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Diploma in Management & Leadership Level 5 Week 1 Lesson 3 Financial Control By Anjum Sattar 21/10/2015 Water Only.

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Presentation on theme: "Diploma in Management & Leadership Level 5 Week 1 Lesson 3 Financial Control By Anjum Sattar 21/10/2015 Water Only."— Presentation transcript:

1 Diploma in Management & Leadership Level 5 Week 1 Lesson 3 Financial Control By Anjum Sattar Email 21/10/2015 Water Only

2 Aims and Objectives. Aim (s) Recap of previous session. Introduction to Harvard Reference How MS word can be use for Harvard Reference Through using MS word how we can create table of contents Objective(s) Learner will be able to…. Use Harvard reference Use MS word for reference Create table of contents through using MS word 21/10/2015

3 Harvard Referencing Be consistent and precise!

4 4 During this session, you’ll learn: What is a reference? Why reference? When to reference How to reference Within your assignment At the end of your assignment

5 5 What is a Reference? A way of showing that you have recognised another person’s work ideas or opinions and that you have acknowledged it in your work by referring to the source. This is often called citing a reference.

6 6 Why Reference? Part of the marking criteria Demonstrates your reading & research Provides a check against plagiarism An acknowledgement that you have borrowed other people’s ideas, work or opinions As an aid to help others trace your information sources In order to meet copyright regulations

7 7 When to Reference When you ‘lift’ material directly from a source – a book, journal or the Internet When you take an idea, theory, argument or viewpoint from a source that is not your own When you summarise or paraphrase another person’s work

8 8 Referencing in context Read and Take Notes Assignment Evidence to support your ideas or argument Paraphrase Direct quote Acknowledge sources used Briefly, in your text In full, at the end

9 9 How to Reference There are various systems for referencing. Harvard system (Author/Date) is the most popular and recommended by the University You need to reference in two places: Brief details, within the main body of your assignment Full details, at the end of your assignment

10 10 Useful verbs and phrases for introducing direct quotes As X states/ believes/ suggests /indicates/ points out / observes/ explains/ argues/ outlines/ contradicts / proposes, “…….”. For example, X has argued that “……”. According to X, “…….”. X suggests/ believes/ observes that “…..”.

11 11 How to Reference: Direct Quotations As Brown (2002, p136) states, “The critical breakthrough was achieved by Thomas Hunt Morgan.” According to Brown (2002, p136), “The critical breakthrough was achieved by Thomas Hunt Morgan” Thomas Hunt Morgan has recently been described as achieving “the critical breakthrough” (Brown, 2002, p136) Larger quotes (3 lines +): Start quote on new line and indent. No need to use quotation marks.

12 12 How to reference paraphrases Thomas Hunt Morgan made the connection between partial linkage and the behaviour of chromosomes when the nucleus of a cell divides. This breakthrough was proved to be critical. (Brown, 2002).

13 13 Referencing at the end of your assignment References or Bibliography – what’s the difference? Reference list – a single alphabetical list by author of everything you have specifically mentioned in your assignment Bibliography – a list of sources you have read but not specifically mentioned in your assignment

14 14 BOOKS BOOKS Include the following information: Author(s) / Editor(s) / Organisation Year in brackets Title and Subtitle (Italics). Series (if present). Edition. Place of publication, Publisher.

15 15 A book Reece, I. & Walker, S. (2003) Teaching, Training and Learning; a practical guide. 5 th ed. Sunderland: Business Education Publishers. This would be referred to in your text as Reece & Walker (2003) or, if you need to give a specific page reference, as Reece & Walker (2003, p189). Note that the title is given in italics. Author (s) Date of Publication Title (Italics) Place of Publication Publisher

16 16 How to Reference: Multiple Authors 3 or fewer authors: Cutler, Williams, & Williams, (1986) believe that the fermentation process is prolonged by such low temperatures. 4 or more authors: Matlock, et al. (1996) discussed the use of electronic databases.

17 17 Example Exercise You have read a book called ‘New directions in action research’. It was published in 1996. The location of the publisher is London. The publishers name is Falmer Press and it was written by Ortrun Zuber-Skerritt. Translate this into a Harvard Reference

18 18 Right order and punctuation Zuber-Skerritt, O. (1996) New directions in action research. London, Falmer Press.

