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Our approach to school wide positive behavior system. Kennemer Middle School.

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Presentation on theme: "Our approach to school wide positive behavior system. Kennemer Middle School."— Presentation transcript:

1 Our approach to school wide positive behavior system. Kennemer Middle School

2 PBIS Quiz

3 Why use PBS- Positive Behavior Systems We are introducing to you a system to reward students who exhibit good behavior, who come to school, who make good grades, and who make GOOD choices because these are the behaviors we want in ALL students.

4 5 Step Process Implementing the Positive Behavior system (PBS) in your school…..What can we expect?? Learn how to focus your time and energy rewarding positive behavior rather than allowing negative behavior within your classroom or school. See results with a simple five step process. 1) Defining a set of clear rules and expectations; 2) Teaching the expected behaviors to students; 3) Providing increased levels of praise and rewards for appropriate social behaviors; 4) Monitoring students behavior to provide consistent enforcement of the rules; 5) Utilizing frequent summary data about student behavior to evaluate progress and further develop intervention plans.


6 Our Population Triangle Activity

7 Looking at the Data…

8 When are our students getting in trouble? January241 February 255 March 155 April 165 May150 June4 2009-2010 Referrals =1673 August 12 September 147 October 206 November 202 December 136

9 Baseline 2009-2010 Referral Total = 1673


11 1673 referrals What if each student ONLY missed 20 minutes when a referral was written and sent to the office? We lost over 373 HOURSof class time. We lost over 47 DAYS. Almost 10 WEEKS were lost… OVER 2 MONTHS! That does not even account for time spent in the office waiting to be seen, classroom detentions, ISS, or out of school suspensions. It’s all about time…

12 Office Referral Guidelines

13 Does it matter? We had the lowest failure rate, but we can do better.

14 Break Time

15 Group Activity Give each group will get 1 scenarios: Step 1: Teachers will work with their team to determine how to respond to the behavior scenario. Step 2: Using poster paper, Team 1 will present to Team 2 and Team 2 will present to Team 1 and so on. Step 3: One representative from each team will share their profound moments with the entire group. Step 4 – Post results around the room for all to view.

16 Addressing our Common Areas Common Areas Hallways Staircase Restrooms

17 Map of School

18 Arrival Doors open at 8:30 am. for breakfast and tutoring. ID badge must be on and in dress code upon entering the building. Must purchase an ID badge if badge is lost Students will be dismissed by administration by 8:50 for class.

19 Hallways and Stairs Student Expectations: Respect adults, peers, and property. Walk on the right side of the hallway at all times. Avoid congregating in clusters that block traffic – WALK & TALK. No pushing or horseplay Walk behind the person in front of you for class activities such as the library, assembly, and computer lab. Talk quietly in a conversational tone (inside voice) only to the person beside you. Stop and pick up trash and deposit in the nearest receptacle. Have a hall pass whenever you leave the classroom. Arrive on time.

20 RESTROOM Student Expectations: Enter in an orderly way. Avoid Congregating – GO, FLUSH, WASH, LEAVE No pushing or horse playing. Act appropriately and talk quietly in a conversational tone (inside voice). Student will respect others right to privacy. Student will dispose of trash and deposit in the nearest receptacle. No vandalism and tagging. Respect persons, peers, and property.


22 Wk 1 Daily Schedule 1 st period – Non-Negotiables 2 nd period – Hallways – Non-Negotiables 3 rd period – Staircase – Non-Negotiables 4 th period – Restroom – Non- Negotiables 5 th period - Non-Negotiables 6 th period – Non-Negotiables 7 th period - NonNegotiables

23 Motivational Video

24 Break Time

25 In implementing PBS- Positive Behavior System…. What can you expect?

26 Rewards in classrooms and common areas Teacher will issue tickets on a weekly basis good behavior, and following the rules. Student will drop the ticket in the PRIDE PRIZE box located in the cafeteria at the end of the week. Drawings will be held every Friday. P.R.I.D.E. POINTS

27 HALLWALKER P.R.I.D.E. POINTS Point System- Students will earn incentive points for specific behaviors per schedule. (put a picture of a calendar page here)


29 PBIS & PBL Working Together POSITIVE BEHAVIORAL INTERVENTION & SUPPORT PROFESSIONAL LEARNING COMMUNITIES Data Driven Decision Collaborative Commitment Research Based Intervention Student Centered

30 It’s Not Just About Behavior STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT Good Teaching Behavior Management

31 Activity/Video Groups will do the department PRIDE activity.

32 It’s All About P.R.I.D.E. Video Teacher Teacher Utube Video

33 TEAM NAME GOLD TEAM Goal Oriented Leaders of Discipline GOLD TEAM

34 Kennemer Middle School

35 Consensus Tool PBS- Straw Vote (1 to 5) 5 – Whole hearted, call on me 4 - Whole hearted support 3 - It’s ok, neither like or dislike 2 - I have questions/concerns 1 – Can’t live with it

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