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Current Events in Mexico Modern Political and Economic Events.

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1 Current Events in Mexico Modern Political and Economic Events

2 Certain materials are included under the fair use exemption of the U.S. Copyright Law and have been prepared according to the multimedia fair use guidelines and are restricted from further use. © 2010 -Jon Benignus

3 Mexican Geography


5 The PRI Institutional Revolutionary Party Ruled Mexico from 1929 to 2000 The President of Mexico only allowed one 6 year term President of PRI (and Mexico) appointed successor (next President) Semi-Democratic

6 Post PRI Vincente Fox first non-PRI President –2001 to 2006 Felipe Calderón president 2006 – 2012 2 nd non PRI Transition to full democracy

7 NAFTA North American Free Trade Agreement – Passed in 1993 Increased Trade between the U.S., Canada, and Mexico Reduced Tariffs (a tax on trade) Has hurt some U.S. industry and Mexican agriculture

8 Northern Mexico

9 Northern Mexico & NAFTA New factories in Northern Mexico called Maquiladoras 90% of all TVs sold in the U.S. manufactured in Mexico now Pollution & bad working conditions But much better than farming

10 Immigration Immigrants come to U.S. for economic reasons – work U.S. has strict quotas on immigration –Not enough legal immigration allowed U.S. companies need workers

11 Drugs U.S. drug users willing to pay lots of $$ for drugs Law of supply and demand –Profit margins on drugs is high Lots of drug dealers Mexican police inspect illegal drug tunnel

12 Drugs II Mexican Drug gangs bring drugs across border into U.S. Drug gangs fight each other –But also kill innocent people –Most deaths happen along U.S. & Mexico’s border areas Inside a drug tunnel under the border

13 Enrique Pena President of Mexico –2012 – Present –Term ends in 2018 1 st PRI President in 12 years Mexico now a democracy –Becoming a rich country

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