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province of Bergamo The province of Bergamo is located in north of Italy, in the Lombardia Region.

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2 province of Bergamo The province of Bergamo is located in north of Italy, in the Lombardia Region.

3 Provincia di Bergamo It has an area of almost 2,700 km2 a population of 1,027,162 inhabitants 244 municipalities.





8 Focus on the Institution The Province is a public local authority. It interacts with the Region through agreements and coordinates all the municipalities of its territory. It is situated at the third level of the Italian administrative system. Italy has in fact a multi-level administrative organization: 1. State, 2. Region (20 regions), 3. Province, ( 121 provinces ) 4. Municipality, the smallest administrative unit. ( 8.092 )

9 The The role of the Institution coordination and management in different sectors: social affairs, culture and sport, territory, environment, agriculture, hunting and fishing, province police department, education, training and labour policies Province manages: road network, tourism, job and professional training issues.

10 Main activities Management of territory Training of operators Coordination of municipalities Information on funding opportunities Public informations

11 Promoserio networking to relieve the enviromnent impact

12 Industries of the network have already the core business on environment. Other partners are addressing the problem of environment impact. Some thematics of green industries: the certification for the responsible use of forests and pine ( Graphicscalve ) Invisible packaging (which even won the Oscar for packing) Green energy home project: limit the environment impact of cars Promoserio want to take stock of the situation and give voice to each individual project sponsored by companies. Specifically, the Industry Promotion Agency wants to raise awareness of some companies (especially the more structured) on the importance of sustainability, "creating opportunities for training

13 All these iniziatives ( shops, industries, municipalities ) adhere to a network of sustainable citizenship

14 I want a better future !

15 "Just do it!". And so did the students of some schools in Bergamo province area, tired of the words of the adults, they set to work. To encourage their entry into the field was the project "Energy: the capacity to act," co-sponsored by the Alchemy and LINUS in collaboration with the Municipality of Bergamo, with the sponsorship of Legambiente and the contribution of Fondazione Cariplo. It is not enough to inform, but there is the need to motivate and guide the municipal governments, schools and the public to new lifestyles. The program is aimed at promoting good use of energy and renewable sources. Attention is paid to all citizens but, kids always make a difference. In the schools where involved several classes of primary and secondary levels with their families. Meetings were organized theme in the classroom.

16 The children, supported by educators, thought what to improve in their school. They explored the corridors and canteens, check windows and radiators, studying bills and counters. And, once they found defects and solutions, they wasted no time and have proposed simple actions: turn off the water while soaping the hands or close the windows when the heating is on. One school has even invented a "Lucifer" which - without arousing anxiety or concern - is a child responsible to turn off the lights when not necessary. But they did not stop at that. They shot video and took pictures, organized meetings, put pen to paper to write to the head teacher, to the mayor and citizens in general.

17 Everyone has set a specific path, but in all cases, students and administrators have come into contact. Students have proposed concrete actions to improve the school buildings from the point of view of sustainability. Some schools put reducing flow to taps and thermostatic valves to radiators, someone asked to lower the temperature and to replace bottled water with the bulk. And above all their convinced companions, teachers, teaching staff and families to change their daily routine, because everyone can and should do their part

18 15 schools competed for the title of the most virtuous. On the podium came in three, Comunuovo, Zanica and Barzana, but only the last was awarded the first prize: a supply of recycled paper for one year, USB keys (both offered by BCC Treviglio) and the kit "Sustainable Schools" Legambiente. The award ceremony took place before the holidays in Ca 'Matta, the Parco dei Colli di Bergamo.

19 Day of clean green

20 The Lombardy Region identifies a date every year (usually the first Sunday of April ) for the development of the "Day of the green clean ", established under Regional Law 14/1991 The Lombardy Region has identified the day on April 6, the date for the holding of the Day of Clean Green for the year 2014, as provided by the Regional Law 14/91. This day plays a significant role is to raise awareness and inform citizens about environmental issues, which implementation of concrete actions of cleaning and arrangement of green areas

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