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1 FY 2006-2008 County Manager’s Recommended Capital Budget July 18, 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "1 FY 2006-2008 County Manager’s Recommended Capital Budget July 18, 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 FY 2006-2008 County Manager’s Recommended Capital Budget July 18, 2006

2 2 Overview FY2006-2008 Capital Budget Summary Capital Budget Principles and Strategies Project Prioritization Criteria Recommended Capital Projects

3 3 Overview Manager’s Recommendation is based on projects requiring funding in FY2007 A bond referendum is not recommended this fall Certificates of Participation and Paygo funds are utilized to fund projects

4 4 Recommendation Summary Government Facilities$ 17,207,000 Court Facilities 6,062,000 Law Enforcement Facilities 1,755,000 Park and Recreation 0 Library14,823,000 CMS 171,832,000 Total$ 211,679,000 Note: Numbers rounded to the $1,000.

5 5 Funding Summary CategoryPaygoCOPsTotal Government Facilities $2,422,000$14,785,000$17,207,000 Court Facilities 6,062,000 Law Enforcement Facilities 1,755,000 Library Facilities 14,821,501 14,821,000 CMS171,832,000 Total$8,484,000$203,193,501$211,679,000

6 6 Three Key Funding Strategies Capital investments should: 1.Meet legal mandates for facilities 2.Emphasize health and safety considerations for employee and customer safety 3.Ensure critical space needs of County departments are met Projects not requiring FY07 funding were deferred to FY08 capital budget year.

7 7 Selecting Project Priorities Meets legal mandates Advances the Board’s goals or objectives Removes or reduces hazards Maintains or improves service quality Improves service efficiency Supports economic development Offers convenience to residents Improves quality of life or aesthetic value for residents

8 8 Recommended Capital Projects ProjectsTotal Funding 1.Medical Examiner Equipment$ 1,259,000 2. District Attorney Expansion - Phase I 6,062,000 3. County Files and Equipment Storage Facility 986,000 4. Jail Central Intake 1,755,000 5. Freedom Mall (IST Phase 2 and RES) 14,785,000 6. Hickory Grove Library Relocation 4,207,000 7. Scaleybark Library Relocation 5,565,000 8. Sharon Road Library Relocation 5,051,000 9. Freedom Mall – outparcel (e.g., DSS Senior Enrichment Center) 177,000 Total $ 39,847,000

9 9 Government Facilities $17,207,000 Strategy – fund through Paygo and COPs. Projects selected based on CIP evaluation criteria. Projects √ Medical Examiner Equipment √ County Files and Equipment √ Freedom Mall – IST Phase 2 and RES √ Freedom Mall outparcel (e.g., DSS Sr Enrichment Ctr) –Land Acquisition Government Facilities Note: √ = Recommended; — = Deferred; X = Not Recommended.

10 10 Court Facilities $6,062,000 Strategy – Meet needs of court system over two years. Projects* √ DA Expansion – Phase I –DA Expansion – Phase II –Public Defender Relocation *DA expansion projects replace three projects originally submitted.

11 11 Law Enforcement Facilities $1,755,000 Strategy – Postpone consideration of jail expansion for one year to address three policy questions (1. Housing of Federal inmates, 2. Federal support of construction, 3. Expansion of the DA staff) Projects √ Jail Central Intake Renovation –Jail North Expansion

12 12 Park and Recreation/Land Strategy – Two-fold. 1) Land costs should be incorporated into specific projects. 2) Long- term land acquisition costs for greenspace should be considered as one request and funded through G.O. bonds. Projects –Land Acquisition (Mt. Island Lake watershed, Other watershed, and Nature Preserves, Greenways, and Park and Recreation)

13 13 Library Facilities $14,821,501 Strategy – based on maintaining 0.7 sq. ft. per capita. Projects √ Hickory Grove Community Library relocation √ Scaleybark Library Relocation √ Sharon Road West Community Library relocation –Highland Creek Community Library – New –Ballantyne Community Library – New ×Systemwide Merchandising and Signage

14 14 School Building Solutions Recommended 18 Projects totaling $171,832,000 Funded through Certificates of Participation Remaining $9 million in lottery funds will be used to pay associated debt service

15 15 Source of Funding Projects2 Year TotalCOPSPAYGO Total Funding 1.Medical Examiner Equipment $ 1,259,000 √ 2. District Attorney Expansion - Phase I 6,062,000 √ 3. County Files and Equipment Storage Facility 986,000 √ 4. Jail Central Intake 1,755,000 √ 5. Freedom Mall (IST Phase 2 and Real Estate Services) 14,785,000 √

16 16 Source of Funding (cont.) Projects2 Year TotalCOPSPAYGOTotal Funding 6. Hickory Grove Library Relocation 4,207,000 √ 7. Scalybark Library Relocation 5,565,000 √ 8. Sharon Road Library Relocation 5,051,000 √ 9. Freedom Mall outparcel (e.g., DSS Senior Enrichment Center) 177,000 √ 10. CMS Projects171,832,000 √ Total$211,679,000$203,195,000$8,484,000$211,679,000

17 17 A Look Ahead Several projects not recommended for funding because did not require funding until FY2008 or beyond. Potential FY08 projects include: –CMS projects –Land Acquisition –Jail Expansion –Additional Libraries –Court System Needs Bond referendum likely needed in Nov. 2007

18 18 Other Capital Issues At least one known funding need for an existing capital project: 1. New courthouse$2 million Issue on the agenda as item 6c Should we become aware of other funding needs, we will bring them before the Board.

19 19 Thank You Citizens’ Capital Budget Advisory Committee School Building Solutions Committee Finance Department Real Estate Services Departmental Staff Strategic Organizational Improvement Staff

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