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Data Models to share invasive species information through the Global Invasive Species Information Network (GISIN) Annie Simpson, Jim Graham, Elizabeth.

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Presentation on theme: "Data Models to share invasive species information through the Global Invasive Species Information Network (GISIN) Annie Simpson, Jim Graham, Elizabeth."— Presentation transcript:

1 Data Models to share invasive species information through the Global Invasive Species Information Network (GISIN) Annie Simpson, Jim Graham, Elizabeth Sellers, and Michael Browne Biodiversity Information Standards-TDWG 2008 Annual Meeting, Fremantle, Australia

2 Unknown Species, Causing Harm

3 Sharing Invasive Species Info

4 Current Status of Info Sharing

5 Studies of Invasive Species Online Databases  About 300 freely available online, with invasive species information  Only about 30 countries have their own online invasive species databases  With about 195 countries in the world, we have large data gaps

6 Global Invasive Species Information Network  Has been in existence since 2004 with the purpose of providing a platform to share IAS information via the Internet and other digital means. 

7 2004: Global Experts Meeting to implement GISIN (Baltimore) 2005: Cooper & Browne create IAS-PS Brief history of GISIN 2006: TDWG Invasive Species Interest Group 2007: Test implementation of data sharing protocol at the GISIN portal 2008: 1st and 2nd data providers' workshops (June & August)

8 GISIN Participant Diversity  Invasive species information managers can be roughly grouped into 3 categories:  Online database owners/operators  Those seeking to create an invasive species information system  Scientists collecting invasive species information, but not databasing it

9 GISIN Progress  Our "standards options"  Part of the Observations Interest Group, or separate? (Separate)  Create a schema that is all inclusive like the IAS-PS, or minimalist like the GISIN protocol? (Both, but implement the simple one for now)  Use DiGIR to share information, or something new? (Something new)  Use the TAPIR protocol, or TAPIR-light? (TAPIR-light)  Darwin Core and Dublin Core and LSIDs and what taxonomic information service?

10 GISIN Workshop Sponsors  Group on Earth Observations  US National Biological Information Infrastructure  US National Aeronautics & Space Administration

11 GISIN Early Adopters  Five data providers so far:  SERC-NEMESIS (Smithsonian Environmental Research Center's National Exotic Marine and Estuarine Species Information System)  FishBase (Global Fish Information System)  NIISS (US National Institute of Invasive Species Science)  I3N-Argentina (Agentine database of the Invasives Information Network of the Inter-American Biodiversity Information Network)  GLIFWC (US Great Lakes Indian Fish and Wildlife Commission)

12 How has TDWG failed us?  GISIN has been encouraged to develop itself as an extension to Darwin Core  Element designation example: Temnothorax  But "dc:" means Dublin Core!  Proper abbreviation is "DwC:"  Difficult to be an extension of a 'standard' with so many 'flavors'

13 How has TDWG failed us?

14 Standards Creation Protocol  How many people to include?  How do we know when we've reached agreement?  How long will it take?  What should our product look like?

15 TDWG is overwhelmingly supported by academicians who enjoy solving biodiversity data problems with complex solutions.

16 Not always best to do as told Aristolochia flower although used in medicine is poisonous

17 TAPIR Compliant  Ping: Simple call to insure the service is available  Metadata: Default operation to retrieve basic information about the service  Capabilities: Requests which operations are supported and for which Models  Inventory: Requests the type of records a provider has for a particular Model and, optionally, how many  Search: Requests a set of requested records for a particular Model

