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Welcome to LDS Jeopardy! Be certain your answers in question format.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to LDS Jeopardy! Be certain your answers in question format."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to LDS Jeopardy! Be certain your answers in question format.

2 Final Jeopardy Question
Premortal Life Mortal Life PostMortal Life Titles and Roles Articles of Faith 400 400 400 400 400 300 300 300 400 300 300 300 200 200 200 200 200 100 100 100 200 200 100 100 Final Jeopardy Question

3 (see the last entry on p. 710 of the Bible Dictionary.)
Premortal Life 400 pts Who gave revelations to the prophets of the Old Testament, like Moses or Abraham? (see the last entry on p. 710 of the Bible Dictionary.) Answer

4 In your own words, explain what happened in the Council in Heaven.
Premortal Life 300 pts In your own words, explain what happened in the Council in Heaven. Answer

5 (Children’s Songbook, 4)
Premortal Life 200 pts Sing the first two verses of “I Lived in Heaven” (Children’s Songbook, 4) Answer

6 Who created the earth and when?
Premortal Life 100 pts Who created the earth and when? (Read Genesis 1:1 and D&C 76: 23-24) Answer

7 Mortal Life 400 pts What is the most important event in the Plan of Salvation? (If this had never happened, the whole plan would have fallen apart.) If needed, read 2 Nephi 2:6-8. Answer

8 Mortal Life 300 pts Read the following verses and list on the chalkboard three things that Jesus did during his mortal ministry: Matthew 5:2 Matthew 14:14 Mark 3:14 Answer

9 Mortal Life 200 pts One of the most wonderful miracles that happened when Jesus lived on the earth can be found in Matthew 28: 6-7. What was it? Answer

10 Mortal Life 100 pts Sing the first verse of “I Am a Child of God” and talk about what the words mean to you. Answer

11 Post mortal Life 400 pts Name at least four different times Jesus Christ has appeared to man after his death. Answer

12 Post mortal Life 300 pts What do the New Testament and Doctrine & Covenants tell us about Jesus’ work immediately after he died? (Read 1 Peter 3: and Doc & Cov 138:30) Answer

13 Post mortal Life 200 pts Review the “Plan of Salvation Chart”. Let the children know they will get a copy after class so they can color it & share it with their family at home. Answer

14 What great event are we all waiting for?
Post mortal Life 100 pts What great event are we all waiting for? BONUS POINTS: Name three promises or prophecies Jesus has revealed about his second coming. Extra 10 points for each answer. Answer

15 Add a zero to the # of titles you find.
Titles and Roles 400 pts In two minutes, see how many roles and titles of Jesus Christ you can find under “Jesus Christ” in the Topical Guide of the LDS Edition of the Bible. BONUS POINTS: Add a zero to the # of titles you find. Answer

16 Titles and Roles 300 pts Read John 3:16 out loud together to see why Heavenly Father sent Jesus Christ to fulfill the Plan of Salvation for us. Answer

17 What is God’s work and glory?
Titles and Roles 200 pts What is God’s work and glory? Hint – Read Moses 1:39. Answer

18 Name one title or role of Jesus Christ described in the scriptures
Titles and Roles 100 pts Name one title or role of Jesus Christ described in the scriptures Answer

19 Articles of Faith 400 pts Recite the Tenth Article of Faith and then explain what it tells us about Jesus Christ’s mission. Answer

20 Recite the Third Article of Faith and then answer this question:
Articles of Faith 300 pts Recite the Third Article of Faith and then answer this question: “We believe that all mankind may be saved through what and by obedience to what?” Answer

21 Articles of Faith 200 pts Recite the first principles & ordinances of the gospel, then sing or recite the Fourth Article of Faith Answer

22 Recite the First Article of Faith
Articles of Faith 100 pts Recite the First Article of Faith Answer

23 Final Jeopardy Time is up! You have 30 sec!
Choose how many of your points you want to double. If you get the question right, you add more points. If you get the question wrong, you stay the same. Time is up! You have 30 sec! Question

24 These are the 5 written works that make up what we call
Final Jeopardy These are the 5 written works that make up what we call “The Scriptures” Time is up! You have 30 sec! Answer

25 Jesus Christ, in the beginning
Premortal Life 100 pts Jesus Christ, in the beginning Back

26 Music is good, if you sang it correctly, you get the points
Premortal Life 200 pts Music is good, if you sang it correctly, you get the points Back

27 Premortal Life 300 pts We were all there as spirit children, Heavenly Father chose Jesus over Lucifer to fulfill the plan of salvation, Lucifer rebelled, we chose to follow Jesus. Back

28 Premortal Life 400 pts Jehovah Back

29 Mortal Life 100 pts Help the children focus on their feelings & recognize the spirit Back

30 The Resurrection of Jesus Christ
Mortal Life 200 pts The Resurrection of Jesus Christ Back

31 Mortal Life 300 pts Matthew 5:2 Taught the gospel Matthew 14:14
Healed the sick Mark 3:14 Organized his church Back

32 The Atonement of Jesus Christ
Mortal Life 400 pts The Atonement of Jesus Christ Back

33 The Second Coming of Jesus Christ
Post mortal Life 100 pts The Second Coming of Jesus Christ Back

34 Post mortal Life 200 pts From “Sharing Time: The Plan of Salvation Offers Me Peace”, Liahona, Mar 1994 Back

35 He visited the spirits in prison and organized missionary work there
Post mortal Life 300 pts He visited the spirits in prison and organized missionary work there Back

36 Post mortal Life 400 pts Mary at the garden tomb, Women along the road, Two disciples on the road to Emmaus, Apostles in Jerusalem for 40 days, the Nephites at the temple of Bountiful, Joseph Smith’s first vision, The Kirtland Temple, etc. Back

37 See handout “Roles and Titles of Jesus Christ”
Titles and Roles 100 pts See handout “Roles and Titles of Jesus Christ” Back

38 “To bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man”
Titles and Roles 200 pts “To bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man” Back

39 Titles and Roles 300 pts Because he loves us Back

40 See handout “Roles and Titles of Jesus Christ”
Titles and Roles 400 pts See handout “Roles and Titles of Jesus Christ” Back

41 No Help here, you just need to know it.
Articles of Faith 100 pts No Help here, you just need to know it. Back

42 No Help here, you just need to know it.
Articles of Faith 200 pts No Help here, you just need to know it. Back

43 No Help here, you just need to know it.
Articles of Faith 300 pts No Help here, you just need to know it. Back

44 No Help here, you just need to know it.
Articles of Faith 400 pts No Help here, you just need to know it. Back

45 Final Jeopardy Calculate your total! What are
The Old Testament, The New Testament, The Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, And the Pearl of Great Price? Calculate your total! If you were right, add your guess to your score. If you were wrong, subtract your guess to your score.

46 Thank you for playing LDS Jeopardy! Come visit us again soon!

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