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Jeopardy $100 PhilosophersGovernmentsDocuments Founding Fathers Ideas $200 $300 $400 $500 $400 $300 $200 $100 $500 $400 $300 $200 $100 $500 $400 $300.

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2 Jeopardy $100 PhilosophersGovernmentsDocuments Founding Fathers Ideas $200 $300 $400 $500 $400 $300 $200 $100 $500 $400 $300 $200 $100 $500 $400 $300 $200 $100 $500 $400 $300 $200 $100 Final Jeopardy Final Jeopardy

3 1 - $100 According to Baron de Montesquieu, this natural right is the peace of mind from being safe. According to Baron de Montesquieu, this natural right is the peace of mind from being safe. Liberty Liberty

4 1 - $200 This French philosopher believed in a separation of powers and checks and balances. This French philosopher believed in a separation of powers and checks and balances. Baron de Montesquieu Baron de Montesquieu

5 1 - $300 This philosopher wrote the book The Social Contract in which he talked about what makes an effective government. This philosopher wrote the book The Social Contract in which he talked about what makes an effective government. Jean-Jacques Rousseau Jean-Jacques Rousseau

6 1 - $400 This English philosopher believed that people are born with a certain set of natural rights into a state of nature where there are no rules. He believed the purpose of government is to end the state of nature and give people certain protections. This English philosopher believed that people are born with a certain set of natural rights into a state of nature where there are no rules. He believed the purpose of government is to end the state of nature and give people certain protections. John Locke John Locke

7 1 - $500 These two Enlightenment philosophers believed in a limited monarchy. These two Enlightenment philosophers believed in a limited monarchy. Montesquieu and Hobbes Montesquieu and Hobbes

8 2 - $100 A government where citizens elect representatives to make laws. A government where citizens elect representatives to make laws. Republic Republic

9 2 - $200 A government ruled by a king or queen who makes the laws. A government ruled by a king or queen who makes the laws. Monarchy Monarchy

10 2 - $300 A type of democracy that gives power to the people. Citizens vote for a small number of people to represent the public in government A type of democracy that gives power to the people. Citizens vote for a small number of people to represent the public in government Representative Democracy Representative Democracy

11 2 - $400 A type of democracy that requires all citizens to participate directly in the actions of government. A type of democracy that requires all citizens to participate directly in the actions of government. Direct Democracy Direct Democracy

12 2 - $500 A government that has been limited in power by a constitution, or written agreement. A government that has been limited in power by a constitution, or written agreement. Limited Government Limited Government

13 3 - $100 This document was written by the English nobility in 1215 in order to limit the power of the king of England and to protect the rights of the nobility. This document was written by the English nobility in 1215 in order to limit the power of the king of England and to protect the rights of the nobility. Magna Carta Magna Carta

14 3 - $200 This agreement was made by English pilgrims traveling to Massachusetts to settle in order to create a government that would provide order and protect the colonists. This agreement was made by English pilgrims traveling to Massachusetts to settle in order to create a government that would provide order and protect the colonists. Mayflower Compact Mayflower Compact

15 3 - $300 This document was written by the English Parliament in 1689 in order to expand the power of the English parliament and expand the rights of the people, as well as further limit the power of the king. This document was written by the English Parliament in 1689 in order to expand the power of the English parliament and expand the rights of the people, as well as further limit the power of the king. The English Bill of Rights The English Bill of Rights

16 3 - $400 This document created a loose alliance of separate state powers which called for a national legislature in which each state would have one vote. There would be no executive or judicial branches. This document created a loose alliance of separate state powers which called for a national legislature in which each state would have one vote. There would be no executive or judicial branches. The Articles of Confederation The Articles of Confederation

17 3 - $500 This collection of essays were written in an effort to convince people of the need for a Constitution. This collection of essays were written in an effort to convince people of the need for a Constitution. The Federalist Papers The Federalist Papers

18 4 - $100 This Founding Father was in charge of the Constitutional Convention. He was unanimously elected president when the Constitution was finished. This Founding Father was in charge of the Constitutional Convention. He was unanimously elected president when the Constitution was finished. George Washington George Washington

19 4 - $200 This Founding Father wrote the Declaration of Independence, established the two party system in U.S. politics, and oversaw the expansion of the U.S. with the Louisiana Purchase. This Founding Father wrote the Declaration of Independence, established the two party system in U.S. politics, and oversaw the expansion of the U.S. with the Louisiana Purchase. Thomas Jefferson Thomas Jefferson

20 4 - $300 This Founding Father is known as “The First American.” His signature can be found on the Declaration of Independence, the Treaty of Paris, and the U.S. Constitution. This Founding Father is known as “The First American.” His signature can be found on the Declaration of Independence, the Treaty of Paris, and the U.S. Constitution. Benjamin Franklin Benjamin Franklin

21 4 - $400 This Founding Father wrote the Virginia Plan, wrote articles for the Federalist Papers and helped to write much of the Constitution. He is known as the “Father of the Constitution.” This Founding Father wrote the Virginia Plan, wrote articles for the Federalist Papers and helped to write much of the Constitution. He is known as the “Father of the Constitution.” James Madison James Madison

22 4 - $500 This Founding Father set several precedents as President, like the “State of the Union” speech. He also created several executive departments like the Attorney General. This Founding Father set several precedents as President, like the “State of the Union” speech. He also created several executive departments like the Attorney General. George Washington George Washington

23 5 - $100 Fundamental basic rights that all humans are born with, like the right to life, liberty, property, and the pursuit of happiness. Fundamental basic rights that all humans are born with, like the right to life, liberty, property, and the pursuit of happiness. Natural Rights Natural Rights

24 5 - $200 An agreement between citizens and their government. Citizens agree to obey a certain set of rules and the government agrees to protect citizens’ rights. An agreement between citizens and their government. Citizens agree to obey a certain set of rules and the government agrees to protect citizens’ rights. Social Contract Social Contract

25 5 - $300 If a government fails, then citizens no longer agree to be governed and they have the right to revolt or rebel. If a government fails, then citizens no longer agree to be governed and they have the right to revolt or rebel. Consent of the Governed Consent of the Governed

26 5 - $400  Living without rules, without someone in charge, and without a way to protect your rights---life without a government. State of Nature State of Nature

27 5 - $500 The idea that a country’s leader should be chosen by the citizens in a general election. The idea that a country’s leader should be chosen by the citizens in a general election. Republicanism Republicanism

28 Final Jeopardy People sacrifice some natural freedoms so they can have the freedom that comes with security and protection. This is accomplished by setting up governments and establishing rules. This is known as: People sacrifice some natural freedoms so they can have the freedom that comes with security and protection. This is accomplished by setting up governments and establishing rules. This is known as: Social Freedom Social Freedom

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