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YEAR 11 ADVISORY. ACADEMIC PRINCIPAL The academic principals with float week by week between the three year level meetings. A-level –Stu Hirst AP – Mark.

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2 ACADEMIC PRINCIPAL The academic principals with float week by week between the three year level meetings. A-level –Stu Hirst AP – Mark White IB – Jhony Arias

3 TOPICS OF LAST MEETING Attendance Policy – New policy created from two previous documents Plagiarism Policy – First draft completed Academic dishonesty presentation – Nick Nightingale – still under discussion Discipline Matrix – Translation of Chinese document underway Clear Role of Advisor – Mentor (Chinese advisor) / Advisor (subject advisor) / Counselor (CCC) Wikispace – Up and running

4 ADVISOR/STUDENT BREAKDOWN A level 69 Students 6 Advisors (Raymond honorary A-level) Average of 11.5 students per advisor AP/IB 114 Students 10 Advisors Average of 11.4 Student per advisor Max of 13 Min of 8

5 1 ST SEMESTER ADVISORY UNITS Unit 1: Organization In this unit students learn to manage their time more effectively. Students learn organizations strategies for both inside/outside the classroom. Students work with their mentors to establish systems for being more organized in school. Unit 2: Academic Honesty In this unit students learn proper citation methods. Students are made aware of plagiarism policies and the consequences for those actions. Students learn to be responsible in their schoolwork. MLA, Harvard, and APA citation methods will be covered. Dates:

6 MLAHarvardAPA KirstenSaraJulieStuCameronRaymond LizAlejandroAnnKarlSamuelJeanette BrandonEricPageDouglasAlwinChris Karyn Advisory session date: MLA – Sept 29 th, Oct 20 th Harvard – Nov 17 th, Dec 1 st Dec 15 th Christmas Holiday APA – Dec 29 th, Jan 12 th

7 WHAT TO FOCUS ON Importance of avoiding plagiarism General outline for in-text and citation page When to use each programme (MLA-English/Social Sciences, Harvard-U.K., APA-Math/Science) Where to find online resources

8 GENERAL CLASSROOM PROCEDURES FOR TEACHERS All Subject teachers will: Be in class and ready to teach before the bell rings. Take attendance via Engrade Be proactive in terms of classroom management. Ensure students use technology only when appropriate and in an appropriate way Follow the discipline matrix Only leave the classroom (during a lesson) for an emergency Make appropriate arrangements if he/she will be late or absent for a lesson. Ensure their class finishes on time.

9 GENERAL CLASSROOM PRACTICE FOR TEACHERS Each classroom should be decorated according to the subject(s) being taught in the room. Student work makes great decorations Classroom ICT should be checked often and faulty equipment should be reported to the Teaching Assistant in a timely manner No food or drinks (except water) are allowed in the classroom Only relevant teaching items should be in the room Teachers should ensure students have taken all personal belongings out of the classroom as well as any rubbish. The last person that leaves the subject classroom needs to turn off lights, computers and locks the doors for security purposes.

10 STUDENT ABSENCES DUE TO EXTERNAL TESTS Keep up-to-date records when a student will be gone for SAT or other testing. What is the best way to collect this information?

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