are the Spanish translations of these words? - Highway -Intersection -Driver’s License

55 Final Jeopardy Answer - Carretera -Cruce de calles -Permiso de manejar

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