18 Information for the Data Model 'SpeciesStatus' Common Concepts for 'SpeciesStatus' IDName Requi redParameter Fiel dTypeValues 68Citation NoYesString 66Concept YesNoString Any defined values for the specified model. If there are no Concept parameters, all supported concepts are returned. 64Count YesNoStringtrue or false for the parameter, field returned is the number of records 13CountryCode Yes StringSee United Nations Country CodesUnited Nations Country Codes 15CountryName Yes StringSee Protocol Specification on LocationsProtocol Specification on Locations 52DateLastModified NoYesDateSee Protocol Specification on Dates.Protocol Specification on Dates 56 DateLastModifiedM ax YesNoDateSee Protocol Specification on Dates.Protocol Specification on Dates 55 DateLastModifiedMi n YesNoDateSee Protocol Specification on Dates.Protocol Specification on Dates 11EndValidDate NoYesDateSee Protocol Specification on Dates.Protocol Specification on Dates 20Kingdom Yes Enumerate d Monera, Protista, Fungi, Plantae, Animalia 17LanguageCode Yes Enumerate d 65Limit YesNoInteger 16LocalityName Yes StringSee Protocol Specification on LocationsProtocol Specification on Locations 92Memo NoYesString 19ScientificNameYes String Examples of scientific names include: Tamarix; Tamarix ramossissima; Tamarix ramossissima Ledeb.; Boiga irregularis Merrem, 1802; Moerckia hibernica var. wilsoniana Gottsche; Epipenaeon ingens latifrons Bourdon, 1979; Symphyotrichum lanceolatum ssp. hesperium var. hesperium (Gray) 63Start YesNoInteger 10StartValidDate NoYesDateSee Protocol Specification on Dates.Protocol Specification on Dates 14StateName Yes String 53USA_FIPSCode Yes StringSee Protocol Specification on LocationsProtocol Specification on Locations 54USA_HUC Yes StringSee Protocol Specification on LocationsProtocol Specification on Locations 58ValidDateMax YesNoDateSee Protocol Specification on Dates.Protocol Specification on Dates 57ValidDateMin YesNoDateSee Protocol Specification on Dates.Protocol Specification on Dates

19 Concepts for 'SpeciesStatus' IDName Requi red Parame terFieldTypeValues 5Abundance Yes Enumerated Dominant, Common, Rare, Zero, Unknown, Monoculture 4Distribution Yes Enumerated Widespread, Moderate, Localized, Unknown 8HarmfulYes EnumeratedYes, No, Potentially, Unknown 97LocalityStandard Yes Enumerated USA_FIPS, USA_HUC, AR_PostalCode 96LocalityType Yes Enumerated State/Province, County, Postal code, Watershed 98LocalityValue Yes String 1OriginYes EnumeratedIndigenous, Exotic, Unknown 3Persistence Yes Enumerated Persistent, Temporary, Transient, DiedOut, Unknown 2PresenceYes Enumerated Absent, SometimesPresent, Present, Unknown, Reported 93PublicationDate NoYesDateSee Protocol Specification on Dates.Protocol Specification on Dates 7RateOfSpread Yes EnumeratedRapid, Moderate, Slow, Unknown 9RegulatoryListing Yes Enumerated Prohibited, Restricted, NotConsidered, Unknown 6Trend Yes EnumeratedStable, Declining, Unknown, Expanding

20 Concepts for 'Occurrence' IDName Req uiredParameterFieldTypeValues 75Accuracy NoYesFloating Point 77AccuracyMax YesNoFloating Point 76AccuracyMin YesNoFloating Point 72CollectionDateMax YesNoDate See Protocol Specification on Dates.Protocol Specification on Dates 71CollectionDateMin YesNoDate See Protocol Specification on Dates.Protocol Specification on Dates 74EndCollectionDate NoYesDate See Protocol Specification on Dates.Protocol Specification on Dates 73StartCollectionDate NoYesDate See Protocol Specification on Dates.Protocol Specification on Dates 95TemporalPrecision NoYesEnumeratedDay, Month, Year

21 Concepts for 'SpeciesResourceURL' IDName Requir ed Para meterFieldTypeValues 91Description NoYesString 94ResourceType Yes Enumerat ed Profile, Expert list, Image, Video, Reference list 90Title NoYesString 69URL NoYesStringA full URL starting with 'http://'

22 Data Model Summary  Three stable GISIN data models:  Occurrences (based on Darwin Core)  SpeciesStatus (native or not, harmful or not, etc.)  ResourceURLs (where results are lists of URLs containing a species profile, image, video, reference list, or experts list)  Four more under development:  ManagementStatus  DispersalStatus  ImpactStatus  Citations

23 Technology & Biology Don't Always Mix Lessons Learned Image by Avi Abrams

24 Thank you!

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