19 19 Correct Reference Zuber-Skerritt, O. (1996) New directions in action research. London, Falmer Press.

20 20 Journal Articles Journal Articles Include the following information: Author(s) of article Year of publication (in brackets) Article title. Journal title (Italics), Volume, Part, Issue, Month/Season Page numbers.

21 21 A journal article Gleeson, D. & Hodkinson, P. (1995) Ideology and curriculum policy: GNVQ and mass post-compulsory education in England and Wales, British Journal of Education and Work, 8 (3), p 5-19. Refer to this as you would to a book, thus: Gleeson & Hodkinson (1995). Note that the title of the article is in normal sentence case; it is the title of the journal that is given italic title case. Quotation marks may be used around the title of the article. Author(s) Date of Publication Journal (Italics) Page numbers Volume and issue No Title of Article

22 22 Example Exercise You have read in a journal called ‘Studies in Higher Education’ an article called ‘Learning to Learn: more than a skills set.’ It is written by Mike Rawson. It was published in 2006. It is issue number 2. It is on pages 225 - 238 and is volume number 25. Translate this into a Harvard Reference

23 23 Right order and punctuation Rawson, M. (2006) Learning to Learn: more that a skill set. Studies in Higher Education, 25 (2) p 225-238.

24 24 Correct Reference Rawson, M. (2006) Learning to Learn: more that a skill set. Studies in Higher Education, 25 (2) p225-238.

25 25 Newspaper Article Newspaper Article In the bibliography: e.g. Baty, P. (1998) Learners are born, says report. Times Higher Education Supplement, 16th January, p5.

26 26 ‘In’ References ‘In’ References Include the following information: Author of chapter/section Year of publication (in brackets) Title of chapter/section. In: Author / Editor of collected work Title of the collected work (Italics). Place of publication, Publisher’s name, Page numbers.

27 27 ‘In’ References ‘In’ References In the bibliography: e.g. Porter, M.A. (1993) The modification of method in researching postgraduate education. In: Burgess, R.G. ed. The research process in educational settings: ten case studies. London, Falmer Press, p17-28.

28 28 Web Pages Web Pages Include the following information: Author(s) / Editor(s) if known (if no author put organisation eg BBC) Year (in brackets) if no date put [date anon] Title (Italics) Available from: (http etc) [Date accessed].

29 29 Web Page Web Page In the bibliography: Rowett, S. (1998) Higher Education for capability: autonomous learning for life and work. Available from: [Accessed 8 August 2000]. The Architecture Foundation. (1999) Architecture Foundation Online [online]. Available from: [Accessed 17 August 2001].

30 30 URL AuthorTitle Date of Article

31 31 Right order and punctuation Curtis, P. (April 2003) Clark challenges LEA’s over schools shortfall, Available at:,,94 2704,00.html [Accessed 30 th October 2006]

32 32 Correct Reference Curtis, P. (April 2003) Clark challenges LEA’s over schools shortfall Available at:,,942704,00. html [Accessed 30 th October 2006]

33 33 Electronic Journal Articles Electronic Journal Articles Include the following information: Author(s) / Editor(s) Year (in brackets) Title of article. Title of journal (Italics) [type of medium] i.e. CDRom or Internet Date of publication, volume, issue, page number Available from: [Date accessed].

34 34 Electronic Journal Electronic Journal In the bibliography: e.g. Glasbergen, P. & Groenenberg, R. (2001) Environmental partnerships in sustainable energy. European Environment [Internet], January/February, 11 (1), p1-13. Available from: [Accessed 12 August 2001].

35 35 Online images Online images Include the following information: Title of image, or a description (Italics). Year (in brackets) [Online image] or [Online video]. Available from: Filename including extension [Date accessed].

36 36 Online images Online images In the bibliography: e.g. Hubble space telescope release in the space shuttle’s payload bay. (1997) [Online image]. Available from: s31-04-015.gif [Accessed 6 July 1997]. s31-04-015.gif

37 37 Now Try This student/harvard Try sections 2 and 3 Getting the source right Getting the reference right

38 38 And Finally

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