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The High Point University Undergraduate Research and Creative Works Program The High Point University Undergraduate Research and Creative Works Program.

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Presentation on theme: "The High Point University Undergraduate Research and Creative Works Program The High Point University Undergraduate Research and Creative Works Program."— Presentation transcript:

1 The High Point University Undergraduate Research and Creative Works Program The High Point University Undergraduate Research and Creative Works Program To engage students in scholarly, inventive, and imaginative experiences that not only bring academics to life, but which also stimulate curiosity, promote the development of new competencies, foster critical and creative thinking, and provide students with privileged opportunities to add to the sum of human knowledge. URCW Committee Presentation to the Faculty Faculty Seminars, August 17, 2011

2 Current and Former Members of the URCW Committee Dr. Jana Spain, Professor of Psychology (chair) Dr. Jeffrey Adams, Assistant VP for Institutional Effectiveness (ex-officio) Mr. David Bryden, Director of Library Services Dr. William Carpenter, Associate Professor of English Ms. Karen Coffman, Assistant Professor of Information Systems Dr. Linda Curtis, Associate Professor of Biology Dr. Deborah Danzis, Associate Professor of Psychology Dr. Chris Fowler, Assistant Professor of Chemistry Dr. Terrell Hayes, Associate Professor of Sociology Dr. William Hightower, Professor of Mathematics and Computer Sciences Dr. Judy Isaksen, Associate Professor of Communication Dr. Dustin Johnson, Assistant Professor of Education Dr. Ann Little, Assistant Professor of Marketing Dr. Emily Nekl, Assistant Professor of Biology Dr. Kelly Norton, Director of Experiential Learning (ex-officio) Dr. Ed Piacentino, Professor of English Dr. Kim Reich, Assistant Professor of Exercise Science Mr. Roger Shore, Associate Professor of Mathematics Ms. Ami Shupe, Associate Professor of Theatre Dr. Aaron Titus, Associate Professor of Physics

3 The HPU Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) The goal of the QEP was to “enhance overall institutional quality and effectiveness by focusing on an issue or issues the institution considers important to improving student learning” (Handbook for Reaffirmation of Accreditation, p. 21). HPU’s focus: –Enhancement of experiential learning opportunities for students

4 Four Components of Experiential Learning Civic Engagement Study Abroad Internships Collaborative Inquiry –(now Undergraduate Research and Creative Works)

5 The Collaborative Inquiry (CI) Component Expected to build on existing experiences Envisioned as following an apprenticeship or mentoring model Students would “work closely with a faculty member or other students on a well-defined project suitable for publication, presentation, or performance” (Handbook for Reaffirmation of Accreditation, p. 29).

6 Undergraduate Research and Creative Works An individualized experience involving an inquiry, investigation, or creation produced by an undergraduate student –Mentored by a faculty member On a project initiated and designed by the student As part of a collaborative research or creative team On a project initiated by the faculty member –Designed to reach beyond the traditional curriculum –Should achieve pre-identified learning objectives –Designed to lead to a final product Potential to make an original contribution to the discipline

7 The HPU Undergraduate Research and Creative Works Program Through this program, it is expected that students will: –Develop and apply advanced discipline- specific knowledge –Develop critical thinking skills –Learn to formulate and clarify ideas –Learn to set and achieve measureable goals –Strengthen their communication skills –Acquire and practice career-relevant skills

8 Benefits for Students, Faculty, and the Institution Students –Clarification of career goals –Secure grants and summer research fellowships –Enhance competitiveness for grad. school/employment Faculty –Interactive teaching process –Greater awareness of the impact you have on student learning –Increased awareness of new developments in your field –Potential for increased productivity Institution –Enhancement of academic reputation –Recruitment/retention of students & faculty –Increased student and faculty engagement

9 Enrollment and Credit Students may enroll in a graded URCW course –Is elective (not required of all students) –Is intended primarily for majors –Is offered at the 4000 level (but open to others) –Carries 1-4 hours of academic credit Counts either toward the major or general elective hours 1 or 2 hours to “learn the ropes” 3 or 4 hours to complete/present final project –Can be repeated for credit

10 Enrollment and Credit Student Application & Enrollment Process Under development In interim, use your department’s current enrollment procedure (for departments with an existing course) or use the university process for an Independent Study Syllabus Template Currently available at

11 Undergraduate Research Conferences National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR) March 29-31, 2012, Weber State University, Utah Call for abstracts Oct. 3-Nov. 15, 2011 State of North Carolina Undergraduate Research and Creativity Symposium (SNCURCS) November 19, 2011, East Carolina University Deadline for submissions Oct. 3, 2011 Big South Undergraduate Research Symposium (BigSURS)

12 Travel Grants and Grants-in-Aid Guidelines and Application Form available at Spring, 2011 Supported 60+ students and faculty mentors

13 The Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR) HPU’s Enhanced Membership Includes membership for all HPU students, faculty, and staff Membership benefits include: Electronic subscription to CUR Quarterly Discounted CUR Conference and Institute registration Access to CUR Listserv and other sources of info. about URCW Student researcher registry To join, go to:

14 The HPU Undergraduate Research and Creative Works Program

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