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Presentation of findings Bjarne Berg UNCC December 5 th, 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation of findings Bjarne Berg UNCC December 5 th, 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation of findings Bjarne Berg UNCC December 5 th, 2006

2 Issue and Literature As companies have become more focused on IT expenditures over the last few years, some organizations have decided to outsource parts of their on-line transaction processing systems (OLTP). The predictive factors for success in outsourcing IT, as well as the factors actually being considered, have been established in the literature. This paper builds on this research and examines if there are different factors that are considered when outsourcing decision support systems (DSS), and if so, if there are differences in the factors considered for large, medium and small organization; or if the competitive strategies of the organizations influences the factors that are considered.

3 Measures from Literature

4 Survey Instrument

5 Responses from 5 conferences March-Nov. 2006

6 Findings – Company size matters – 2 factor Anova Note: 268 respondents did not engage in any form of outsroucing and was not planning to do so either (within 3 years) or had no responses to factors considered. Sample size is therefore 1577

7 ..


9 Significant Differences between factors considered for outsourcing OLTP Vs. DSS* *95% confidence; n=1577

10 Strategy Determination – Minikowski clustering

11 Findings Strategy Note: 44 did not identify company size, n= 1845; total return size = 1889

12 Outsourcing factors most important to a niche Strategy

13 Outsourcing factors most important to a low cost producer

14 Outsourcing factors most important to a differentiator

15 Future direction of Outsourcing

16 Lots of work left to be done Question and Answers

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