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Analysis over time Sandra Short Time Use Survey & Omnibus Survey.

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1 Analysis over time Sandra Short Time Use Survey & Omnibus Survey

2 What will be included UK 2000/01 Time Use Survey summary NS Omnibus Survey & time diaries in 2005 Comparison of 2000/01 with 2005 process and results Others who use the NS Omnibus survey to create a time series

3 UK 2000/01 Time Use Survey Household survey for 12 months including: CAPI Household questionnaire Individual questionnaire Self-completion 2 x 24 hr diaries – 1 week day + 1 weekend day 7 day work & education sheet

4 UK 2000/01 Time Use Survey Time diaries Diary in 10 minute time slots Own words description of main activity Plus secondary activity Where they were Tick box for who they were with Main & secondary activities coded to 260 activity codes

5 Triangulation Pre-coded diaries on NS Omnibus Survey in May 1995 & May 1999 Improved upon for a diary in July 2001 whilst the full TUS was still in the field Direct comparison of 2 diary methods for same time period Minor improvements made for pre-coded diary used in 2005

6 NS Omnibus survey time diary NS Omnibus individual survey in 4 separate months included: CAPI Omnibus classificatory questions Pre-coded paper diary with interviewer 1 designated diary day which may have been up to 2 days before the interview

7 NS Omnibus Survey time diary Time diaries Diary in 10 minute time slots 30 pre-coded activities Plus secondary activity Home or elsewhere

8 UK 2000/01 TUS v 2005 NS Omnibus Fieldwork TUS – 12 months Omni - 4 months – Feb, June, Sep, Nov RespondentsTUS - All in household aged 8+ Omni - 1 person in household aged 16+ Diary dayTUS - 2 designated diary days Omni -1 day (previous day recalled) Completion TUS – self completion Omni – with interviewer Activity detailTUS – own words to 260 codes Omni – 30 pre-codes Location TUS – recorded Omni – Home or elsewhere Who with TUS – recorded Omni – not recorded

9 UK 2000/01 TUS v 2005 NS Omnibus Achieved diariesTUS – 21,000(12mths) Omni – 5,000(4mths) Net diary response rates TUS – 45% Omni – 59%

10 UK 2000/01 TUS v 2005 NS Omnibus Difficulties in using the 2 methods Self-completion v interviewer lead Activity coding frames –Ensuring data was comparable –Improving the 2000 coding The 2005 dataset had to be useful in its own right Detail of analysis possible

11 Time use 2000 to 2005 7 minutes more sleep and rest 31 minutes less housework 4 minutes more childcare 26 minutes more social life 5% less people participated in sport & outdoor activities 15% less people participated in reading

12 Summary Pre-coded diary fieldwork had to take place when main survey was in the field Data from the 2 methods had to be comparable or differences explainable A useful measure at a broad level of whether the use of time is changing Approximately one tenth the cost of a full household time use survey Micro data at the ESDS data archive

13 Other use of the NS Omnibus Survey over time Obtain information on a regular basis where a separate survey cannot be justified Question sets can be altered at short notice to measure the effectiveness of publicity campaigns, awareness of new policies or impacts of other events The Omnibus Survey runs in all 12 months of the year, clients can choose which and how many months meet their particular requirements

14 NS Omnibus client examples Information centre for health and social care –Smoking related behaviour and attitudes –Contraception and sexual health –Drinking: adults behaviour and knowledge Department for work and pensions –Disability Cancer Research UK –Sunsmart National Council for Voluntary Organisations –Charitable giving

15 Conclusion Omnibus survey flexible, efficient and relatively inexpensive way of collecting data over time Omnibus can be used to identify or monitor change over time as in the case of time use data between larger surveys or for time series in their own right UK is currently a world leader in pre-coded time use diaries and Eurostat will be including this option in their next set of time use data collection guidelines

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