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Writing an Objective Summary

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1 Writing an Objective Summary

2 Writing an Objective Summary
Writing an objective summary involves recording the main ideas of a text while showing your understanding of the topic. Objective means: No opinions No reactions No personal connections No quotes Just the facts!

3 What is an objective summary?
A good objective summary: Focuses on the main idea and only the details that support it Brief Accurate Objective

4 What to Avoid in an Objective Summary
Do not copy any part of the original source (no quotes). Is not long and detailed Does not include any opinions or reactions

5 What should a complete paragraph include?
Topic sentence 3-4 details from the text, stated in your own words (or more if the text is very long). DO NOT copy from the text! Concluding sentence

6 Topic Sentence for a summary
A. Name It: Identify the title of the text and the author. B. Verb It: Use one of the following “summary” verbs: shows, describes, explains, discusses, lists, explores, illustrates, teaches, compares, states. C. CI (central Idea): Identify the central idea of the text.

7 Name it Verb it Central idea

8 “Stomp Out Bullying” by Jennifer Fox
Name it Verb it Central idea “Stomp Out Bullying” by Jennifer Fox why bullying is a problem and how it can be solved. shows

9 out of four teens is bullied
Topic sentence: The article “Stomp Out Bullying” by Jennifer Fox shows why bullying is a problem and how it can be solved. Details: out of four teens is bullied many schools and organizations have established anti-bullying programs to address this problem students should speak up when they are bullied or when they see bullying happen Concluding sentence: Bullying is a very real problem, especially in schools, but there are ways to help end it.

10 How this looks in a paragraph
The article “Stomp Out Bullying” by Jennifer Fox shows why bullying is a problem and how it can be solved. The article discusses how one out of four teens is bullied. In fact, many schools and organizations have established anti-bullying programs to address this problem. To help stop bullying, students should speak up when they are bullied or when they see bullying happen. Bullying is a very real problem, especially in schools, but there are ways to help end it.

11 explores Name it Verb it Central idea
what happens when a character lies and the rewards that come from telling the truth. The animated movie “Pinocchio” explores

12 Pinocchio’s nose grows when he tells lies
Topic sentence: The animated movie “Pinocchio” explores what happens when a character lies and the rewards the come from telling the truth. Details: Pinocchio’s nose grows when he tells lies He gets into all sorts of trouble when he lies When he tells the truth and risks his own life to save another, he is able to become a real boy and gains a father. Concluding sentence: Lying may seem like the easy way out, but the rewards that come from telling the truth can be substantial and therefore are worth the effort.

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