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Jeopardy commanders Battles Gettysburg Address Vocab terms Misc. Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy.

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2 Jeopardy commanders Battles Gettysburg Address Vocab terms Misc. Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

3 $100 Question from Commanders Who was the commanding Union General at the Battle of Gettysburg?

4 $100 Answer from Commanders Who is George G. Meade?

5 $200 Question from Commanders Who is the Confederate commanding General at the Battle of Gettysburg?

6 $200 Answer from Commanders Who is Robert E. Lee

7 $300 Question from Commanders Who led the charge on the third day of the Battle of Gettysburg?

8 $300 Answer from Commanders Who is George Pickett

9 $400 Question from Commanders Who was the Union commander during the Wilderness Campaign?

10 $400 Answer from Commanders Who is Ulysses S. Grant

11 $500 Question from Commanders Who was the Union General at the Battle of Fredricksburg, known for his sideburns?

12 $500 Answer from Commanders Who is Ambrose Burnside

13 $100 Question from Battles What is the only major battle fought north of the Mason- Dixon line?

14 $100 Answer from Battles What is the Battle of Gettysburg

15 $200 Question from Battles Where did General Lee surrender to Ulysses S. Grant?

16 $200 Answer from Battles What is Appomattox Courthouse

17 $300 Question from Battles In what state did the Wilderness Campaign take place?

18 $300 Answer from Battles What is Virginia

19 $400 Question from Battles What is the name of the battle in which Stonewall Jackson was killed by his own troops?

20 $400 Answer from Battles What is the Battle of Chancellorsville

21 $500 Question from Battles DOUBLE JEOPARDY! What is the name of the battle in Indiana?

22 $500 Answer from Battles What is the Battle of Corydon

23 $100 Question from Gettysburg Address What is the opening sentence from the Gettysburg address?

24 $100 Answer from Gettysburg Address What is “Four Score and Seven Years ago

25 $200 Question from Gettysburg Address Who wrote the Gettysburg Address?

26 $200 Answer from Gettysburg Address Who Is Abraham Lincoln

27 $300 Question from Gettysburg Address Which famous American document is quoted in the Gettysburg Address?

28 $300 Answer from Gettysburg Address What is the Declaration of Independence

29 $400 Question from Gettysburg Address Why does the author of the Gettysburg Address write it?

30 $400 Answer from Gettysburg Address He praised the bravery of the Union soldiers and renewed his commitment to winning the civil war

31 $500 Question from Gettysburg Address When was the Gettysburg address written?

32 $500 Answer from Gettysburg Address What is November 19, 1863

33 $100 Question from Vocab Terms What was General Sherman’s Strategy for winning the war?

34 $100 Answer from Vocab Terms What is Total War

35 $200 Question from Vocab Terms How many years is “Four Score and Seven years”?

36 $200 Answer from Vocab Terms What is 87 years

37 $300 Question from Vocab Terms What does the term Execute mean?

38 $300 Answer from Vocab Terms What is to perform or carry out

39 $400 Question from Vocab Terms What is a series of battles used to reach a goal?

40 $400 Answer from Vocab Terms What is a Campaign

41 $500 Question from Vocab Terms What is the name of the charge against the Union on cemetery ridge?

42 $500 Answer from Vocab Terms What is Pickett’s Charge

43 $100 Question from Misc. Through what state did Sherman’s march to the sea take place?

44 $100 Answer from Misc. What is Georgia

45 $200 Question from Misc. What crop did the south use to try to gain foreign aid?

46 $200 Answer from Misc. What is Cotton

47 $300 Question from Misc. What city did Ulysses S. Grant capture before Lincoln transferred Grant to the east?

48 $300 Answer from Misc. What is city of Vicksburg in July 4, 1863

49 $400 Question from Misc. Which victory helped secure Lincoln’s reelection?

50 $400 Answer from Misc. What is the Battle of Atlanta

51 $500 Question from Misc. What Confederate leader led the raid through Indiana? Double Jeopardy!!!

52 $500 Answer from Misc. Who is John Hunt Morgan

53 Final Jeopardy This author wrote, “If one man kills another, it is murder, but if a hundred thousand men kill another hundred thousand, it is considered an act of glory!?”

54 Final Jeopardy Answer Who is Tolstoy? (The book is Kingdom of God)

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